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mattytanya Options
#21 Posted : 12 April 2014 03:47:46

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Hi mattytanya

Looking really good. Cool

Like Ted said we're still only on issue 5 at the moment so it's good to see up to issue 7 completed.

Will look in periodically to follow your build.Cool



Building HMS SOTS
#22 Posted : 20 April 2014 04:19:27

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Sovereign of the Seas build diary
Day 12
Hello everyone.
While waiting for the next lot of parts I've spent some time looking at other kit builds to see how other people are going.With the amount of experience out there newbies such as myself feel very reassured that we can get plenty of help and advice if needed.The comments that I have recieved so far have been very encouraging.
I was able to get a spare cannon kit from my local newsagent to be built up as a trial run.Can anyone tell me how many complete cannons will be included with the build?
Cheers, Matt.

#23 Posted : 20 April 2014 09:20:37

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BigGrin Hi Matt
This is just a rough estimate but counting the exposed gun ports gives a figure of 22 cannon on carriages the rest will be dummy or stub guns that stick out of the lower ports like the Victory
Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .

#24 Posted : 20 April 2014 09:34:37

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Hi Matt and a huge welcome to the forum, you have come to the right place. Looks like you are off to a good start and am sure you will find as the issues progress, there will be more work to do than you have time for... slow to start but it does pick up.. Cool . Don't be concerned about being a first time builder, the wealth of help and assistance waiting for you on this forum is unmeasurable and following Mr T's official build will certainly keep you on track. I too chose this as my first build and am now on issue 84, still loving every minute of it as I'm sure you will.... Cool Cool .. Finally, in answer to your cannon question, there will be 34 exposed gun carriages. Will be following your progress throughout so good luck with her....


#25 Posted : 20 April 2014 11:16:42

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Sovereign of the Seas build diary
Day 12
Hello everyone.
I've just completed the cannon out of issue 1.It took about 3 hours but I took my time and I am very pleased with the result.The actual construction took about 20 minutes but the majority of the time went into the preparation.I started of by gluing the carriage together.While that set I cleaned up and undercoated the cannon and wheels.Then I painted the carriage with Citadel paints - Mephiston Red for the basecoat followed by a highlight of Evil Sunz Scarlet.The cannon itself was painted with Warplock Bronze.What took the most time was putting the blocks together.I got a small 5cm vice from Bunnings and I used it to hold the drill bit and blocks while I twisted the wire around.I then assembled everything as per instructions.
Everyone I am having a really good time and I hope you all are too.
Cheers, Matt.
mattytanya attached the following image(s):
Cannon 1 (550x413).jpg
Cannon 2 (550x413).jpg
Cannon 3 (550x413).jpg
Cannon 4 (550x413).jpg
#26 Posted : 20 April 2014 11:37:42

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A big belated welcome aboard Matt....All looking real good there...Look forward to your build progress...
Smile ThumpUp
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#27 Posted : 25 April 2014 07:48:28

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Hello everyone.
I'm not sure when my next lot of parts are going to arrive so I'm going to take up Steve's suggestion and do a 'filler' kit.I found the Revell Santa Maria at a toy shop so I'm going to give that a go.I will start a build diary and post it in the Members Ship Build Diary section.
Cheers, Matty.
mattytanya attached the following image(s):
Santa Maria (550x413).jpg
#28 Posted : 25 May 2014 11:51:27

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Sovereign of the Seas build diary
Day 45
Hello everyone.
Work and family have kept me busy lately but I found some time for modelling so here's what I'm up to.
The bowsprit,stern parts,decking and launch frame all went together well.Launch will be planked soon.
mattytanya attached the following image(s):
#29 Posted : 25 May 2014 12:10:47

Rank: Super-Elite

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Looks like you are off to an excellent start Matty, very nice clean work..... Cool Cool


#30 Posted : 25 May 2014 12:19:11

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Hi Matt...Coming along very nicely!! Smile ThumpUp
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#31 Posted : 25 May 2014 13:59:08

