Pack 9 contains issue's 31-34.
Issue 31
Your parts: Servo motor.
Saved parts: You will be using parts from the previous issues, so be sure to have these to hand before beginning: Right leg assembly, Servo cable 70mm and Neck stand.
The Servo and cable Remove the servo cover and save the long screws then attach the 70mm servo cable from stage 30 to the servo and replace the cover.
Testing the servo Take the neck stand and make sure the power pack is turned OFF. Carefully attach the servo cable connected to the servo in Step 3. With the servo connected, switch the power to ON. After the LEDs blink twice, only the 1 LED should light up.
To test the servo, press the TEST/SET switch: the servo’s shaft should rotate 45° to the left, stop, then move back across to 45° to the right. The next step is to set the servo’s ID number, so keep the power on. If the test does not run, refer to the HELP box on page 6 of Issue 8’s Assembly Guide.
In the coming stages,you will again be setting a servo’s ID number using the test board, so re-familiarise yourself with the board’s lights and switches which were first explained in the assembly Guide of Issue 8. These are used to set the ID numbers of the servos. Each time you press the UP switch,the ID number increases by one, and the result is displayed by the two banks of LED lights. The top row reads in tens and the bottom in units. For example, to set the ID to 21, as you will do in this stage, you press UP 20 times. This will light up the 20 LED and the 1 LED. (If you overshoot, press the DOWN switch to take it down one step at a time.) When the ID number is correct, you set it by pressing and holding the TEST/SET switch.
To set the ID number of the right foot servo to 3, press the UP button 2 times. Confirm the setting by checking that the 3 LED is lit, using the UP and DOWN buttons to correct the number if necessary.
Confirm the setting by pressing and holding the TEST/SET button for a few seconds. The 3 light should flash, then go out.Leaving the servo connected, switch the power OFF, then back ON. Only the 1 LED should light up. To check the ID number, press TEST/SET. Now the 3 should light up. Note: It is crucial that all of Robi’s servos have the correct ID numbers, so check thoroughly that you have set the desired number.
Once all is well, switch the power pack OFF, then carefully unplug the servo from the test board. It will retain its setting, ready to fit into Robi’s right leg.
Fitting the Thigh servo Take the right leg assemble and the servo you just prepared and attach the cable from the leg assembly to the servo. Now pass the unattached cable through the hole at the top of the leg assembly then carefully insert the servo into the thigh making sure you do not pull or pinch the servo cables. Once it is fully seated use the four long screws to fix it in position.
Issue complete store any unused parts in a bag labeled with the stage number .
arpurchase attached the following image(s): Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .
Issue 32
Your parts:Right hip frame and 135mm Servo cable.
Saved parts: You will be using parts from the previous issues, so be sure to have these to hand before beginning: Right leg assembly.
Mounting The Inner hip frame Line up the hip frame with the servo shaft making sure the 'D' shaped hole fits the servo stub correctly and press the parts together.
Issue complete store any unused parts in a bag labeled with the stage number.
arpurchase attached the following image(s): Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .
Issue 33
Your parts: Servo motor.
Saved parts: You will be using parts from the previous issues, so be sure to have these to hand before beginning: 135mm Servo cable and Neck stand.
The Servo and cable Remove the servo cover and save the long screws then attach the 135mm servo cable from stage 32 to the servo and replace the cover.
Testing the servo Take the neck stand and make sure the power pack is turned OFF. Carefully attach the servo cable connected to the servo in Step 3. With the servo connected, switch the power to ON. After the LEDs blink twice, only the 1 LED should light up.
To test the servo, press the TEST/SET switch: the servo’s shaft should rotate 45° to the left, stop, then move back across to 45° to the right. The next step is to set the servo’s ID number, so keep the power on. If the test does not run, refer to the HELP box on page 6 of Issue 8’s Assembly Guide.
In the coming stages,you will again be setting a servo’s ID number using the test board, so re-familiarise yourself with the board’s lights and switches which were first explained in the assembly Guide of Issue 8. These are used to set the ID numbers of the servos. Each time you press the UP switch,the ID number increases by one, and the result is displayed by the two banks of LED lights. The top row reads in tens and the bottom in units. For example, to set the ID to 21, as you will do in this stage, you press UP 20 times. This will light up the 20 LED and the 1 LED. (If you overshoot, press the DOWN switch to take it down one step at a time.) When the ID number is correct, you set it by pressing and holding the TEST/SET switch.
To set the ID number of the right foot servo to 3, press the UP button 2 times. Confirm the setting by checking that the 3 LED is lit, using the UP and DOWN buttons to correct the number if necessary.
