Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
Issue 66 - Contains handrails, wooden strips, diecast decorations and circular castings.
Fill and sand the front and rear face of the quarterdeck bulkhead made in the last stage, then paint the from black and the reverse side the same red colour as the forward cladded bulkhead.
Use a pencil and a ruler to mark the centreline of the quarterdeck. Then cut to fit one of the 0.6 x 5 x 300mm basswood strips that came with this issue, and fix it on the left-hand side of the line. Then use furher strips to cover the entire quarterdeck. Trim the rear ends of the strips carefully.
Smooth the deck with fine-grained sandpaper, then simulate the joints and planks nails as shown, then seal the deck with matt varnish.
Paint the interior deck surfaces of the decks that are visible through the four openings on the forecastle, the quarterdeck and poop deck black.
Take the decorations 100 and 101 that came with Issue 64, and the two decorations 101 received with this issue. To identify the pieces, check against the photos.
Smooth the decorations with a metal file, removing any irregularities, then coat them with metal primer, paint them gold and paint black the areas shown to create e relief effect.
Glue two decorations 100 on the ends of the base of the left-hand rail of the deck. The first must about the edge of the forecastle, the second on that of the poop deck.
Similarly, glue two decorations 100 on the base of the rail of the right-hand side of the deck.
Trim the side ends of the bulkheads of the forecastle and quarterdeck, aligning them internally with the railings of the deck. Then retouch the points of the bulkheads where you made the cuts with black paint.
Fix two decorations 101 at the ends of the left-hand side rail, aligning them with the edges of the bulkheads and the decorations fixed earlier. Then repeat to fix the decorations of the right-hand rail.
Thats it for this stage, carefully store the remaining parts.
Future issues:
Issue 67 - Contains shaped wooden frames, balustrade & rails, and wooden strips.
Issue 68 - Contains upper quarterdeck parts, a gun kit, and wooden strips.
Issue 69 - Contains the parapets of the quaterdeck, wooden strips circular frames, decoration parts and buckets.
Issue 70 - Contains wooden strips, grating srtrips, ladder sides, hinges and decoration parts.
Issue 71 - Contains the rudder, hinges, pin-nails and brass rod.Tomick attached the following image(s):
Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
Issue 67 - Contains shaped wooden frames, balustrade & rails, and wooden strips.
Cut-out the two bases of the quarterdeck rails from the fret, and smooth the edges.
Rest the two bases on the side edges of the quarterdeck and check that they fit between the two bulkheads, (do not glue them yet), the arrow side is the underside of the two parts. Then stain them a matt walnut colour.
Put the two bases on the deck again and fix them with glue, making sure to align them with the railings of the deck.
Mark the centre lines of the three convex walls that make up the bulkhead. Then mark holes with a diameter of 12mm. The two outermost ones must fall on the midline of the side walls, the two in the centre at 7mm from the midline of the central wall.
Take the 10 diecast round frames that came with this issue and the six that you received with Issue 66. Use one of them as template to draw the outlines of the holes, then a hole in the centre of each circle and use a round file, make the four openings.
Coat all 16 diecast frames with metal primer, then paint them gold.
Take four of the round frames, check that they fit precisely into the openings made, then glue them into the openings of the quarterdeck bulkhead.
Draw two circles on the bulkhead of the poop deck, placing them on the midline of the side walls. The two openings must have a diameter of 12mm and be 1.5mm from the upper edge. Mark and cut out the two holes as before, the test-fit and glue two round frames in place.
Cut the two top-rails of the quarterdeck from the fret that came with Issue 66, and smooth the edges.
Separate the balustrade of the quarterdeck bulkhead from the fret that came with this issue. Rest the balustrade on the quarterdeck bulkhead, centring it perfectly (do not glue it yet), then place the top-rails of the quarterdeck rails in the position - They must rest on the balustrade and about the poop deck bulkhead.
Mark the position of the ends of the two top-rails on the balustrade, then cut it along the lines drawn.
Paint the balustrade and the two top-rails a matt walnut colour.
Glue the balustrade and the two top rails in place. The front ends of the top rails must be flush with the balustrade, while the rear ends must rest on the poop deck.
Paint a 3x3x300mm strip and a 1.5x1.5x300mm strip a sapele colour.
Using the two strips, prepare and glue the uprights of the quarterdeck rails. To do this, follow the steps on Pages 12 and 13 of Issue 64.
Sand the ends of the uprights from the 3x3x30mm strip so that they are all 3mm higher than the top rails, then touch up the cuts with a sapele stain.
Thats it for this stage, carefully store the remaining parts.
Future issues:
Issue 68 - Contains upper quarterdeck parts, a gun kit and wooden strips.
Issue 69 - Contains the parapets of the quaterdeck, wooden strips circular frames, decoration parts and buckets.
Issue 70 - Contains wooden strips, grating srtrips, ladder sides, hinges and decoration parts.
Issue 71 - Contains the rudder, hinges, pin-nails and brass rod.
Issue 72 - Contains wooden strips, lasser sides, hinges, brass shileds and rudder decorations.
Issue 73 - Contains diecast columns for the left-hand side galleries, a gun kit and a wood strip shaping tool.
Issue 74 - Contains diecast columns for the right-hand side galleries and a wooden strip.Tomick attached the following image(s):
Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
Issue 68 - Contains quarterdeck parts, a gun kit and wooden strips.
Take the deck beam strip left over from the Issue 65 assembly session.
Cut the strip to length, then glue it on the deck brackets of the rib frame at the forward end of the upper quarterdeck.
Cut the bulkhead face from the fret which stands in front of the upper quarterdeck. Adjust to fit, and if the bulkhead is lower than the beam fixed earler, then you need to make up the height difference with one of the 1.5x1.5x300mm strips that came with Issue 67. Glue a strip length onto the top edge of the bulkhead, then set the bulkhead in place to check that the addition of the strip makes its height flush with the beam fixed earlier. Remove the bulkhead and paint it black, and when fully dry, glue the bulkhead in place, then paint the vertical edges of the two sides at the ends of bulkhead black.
Take the upper quarterdeck panel and, without using glue, set it on the deck. It must fit exactly within the sides and have a 1.5mm edge gap at each side.
Cut the bulwark panels of the upper quarterdeck from the fret, paint the inner faces to match the red previously used on the hull. Glue a bulwark panel onto each side of the upper quarterdeck, aligning them with the forward bulkhead, (the red face should face inwards). Then paint the outer face of both panels black.
Test-fit the deck panel oto the deck and make any adjustment to btian a snug fit. Remove the panel, then plank the deck panel using the 0.6x5x300mm basswood srrips as shown in the instructions. Use a pencil to highlight the joints and simulate the nails.
Give the deck a coat of matt varnish, and when dry, glue it in place.
Assemble the cannon kit and the blocks that came with this issue, following the instructions given in Issues 56 (Steps 11 to 19) and 61 (Steps 14 to 22). Use the wire left over from previous sessions.
Thats it for this stage, carefully store the remaining parts.
Future issues:
Issue 69 - Contains the parapets of the quaterdeck, wooden strips circular frames, decoration parts and buckets.
Issue 70 - Contains wooden strips, grating srtrips, ladder sides, hinges and decoration parts.
Issue 71 - Contains the rudder, hinges, pin-nails and brass rod.
Issue 72 - Contains wooden strips, lasser sides, hinges, brass shileds and rudder decorations.
Issue 73 - Contains diecast columns for the left-hand side galleries, a gun kit and a wood strip shaping tool.
Issue 74 - Contains diecast columns for the right-hand side galleries and a wooden strip.Tomick attached the following image(s):
Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
Issue 69 - Contains the parapets of the quaterdeck, wooden strips circular frames, decoration parts and buckets.
If necessary, smooth the edges of the upper quarterdeck bulwarks to level them with the deck planking.
Cut the bases of the parapets of the quarterdeck from the fret, (the arrows printed on the fret indicate the position of the pieces in relation to the bow of the model). Test-fit bases on each side of the quarterdeck, check that they fit neatly between the bulkheads. Make any adjustment then stain the bases a walnut colour. Then gue the in place so that they protrude 1mm beyond the corresponding bulwark.
Use a 1.5x1.5x300mm birch strip, to fill the gap between the inner wall of the transom and the stern crown, at the sides of the large lantern. Then fill any remainig gap with filler and smoth when dry.
Protect the deck and the sides of the upper quarterdeck with masking tape, then paint the wall of the transom black . Once the paint is dry, remove the tape.
Take the bases of the parapets of the upper quarterdeck from the die, smooth the edges with fine-grained sandpaper, then stain them a walnut colour.
Fix the two bases on the bulwarks of the upper quarterdeck. Ensure that the edges near the holes face inwards. The bases must protrude 1mm beyond the bulwarks.
The white circles indicate the holes on the bases that you fixed in the previous step. As you can see, the holes are nearest to the inside of the model.
Cut the gunwales of the parapet and the handrail of the upper quarterdeck bulkhead from the fret. Set the pieces on the hull and, if necessary, make them fit with a craft knife and sandpaper
Check that the two gunwales of the parapet and the handrail of the upper quarterdeck bulkhead fit correctly together and with the other elements of the deck. Remove the two gunwales and the handrail from the hull andpaint them a walnut colour. Glue the two gunwales and the handrail of the upper quarterdeck bulkhead in the position shown in the instructions.
Paint a 1.5x1.5x300mm strip and a 3x3x300mm strip, and then coat them with the protective varnish. Make the uprights of the parapets, as you did for the quarterdeck.