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Hi Matt. I echo the others in saying how good the job is progressing and I enjoyed your blocks for the cannon. You achieved an appealing finish here. Well done.
#32 Posted : 25 May 2014 14:05:01

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#33 Posted : 25 May 2014 16:13:01

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good job and nice build,keep going matey.Cool
Current builds: SotS, USS Consitution, San Felipe, D51 loco, HMS Surprise, RB7, Arab Dhow, Jotika HMS Victory
Completed builds: HMS Pickel, Thermopylae, Mississipi river boat, Mary Rose, Cutty Sark, San Francisco II, HMS Victory x5, Titanic Lifeboat, Panart HMS Victory Launch, Hachette Titanic, Virginia Schooner, Endeavour Longboat.

#34 Posted : 26 May 2014 03:58:58

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Hi Matty. BigGrin

Your build looking very good. Cool Cool

Keep up the great work. Cool

Building HMS SOTS
#35 Posted : 01 June 2014 11:18:52

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Sovereign of the Seas build diary
Day 52
Hello everyone.
First of all I would like to say a big thank you for all the encouraging comments.They are much appreciated.
I have just finished planking the launch and what a fantastic experience that was.It was not without challenges though.When I was attaching the first planks I was a bit heavy handed and ended up snapping off the bow formers and 5 of the rib frames.After a careful repair job and a few days wait I started again.
It took 2 nights to complete the planking and I used wood glue for the construction.On the first night I attached the 2 top planks and the keel planks.The second night was spent cutting and filing the planks to size before gluing.I was so involved with my building I just couldn't stop and when I'd finished it was 2.oclock in the morning.Wow.
Filling,sanding and removal from jig will commence soon.Also,parts 12-15 have arrived.
Cheers , Matty.

Quick question.Where abouts on the Sovereign does the launch go? It's not on any of the photos.

mattytanya attached the following image(s):
launch 1.jpg
launch 2.jpg
#36 Posted : 01 June 2014 13:12:24

Rank: Super-Elite

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the launch usually goes over the main hatches on the main deck,or left hanging from the stern davits. or the rear port/starboard davits.hope that helps.
Current builds: SotS, USS Consitution, San Felipe, D51 loco, HMS Surprise, RB7, Arab Dhow, Jotika HMS Victory
Completed builds: HMS Pickel, Thermopylae, Mississipi river boat, Mary Rose, Cutty Sark, San Francisco II, HMS Victory x5, Titanic Lifeboat, Panart HMS Victory Launch, Hachette Titanic, Virginia Schooner, Endeavour Longboat.

#37 Posted : 01 June 2014 14:13:57

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Great work.

I agree. When you start a part, it is really hard to stop continuing. I sometimes wish all the issues were here already, then I don't have to wait like a crazy kid for the postie to come. LOL


#38 Posted : 01 June 2014 16:52:48

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#39 Posted : 01 June 2014 17:36:48

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Terrific work on the launch Matty...I know the feeling when you get too engrossed and forget the all about the time...Keep up the great work!!!
Smile ThumpUp
Current Builds: Deagostini HMS Victory: Deagostini HMS Sovereign of the seas. Completed Builds: Del Prado: HMAS Bounty: Hachette: RMS Titanic: Del Prado: Cutty Sark...
#40 Posted : 22 June 2014 12:10:23

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Sovereign of the Seas build diary
Day 73
Hello everyone.
My build is going along nicely.The stringers and beams went on without any problems.Like other builders I added supports under the beams for strength because when I dry fitted the deck it felt very springy and I was worried the beams would snap..To get the deck pieces to fit I had to file some of the slots a bit but I made sure all the mast holes lined up before gluing.After the glue had dried black paint was applied between the decks.The stern parts went together without incident.
Launch was detached and cleaned up.Oar slots and thin strips on the hull were added (the strips gave me a bit of grief but I got there in the end).Launch will be painted soon.
Looks like we'll all be planking soon.I'm both excited and apprehensive at the same time thinking about it.Can't wait.
Cheers for now,
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