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Senna McLaren MP4/4 Official Build - Stages 8 - 14 Options
#1 Posted : 06 April 2014 12:53:21

Rank: Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Joined: 20/03/2011
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Pack 03 contains stages 8 - 10

Stage 8 – Contains the Left front brake duct, front axle inner, axle shaft, left front upright inner, left front upright lower, left front upper arm end, front axle outer and screws.

Tools required:
Polystyrene (HIPs) adhesive
Phillips screwdriver
Sharp Knife
Cutting mat
Disposable Toothpicks
Flat diamond file

Assembling the front upright parts and front axle inner

Remove the paint from the area shown on the inside of the front upright lower. It can be hard to see when the paint is removed, because both the paint and the part are black, but the surface of the upright should be matt underneath the paint.
Remove paint from the two 5mm-wide sections marked below in yellow on the front upright upper.

Now remove the paint from all the way around the cylindrical part of the front axle inner, 3mm from the wide end as shown below.
Apply some Polystyrene adhesive to the 2mm-wide sections on the front upright upper marked below in yellow. Place the upright lower into position and hold the two parts together for 2-3 minutes.

Apply Polystyrene adhesive around the inside of the front upright assembly, 2mm from the edge, as indicated by the section shown below and Insert the front axle inner into the front upright assembly.

Assembling the outer and inner axle parts to the front upright.

Insert the front axle outer into the front upright assembly. Align the red-circled hole with the hole in the front axle inner.
Insert the end of the axle shaft into the blue-circled hole in the axle inner, first aligning the flat sides of both. Push the shaft into the hole in the front axle outer.

Note: When you insert the axle shaft, the front axle outer may get pushed slightly out of place. If so, hold the shaft in place and then push the axle outer back into position.

Tighten a 2 x 6mm (E) screw into the red-circled hole in the front axle outer.

Carefully store any unused parts
Warthog attached the following image(s):
#2 Posted : 06 April 2014 13:02:43

Rank: Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
Groups: registriert, Registered

Joined: 20/03/2011
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Stage 9 – Contains the Left Radiator Housing, Left Radiator Housing Base, Left monocoque side panel.

Tools required:
Polystyrene (HIPs) adhesive
Sharp Knife
Cutting mat
Masking tape

Assembling the calipers to the Left upright.

Have the two brake calipers, the brake disc and the left front upright ready in front of you. Prepare a 6cm and a 4cm length of masking tape and a 1 x 10cm strip of paper.

Place the middle of the strip of paper shown here on the front upright, and fix the strip in place with the 4cm length of masking tape. Then place the brake disc over axle shaft.
Bend one end of the paper around the brake disc. Hold the paper in place and fit one of the calipers over the edge of the disc and against the front upright. The circled holes fit onto the projections and the central gap goes over the edge of the disc.

Fit the second brake caliper into place on the brake disc and front upright. Hold both calipers against the disc so that the paper is shaped around it, then carefully remove the two callipers Leaving the paper, brake disc and front upright as they are.

Apply some Polystyrene adhesive to the red-circled holes in one of the brake calipers. Place it onto the side of the assembly as in the previous step. Hold in place for a few minutes while the glue sets, ensuring that it is parallel to the axle shaft (shown below).

Glue the second caliper onto the upright assembly, in the same way as the first.
Carefully place the 6cm strip of masking tape over the 4cm strip at a right angle, so that it holds the two calipers in place. Leave the assembly for at least an hour for the glue to dry completely before continuing with the assembly.

Once the glue has dried remove the masking tape while keeping the paper as still as possible, then carefully cut the paper in half over the large hole in the upright. Use tweezers to pull the paper through the central hole of each caliper.

Carefully store any unused parts.
Warthog attached the following image(s):
#3 Posted : 06 April 2014 13:04:54

Rank: Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
Groups: registriert, Registered

Joined: 20/03/2011
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Stage 10 – Contains the Left intercooler outer, the left intercooler inner and heat exchanger.

Tools required:
Instant adhesive (CA)

Assembling the Left intercooler parts

Locate the four projections of the intercooler outer and place them into the four circled holes in the corners of the inner, to test-fit the parts together. There should be no gaps along the join between the two parts. Take the two halves of the intercooler apart and apply a small drop of superglue into the four holes of the intercooler inner. Fit the two parts together again and hold them in place for a couple of minutes. Hold the parts together firmly as the glue dries.

Carefully store the heat exchanger and avoid damaging the projecting parts
Warthog attached the following image(s):
#4 Posted : 15 April 2014 15:37:53

Rank: Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
Groups: registriert, Registered

Joined: 20/03/2011
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Location: UK
Pack 04 contains stages 11 - 14

Stage 11 – Contains: the Right front brake duct, front axle inner, axle shaft, Right front upright inner, Right front upright lower, Right front upper arm end, front axle outer and screws.

Tools required:
Polystyrene (HIPs)adhesive
Phillips screwdriver
Sharp Knife
Cutting mat
Disposable Toothpicks
Flat diamond file

Assembling the front upright parts and front axle inner

Remove the paint from the area shown on the inside of the front upright lower. It can be hard to see when the paint is removed, because both the paint and the part are black, but the surface of the upright should be matt underneath the paint.
Remove paint from the two 5mm-wide sections on the front upright upper as show.

Now remove the paint from all the way around the cylindrical part of the front axle inner, 3mm from the wide end as shown.
Apply some Polystyrene adhesive to the 2mm-wide sections on the front upright upper. Now place the upright lower into position and hold the two parts together for 2-3 minutes.

Apply Polystyrene adhesive around the inside of the front upright assembly, 2mm from the edge, as indicated by the section shown and Insert the front axle inner into the front upright assembly.

Assembling the outer and inner axle parts to the front upright.

Insert the front axle outer into the front upright assembly as shown. Align the hole with the hole in the front axle inner.
Insert the end of the axle shaft into the hole in the axle inner, first aligning the flat sides of both. Push the shaft into the hole in the front axle outer.

Note: When you insert the axle shaft, the front axle outer may get pushed slightly out of place. If so, hold the shaft in place and then push the axle outer back into position.

Tighten a 2 x 6mm (E) screw into the red-circled hole in the front axle outer.

Carefully store any unused parts
Warthog attached the following image(s):
img1 right.jpg
img2 right.jpg
img3 right.jpg
img4 right.jpg
img5 right.jpg
img6 right.jpg
img7 right.jpg
img8 right.jpg
#5 Posted : 15 April 2014 15:49:25

Rank: Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
Groups: registriert, Registered

Joined: 20/03/2011
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Location: UK
Stage 12 – Contains 4x brake pads, 2x inner and 2x out brake callipers, a brake disk inner and brake disc outer.

Tools required:
Polystyrene HIPs) adhesive
Sharp Knife
Cutting mat
Masking tape

Assembling the Right Front Disc Brake.

Repeat the assembly of the Right front Disc brake is as you did for the Left front Disc brake in stage 3.

Fitting the Calipers to the Right Disk Brake.

Have the two brake calipers, the brake disc and the left front upright ready in front of you. Prepare a 6cm and a 4cm length of masking tape and a 1 x 10cm strip of paper.

Place the middle of the strip of paper shown here on the front upright, and fix the strip in place with the 4cm length of masking tape. Then place the brake disc over axle shaft.
Bend one end of the paper around the brake disc. Hold the paper in place and fit one of the calipers over the edge of the disc and against the front upright. The holes fit onto the projections and the central gap goes over the edge of the disc.

Fit the second brake caliper into place on the brake disc and front upright. Hold both calipers against the disc so that the paper is shaped around it, then carefully remove the two callipers Leaving the paper, brake disc and front upright as they are.

Apply some Polystyrene adhesive to the two holes in one of the brake calipers. Place it onto the side of the assembly as in the previous step. Hold in place for a few minutes while the glue sets, ensuring that it is parallel to the axle shaft (shown below).

Glue the second caliper onto the upright assembly, in the same way as the first.
Carefully place the 6cm strip of masking tape over the 4cm strip at a right angle, so that it holds the two calipers in place. Leave the assembly for at least an hour for the glue to dry completely before continuing with the assembly.

Once the glue has dried remove the masking tape while keeping the paper as still as possible, then carefully cut the paper in half over the large hole in the upright. Use tweezers to pull the paper through the central hole of each caliper.

Carefully store any unused parts.
Warthog attached the following image(s):
img1 right.jpg
img2 right.jpg
img3 right.jpg
img4 right.jpg
Img5 right.jpg
#6 Posted : 17 May 2014 16:52:27

Rank: Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
Groups: registriert, Registered

Joined: 20/03/2011
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Location: UK
Stage 13 – Contains: the Solenoid control valve parts fret, Radiator balance pipes (Left/Right), Radiator Inlet pipes (left/Right), Radiator outlet pipes (left/Right) and floor supports (left/right)

Assembling the solenoid valve mount.

Tools required:

Polystyrene (HIPs) adhesive
Sharp Knife
Cutting mat

Place the parts sprue in front of you, and identify the front and back.
Now place the sprue front side down, and cut along the joins of the control solenoid valve inner and outer, the pop-off valve sensor and the solenoid valve mount to remove them from the sprue.

Apply a small amount of glue to the parts and fit as shown below. Now removing the other parts following the sequence of photos below so that each stage is the same as the pictures until you have completed the solenoid valve mount.

Preparing the battery

Remove the Battery part from the sprue as pictured below, clean up any protrusions with a needle file or sharp knife. Cut out the black strip numbered ‘4’ at the bottom of the sticker sheet. Wrap the sticker around the battery to the back, keeping it on the raised area and passing it under the projecting part as shown.

carefully store any unused parts
Warthog attached the following image(s):
#7 Posted : 17 May 2014 16:56:54

Rank: Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
Groups: registriert, Registered

Joined: 20/03/2011
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Location: UK
Stage 14 – Contains: a rear wheel and wheel nuts x 5

Tools required:
Phillips screwdriver
Cutting mat

Fitting the rear Tyre.

To fit the rear wheel into the rear tyre, locate the indent on the wheel and the centre of the ‘G’ in the ‘EAGLE’ logo. Align these points with each other when assembling the parts.
Check that the tyre wall is sitting in the grooves on both sides of the wheel.

Applying the stickers to the radiator inlets, radiator outlets and intercooler balance pipes.

For this step, you will need the sticker sheet, radiator inlets, radiator outlets and intercooler balance pipes, all from Stage 13.
Cut out the first of the stickers numbered 1 from the sheet. Remove only one sticker at a time, because this will make them easier to manage.
Place one end of the sticker up against the moulding line in the groove on the radiator inlet. Wrap the sticker around this groove, as shown in the picture below.

Wrap the second number 1 sticker around the corresponding point on the second radiator inlet.
Remove the first sticker numbered 2 from the sheet and stick one end in the groove at the end of the radiator outlet. Wrap the sticker around this groove as before.

Remove the first sticker numbered 3 from the sheet and wrap it around the groove in the intercooler balance pipe starting against the edge of the gap.
Repeat the process to wrap the second number 3 sticker around the second intercooler balance pipe.

Carefully store any unused parts
Warthog attached the following image(s):
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