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Adam's SotS Build Options
#1 Posted : 22 April 2014 05:10:59

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Ahoy fellow shipbuilders.

I have finally managed to kick off and progress into my SotS build, well as far as Issue 6 anyhow (I am obtaining the issues weekly from the newsagent). I intend to build the cannons at a later stage. This is mainly for ease of priming and painting the parts in one hit. I am also searching the net to identify alternatives and techniques to using the wire for securing the blocks to the cannon.

Anyhow, the keel and bulkhead frames have been assembled and dry fit. On receipt of the final keel and bulkhead parts (Issue 7?) the intention is to construct the "dry dock" and commence squaring up the keel. I have an assortment of right angle brackets that I need to check and adjust as required so that they are square.

I will be leaving the bulkhead frames dry fit until receipt of the first decking. Looking at other builds it appears that there is a risk of the decks not aligning square due to bulkhead frames that are slightly off square. One step at a time, but keeping in mind the steps and planning ahead as well.

(Hopefully the pictures attach OK. Still have my training wheels on learning how to drive the forum posts).


AdamHall attached the following image(s):
#2 Posted : 22 April 2014 05:22:10

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Hi Adam

First welcome to the forum. BigGrin

Your build is looking good so far.Cool

Most of us are in same boat (pun) regarding waiting on issue 7 to finish off false keel.

You'll find all the help you need anytime on the forum from long standing model ship builders. You only meed to ask the questions. From your wording it appears you have already had a good look re other builds and new member questions.BigGrin


Building HMS SOTS
#3 Posted : 22 April 2014 10:46:12

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#4 Posted : 22 April 2014 11:05:08

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Great start Adam, and congrat's on your first medal Cool
#5 Posted : 25 April 2014 14:24:29

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Thanks for the welcome. Much appreciated.


#6 Posted : 25 April 2014 14:27:44

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Tomick wrote:
Great start Adam, and congrat's on your first medal Cool

Thanks for the medal Mr T. Cheers.ThumpUp
#7 Posted : 25 April 2014 15:06:49

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Further progress has been made on the build over the past few days. With the aft keel section available in issue 7, construction of the dry dock began in earnest. First I had to check that the angle brackets were square. Of the four packets of brackets I had available and not one of the brackets were square.

Constructed a temporary jig to align the keel with the centreline pencil mark. The spirit level provided a straight length sturdy brace when clamped.

I started off fastening the brackets to the base board with the countersunk screws supplied with the brackets. I found that if the pilot holes for the screws were not dead centre, the brackets were unable to be positioned flush against the keel. I found this a tedious evolution and eventually used flat washers. This significantly sped up the process.

Now that the all of the keel sections are assembled, the sheer size of the ship is becoming apparent. She sure is going to be huge.


AdamHall attached the following image(s):
#8 Posted : 25 April 2014 15:47:18

Rank: Super-Elite

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nice start adam,good to see another build on the forum.
Current builds: SotS, USS Consitution, San Felipe, D51 loco, HMS Surprise, RB7, Arab Dhow, Jotika HMS Victory
Completed builds: HMS Pickel, Thermopylae, Mississipi river boat, Mary Rose, Cutty Sark, San Francisco II, HMS Victory x5, Titanic Lifeboat, Panart HMS Victory Launch, Hachette Titanic, Virginia Schooner, Endeavour Longboat.

#9 Posted : 29 April 2014 14:58:07

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Great start with the keel section. The solid pine board is of some concern as it tends to warp over time. Plywood or Melamine is a good alternative too.

Do not forget to fair the piece at rib #27 before gluing all in place.
"Rather try and fail than had failed to try".

Sovereign of the Seas

Model Space forum: Marcel's build
#10 Posted : 13 May 2014 15:18:32

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G'day folks,

It has been a few weeks since my last post, however the build is still progressing at a steady pace. Frames 26 & 27 from Issue #9 are assembled and dry fitted to the keel. From the look of it the aft section is going to be fairly large in stature and a prominent feature. One minor concern is that Frame 27 is an extremely loose fit and this was without any filing / sanding of the slotted sections on the keel or frame. All previous frames were a snug and firm fit. However, this is not the case with Frame 27. There is approximately 5 degrees of movement (both to port and stbd) when looking from above. I guess that this will be a matter of watch and wait as the additional pieces for this area are available for assembly.

Progress has also been made on the assembly of the launch as per the photos below. I encountered a slight boo boo with bow former piece #3 and its assembly on the rib frame #1. When attached to the assembly jig there was an air gap between the bow former and the jig. As glue was only applied to the keyway slot, I was not confident that the bow former would remain attached under any punishment encountered in fairing this section. So I inserted a deck plank left over from a previous build as an additional foundation.

Fairing of the launch continues. Just have the bow section to complete. Not quite sure how pointed this area is supposed to be taking into account the planks that are to be attached as well as the keel.
AdamHall attached the following image(s):
#11 Posted : 13 May 2014 17:00:28

Rank: Super-Elite

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nice clean build,well done,Cool
Current builds: SotS, USS Consitution, San Felipe, D51 loco, HMS Surprise, RB7, Arab Dhow, Jotika HMS Victory
Completed builds: HMS Pickel, Thermopylae, Mississipi river boat, Mary Rose, Cutty Sark, San Francisco II, HMS Victory x5, Titanic Lifeboat, Panart HMS Victory Launch, Hachette Titanic, Virginia Schooner, Endeavour Longboat.

#12 Posted : 14 May 2014 03:06:41

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Hi Adam BigGrin

Row Boat looking very good and nice clean work. Cool Cool

Will look in to see how you got on with planking. BigGrin

Just ensure you don't glue planking to item 3's or after separation from base you'll have to sand away what's left of them and it is a difficult spot to get to at the bow to take out cleanly because hard up against first rib.

Building HMS SOTS
#13 Posted : 15 May 2014 11:11:35

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Looks great Adam.

Like your meticulous work!

#14 Posted : 16 May 2014 02:28:25

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Thank you for looking in and your replies. The encouragement certainly helps with the build.

I have now completed the fairing of the launch and intending to lay the first planks this weekend. I'm thinking that this will need a clear head and steady hand and not something I can tackle during the weekday after work.

Thanks for the reminder George regarding the bow former Item 3. This is and area that is definitely worth some thought. I'm thinking of placing a piece of Glad Wrap over it and also sandwich some between the launch rib. I need to experiment with some test pieces to determine whether the superglue I will be using on the planks will not stick to the Glad Wrap. Hopefully not.......


#15 Posted : 18 May 2014 15:47:26

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Some further progress with the launch. I applied some 1" x 1" square pieces of double folded Glad Wrap (aka |Cling Wrap) to the bow formers. This is intended to prevent the planks bonding to the bow former when glue is applied to the adjacent rib (well that's the plan). Prior experimentation with superglue gel and a plank off-cut identified that the superglue will not bond to the Glad Wrap. With this in mind, commenced laying the first pair of planks, the sheer strakes.

To avoid applying too much superglue gel directly from the squeeze bottle nozzle to the launch rib and the plank, I first squeezed a tiny amount onto a take-away container lid. Then used the end of a rounded cocktail stick to gather up the required amount and then applied the gel to the desired area on the launch rib. Working progressively from fwd to aft one rib at a time, particular care was taken not to open up the space between the plank and the rib when applying the superglue.

To avoid getting my fingers bonded to the superglue, a further piece of the take-away lid was cut out apply pressure to the area. A small amount of glue does weep out from the joint and can easily cause fingers to bond to the timber. I found that sufficient pressure could be applied to area and there was a certain degree of spring if too much pressure was applied. There were also no indentation marks evident on the plank once the glue has set the joint.

So, first pair of planks laid. Onwards and upwards with the remainder.


AdamHall attached the following image(s):
P5180009 (600x450).jpg
P5180015 (600x450).jpg
P5180017 (600x450).jpg
P5180021 (600x450).jpg
P5180022 (600x450).jpg
#16 Posted : 19 May 2014 01:56:03

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Hi Adam BigGrin

Looking very good to date. Cool Cool

Great idea with glad wrap. I hope it turns out successful for you. BigGrin

Once you do complete be very careful with sanding as gets pretty thin while shaping. BigGrin


Building HMS SOTS
#17 Posted : 20 May 2014 23:05:37

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Nicely done Adam, good clean work,,,, Cool Cool


John Passmore
#18 Posted : 24 May 2014 13:51:52

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Hi Adam

Your launch is looking really good - very meticulous work.

#19 Posted : 24 May 2014 15:29:47

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Hi Adam,

Top quality! Very nice indeed.


#20 Posted : 27 May 2014 15:48:55

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Thank you for looking in and your words of encouragement. Sincerely appreciated.

Continuation with the launch planking has been the only progress this week. Very slow progress and ultra fiddly. Absolutely astounded with the amount of delicate work required to shape a 3mm wide plank.

Softening the planks for bending only required the plank to be dipped into a glass of water for about a minute. Once formed into the required bend, the plank was shaped using finger nail emery boards. These come with course and fine sides and are fairly durable. I also gently sanded the 0.6mm narrowest edge with the emery board. This removed and burrs and minute splinters on the edges that will be part of the joint for the adjoining plank.

Once I had a pair of adjacent planks laid, I lightly sanded the plank seam joints with 400 grit sandpaper to obtain an initial smooth finish. I hope to have the launch planking completed shortly. Then I can make a start on the false deck. (Looking forward to working on larger pieces again).


AdamHall attached the following image(s):
P5260023 (600x450).jpg
P5260024 (450x600).jpg
P5260026 (600x450).jpg
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