Confirm the setting by pressing and holding the TEST/SET button for a few seconds. The 3 light should flash, then go out.Leaving the servo connected, switch the power OFF, then back ON. Only the 1 LED should light up. To check the ID number, press TEST/SET. Now the 3 should light up. Note: It is crucial that all of Robi’s servos have the correct ID numbers, so check thoroughly that you have set the desired number.
Once all is well, switch the power pack OFF, then carefully unplug the servo from the test board. It will retain its setting, ready to fit into Robi’s right hip.
Store the servo in a plastic bag marked with its issue number ready for when it will be needed.
Stage complete store any unused parts in a bag labeled with the stage number.
arpurchase attached the following image(s): Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .
Issue 34
Your parts: Left and Right shoe's, Double-sided sticky pads,Felt soles and 200mm Servo cable.
Fitting the felt soles Take one of the pads and remove the backing paper from one side line this up with the correct shoe, there is a left and right pad for each shoe. Once it is lined up correctly peel away the backing paper and then attach the felt sole to the shoe making sure it is in the correct position. Do the same as above for the second shoe so you have a matched pair.
Stage complete store any unused parts in a bag labeled with the stage number.
arpurchase attached the following image(s): Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .
Pack 10 contains issue's 35-38.
Issue 35
Your parts: Servo motor.
Saved parts: You will be using parts from the previous issues, so be sure to have these to hand before beginning: Servo cable 200 mm and Neck stand.
The Servo and cable Remove the servo cover and save the long screws then attach the 200 mm servo cable from stage 34 to the servo and replace the cover.
Testing the servo Take the neck stand and make sure the power pack is turned OFF. Carefully attach the servo cable connected to the servo in Step 3. With the servo connected, switch the power to ON. After the LEDs blink twice, only the 1 LED should light up.
To test the servo, press the TEST/SET switch: the servo’s shaft should rotate 45° to the left, stop, then move back across to 45° to the right. The next step is to set the servo’s ID number, so keep the power on. If the test does not run, refer to the HELP box on page 6 of Issue 8’s Assembly Guide.
In the coming stages,you will again be setting a servo’s ID number using the test board, so re-familiarise yourself with the board’s lights and switches which were first explained in the assembly Guide of Issue 8. These are used to set the ID numbers of the servos. Each time you press the UP switch,the ID number increases by one, and the result is displayed by the two banks of LED lights. The top row reads in tens and the bottom in units. For example, to set the ID to 21, as you will do in this stage, you press UP 20 times. This will light up the 20 LED and the 1 LED. (If you overshoot, press the DOWN switch to take it down one step at a time.) When the ID number is correct, you set it by pressing and holding the TEST/SET switch.
To set the ID number of the left foot servo to 11, press the UP button 10 times. Confirm the setting by checking that the 3 LED is lit, using the UP and DOWN buttons to correct the number if necessary.
Confirm the setting by pressing and holding the TEST/SET button for a few seconds. The 1 and 10 light should flash, then go out.Leaving the servo connected, switch the power OFF, then back ON. Only the 1 LED should light up. To check the ID number, press TEST/SET. Now the 1 and 10 should light up. Note: It is crucial that all of Robi’s servos have the correct ID numbers, so check thoroughly that you have set the desired number.
Once all is well, switch the power pack OFF, then carefully unplug the servo from the test board. It will retain its setting, ready to fit into Robi’s left ankle.
Issue complete store any unused parts in a bag labeled with the stage number.
arpurchase attached the following image(s): Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .
Issue 36
Your parts: Left foot cover,side panel and ankle joint.
Saved parts: You will be using parts from the previous issues, so be sure to have these to hand before beginning: Wired servo.
Remove the front cover from the servo and retain the four screws then pass the cable through the hole in the left foot cover. Turn the servo and line it up with the foot cover taking care not to pinch the cable. Once it is lined up push it gentle home and fix in place with the four saved screws.
Save any unused parts for future use.
Issue complete store any unused parts in a bag labeled with the stage number.arpurchase attached the following image(s): Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .
Issue 37
Your parts: Left ankle frame and 135 mm cable.
Saved parts: You will be using parts from the previous issues, so be sure to have these to hand before beginning: foot cover subassembly and pads.
Take the servo assembly and line up the ankle frame with the servo shaft making sure it is lined up correctly and that the parts are at right angles to each other . You can add the pad to the servo now or later when it is attached to its servo.
Save any unused parts for future use.
Issue complete store any unused parts in a bag labeled with the stage number.arpurchase attached the following image(s): Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .
Issue 38
Your parts: Battery pack.
Carefully unwrap the battery pack from its protective bubble wrap and check it is the same as in the magazine picture and read the safety notice also in the magazine. Repack the battery in its bubble wrap and store until needed.
Issue complete store any unused parts in a bag labeled with the stage number.arpurchase attached the following image(s): Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .