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My first ever build - SOTS Options
#3101 Posted : 02 March 2015 23:49:41

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Derek, Ant, thanks for your kind comments, truly appreciated.....Cool Cool


#3102 Posted : 03 March 2015 10:01:43

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Very nice Alan, well worth the effort, and congratulations on the yellow.
Building: DelPrado HMS Victory. Building: DeAgostini Sovereign Of The Seas.
#3103 Posted : 03 March 2015 19:38:02

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Gibbo wrote:
Very nice Alan, well worth the effort, and congratulations on the yellow.

Thanks Paul, appreciated as always.... Cool Cool


#3104 Posted : 05 March 2015 23:28:21

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Issue 120 almost done and dusted... More bling to be painted for the prow and a doorway surround. Painted as per the instructions and given a coating of gloss varnish.. When dry the ornamentation was added to the prow and have to say am very pleased with how it all looks... The doorway surround has been stored to be fitted later...Cool Cool

Next task was to fit the fenders to either side of the hull. These pieces required a little bending to follow the hull contours, the trusty kettle and steam did the job very easily. Gave the fenders a coat of medium oak stain and a coat of varnish... Notches were then cut out using a 2mm fine square diamond file....Cool Cool .. Once happy these were then glued into position....Cool Cool

Final task on this issue was the doorway ladders. Instructions say to fit the first two rungs of 18mm, 1mm apart. I have done only one, if you fit two then you will find you do not have the room above the gun port to fit the gun port lid... Cut 8 rungs of 9mm rather than 7 as stated in the instructions...Cool Cool .. Once again, wasn't to keen on just leaving them natural wood so painted the rungs gold and gave a coat of matt varnish.... When dry, fitted all in place....Cool Cool .. Only have the ladder to fit on the other side, this will be done tomorrow evening then it's onto issue 121....Cool Cool .. Until then, happy building all...


Gandale attached the following image(s):
Martyn Ingram
#3105 Posted : 10 March 2015 08:10:37

Rank: Super-Elite

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BigGrin Lovely work Alan . I am also going to fit rope walks to the yards as they finish them off Cool

Rgd Martyn
Building ?
Completed. Soliei Royal . Sovereign of the Seas . Virginia . Scotland . San Felipe . Corel vasa , Santisima Trinadad X section , Vasa
Next Build ?
When sailors have good wine, They think themselves in heaven for the time. John Baltharpe
der Gohfelder
#3106 Posted : 10 March 2015 08:54:13

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Hi Alan!
A very nice work, well done!
She is growing day by day, the finish is in sight!

Regards, Bernd
#3107 Posted : 10 March 2015 13:27:35
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Hi Alan, BigGrin

More stunning detail painting, you must have patience by the bucket load.



ian smith
#3108 Posted : 10 March 2015 14:31:57

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HI Alan.
Looking superp. soon will need to press gang the crew. look forward to seeing more IanCool Cool BigGrin
Current builds.Hachettes build the bismark,HMS Victory, HMS Hood.
Finished Builds Corel HMS Victory cross section.
#3109 Posted : 10 March 2015 23:56:28

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Martyn Ingram wrote:
BigGrin Lovely work Alan . I am also going to fit rope walks to the yards as they finish them off Cool

Rgd Martyn

Thanks Martyn, pleased to hear you are going to fit the footropes, think it just adds a nice finishing touch to the spars....Cool Cool


#3110 Posted : 10 March 2015 23:57:21

Rank: Super-Elite

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der Gohfelder wrote:
Hi Alan!
A very nice work, well done!
She is growing day by day, the finish is in sight!

Regards, Bernd

Thanks Bernd, slowly getting there and can see in the distance the end is in sight..... Cool Cool


#3111 Posted : 10 March 2015 23:59:34

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delboy271155 wrote:
Hi Alan, BigGrin

More stunning detail painting, you must have patience by the bucket load.



Thanks Derek, think in putting together these kits, just like your Lancaster, the one thing we all need is a great deal of patience....Blink Blink .. We know if we rush it, then it is likely to go all wrong....Cool Cool .. Thanks again.


#3112 Posted : 11 March 2015 00:00:25

Rank: Super-Elite

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ian smith wrote:
HI Alan.
Looking superp. soon will need to press gang the crew. look forward to seeing more IanCool Cool BigGrin

Thanks Ian, always appreciate you looking in and commenting... Cool Cool


#3113 Posted : 11 March 2015 00:14:08

Rank: Super-Elite

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Hi guys, issue 121 finally finished this evening... Started with the making up of 6 cannon ball crates for the foredeck.. once constructed and to tone them down a little I applied a coat of light oak stain and matt varnish.. Cool .. Final task for this was to fill them with cannon balls, these are glued in place using again matt varnish and left to set...Cool Cool

Next, onto the 6 buckets to compliment the cannon ball crates, after painting again, (didn't like the first effort), I decided not to use the supplied handles and created my own using 0.15 thread. Buckets have all been packed with tissue, tissue was then covered in black paint and left to dry, this gives the appearance of gunpowder and I really like how it looks...Cool Cool

Cannon ball crates and buckets were then fitted to the foredeck...Cool Cool

Final task for this issue was the painting and fitting of the ornamentation for the other side of the prow, all done as described in the previous issue....Cool Cool

Next issue has us back on rigging so until then....Cool Cool


Gandale attached the following image(s):
#3114 Posted : 11 March 2015 03:11:51

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Nice work Alan

All your hard work really is showing especially with all these little details
mark 2
#3115 Posted : 11 March 2015 06:53:24

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Hi Alan BigGrin .
I really like your idea of changing the bucket handles for rope ones and will do that for mine when I get to that stage if ok with you.
Your tissue paper looks fantastic to and really sets it off Love Drool Cool .
Fantastic work as all ways.
Best regards.
#3116 Posted : 13 March 2015 23:40:33

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davetwin wrote:
Nice work Alan

All your hard work really is showing especially with all these little details

Thanks Dave, it's the little details that go to make a build that little bit extra special....Cool Cool .. Thanks again for taking the time to look in...


#3117 Posted : 13 March 2015 23:42:12

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mark 2 wrote:
Hi Alan BigGrin .
I really like your idea of changing the bucket handles for rope ones and will do that for mine when I get to that stage if ok with you.
Your tissue paper looks fantastic to and really sets it off Love Drool Cool .
Fantastic work as all ways.
Best regards.

Hi Mark, thanks for your kind comments, appreciated as always. Cool Cool.. You are very welcome to use any of the ideas from my build, be my guest....Cool Cool


Martyn Ingram
#3118 Posted : 18 March 2015 11:26:22

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BigGrin Stunning work as always Alan ThumpUp The buckets look bril Cool

Rgd Martyn
Building ?
Completed. Soliei Royal . Sovereign of the Seas . Virginia . Scotland . San Felipe . Corel vasa , Santisima Trinadad X section , Vasa
Next Build ?
When sailors have good wine, They think themselves in heaven for the time. John Baltharpe
#3119 Posted : 18 March 2015 23:46:32

Rank: Super-Elite

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Martyn Ingram wrote:
BigGrin Stunning work as always Alan ThumpUp The buckets look bril Cool

Rgd Martyn

Thanks Martyn, the buckets didn't look great with the handles supplied, or at least I didn't think so. Rope handles just fit the period better I believe....Cool Cool .. Thanks again...


#3120 Posted : 22 March 2015 09:45:28
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Hi Alan, BigGrin

As good as ever, WTG.

Another option for gunpowder is crushed graphite from pencils.
(Carpenters pencils are best, more graphite by the inch)

Used it on a dio I did a while ago, but the method used on yours gives another way to achieve the same end result.

Good to see and share different methods.

Keep up the good work.
Cool Cool Cool


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