Once completed, the 1.5x1.5mm uprights should be flush with the parapet (white arrows ), while the 3x300mm uprights protrude by 3mm.
Cut the two upper quarterdeck gunwales from the fret, paint them with a walnut colour and coat them with matt varnish, (the rectangular holes should be facing inwards).
Paint a 1.5x1.5x300mm strip a walnut colour, then use it with the two gunwales to make the parapets of the upper quarterdeck. The uprights must be 5.5mm long.
Assemble and finish the three buckets as you did before.
That's it for this stage, carefully store the buckets remaining parts.
Future issues:
Issue 70 - Contains wooden strips, grating srtrips, ladder sides, hinges and decoration parts.
Issue 71 - Contains the rudder, hinges, pin-nails and brass rod.
Issue 72 - Contains wooden strips, lasser sides, hinges, brass shileds and rudder decorations.
Issue 73 - Contains diecast columns for the left-hand side galleries, a gun kit and a wood strip shaping tool.
Issue 74 - Contains diecast columns for the right-hand side galleries and a wooden strip.Tomick attached the following image(s):
Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
Issue 70 - Contains wooden strips, grating srtrips, ladder sides, hinges and decoration parts.
Deck hatches.
You need to make three gratings for the hatches of the forecastle and the quarterdeck. Construct the grating as shown, then cut three smaller pieces from grating as indiucated in the instructions.
Take the shaped forecastle grating, test-fit into the hatch and make any necessary adjustment, then remove it and coat with matt varnish. Then fit and glue the grating, setting it flush with the planking of the deck.
Take the two 1x3x300mm strips supplied with this issue and paint them a walnut colour. Cut two pieces of the strip to size and glue them on the inside edges of the grating of the forecastle. Then paint the inside edges of the hatch a walnut colour. Then glue four pieces of a the 1x3mm cut to size on the edge of the forecastle hatch to make the outer frame of the grating.
Test-fit the two remainig pieces of grating hatches into the deck hatches as shown in the instructions, make any necesary adjustement, remove them and coat themn with matt varnish. The glue both in place so they are flush with the deck planking.
Make the inner frame on the shaped grating and paint the deck edges as you did on the forecastle grating.
Cut eight pieces of 1x3x300mm strip painted a walnutcolour and glue them along the edges of the two hatches as you did before.
Making the ladders.
Take the four sidebands of the ladders that came with this issue. The inner side of these pieces has a series of notches in which to insert the steps. Smooth the pieces with fine-grained sandpaper and paint them a walnut colour.
Insert two ladder sidebands (left and right) into the forecastle hatch and make a mark on them at the height of the outer frame. Cuts the sidebands at that mark.
Cut seven pieces from a 1x5x300mm strip to use as the steps of the first ladder. When calculating the size of the steps, remember that the ladder must fit into the opening of the hatch. Glue the seven steps in the grooves on the inside of one of the two sidebands, checking that they are at a right angle and parallel to one another. Glue the other sideband to finish the ladder.
Cut the top corners of the two sidebands to create a bevel, as shown in the step photo.
Put the ladder inside the forecastle hatch, fixing it in place with glue. The ladder must have a width equal to that of the opening.
Make a second ladder, following the previous steps. Glue the ladder in the aftmost hatch of the two on the quarterdeck.
Make the cover for the upper quarterdeck hatch. Take the 0.6x3x300mm sapele strip supplied with this issue and cut six pieces 21mm long. Glue the pieces of strip on the hatch, as shown in the photos. Give them a coat of varnish.
Cut the two hinges and a decoration from the brass fret that came with this issue. Glue the three brass pieces on hatch cover, as shown in the step photo.
Eyebolts and rings.
Take the 42 rings that came with this issue and the same number of eyebolts that came with Issue 63. Blacken the rings and eyebolts with a 'brass blackening' fluid (such as Krick) before assembly.
Use pliers to open each eyebolt, insert a ring and then close the eyebolt.
Put two strips of masking tape on the left-hand side of the hull so that the upper edge is aligned with the middle of the gunports of the first and second gundecks.
Mark the intermediate points between one gunport and the next on the upper edge of the two strips of masking tape. Drill a hole with a 0.5mm bit at each mark. Remove the two strips of masking tape from the side, then insert and glue an eyebolt with a ring in each hole .
Repeat on the other side of the model (21 rings on each side of the model).
Thats it for this stage, carefully store the remaining parts.
Future issues:
Issue 71 - Contains the rudder, hinges, pin-nails and brass rod.
Issue 72 - Contains wooden strips, lasser sides, hinges, brass shileds and rudder decorations.
Issue 73 - Contains diecast columns for the left-hand side galleries, a gun kit and a wood strip shaping tool.
Issue 74 - Contains diecast columns for the right-hand side galleries and a wooden strip.Tomick attached the following image(s):