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The King Wanted Bling ---Sovereign Build Log Options
#21 Posted : 19 October 2016 15:33:10

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Today's Update (Highs & Lows)

Having spent the last few days assembling the bulkheads I wanted to work on something smaller. The ships boat, a model in it'self.
Although I am treating everything as if it's an independent model Cool

Firstly following the instructions, I assembled the build jig then continued by removing from the fret all the parts and gave them a very light sanding, being careful not to alter their profile. it's become so automatic now I even gave a light sanding to the build jig (dow)Blushing Ah well -

In turn the former's were glued on and that part has been put aside to cure. Before I start putting any strakes on I really need to have a clear work-space.
The rudder and other parts not yet needed went into my small parts storage tray.

In that tray I also have two cannon and I had noticed some mould flashing I guess you call it needing to be removed.
I placed the cannon in my mini vice and then cut strips of fine emery cloth about 25mm x 2mm with an Xacto. I didn't want to err "strop" them as I wouldn't be able to see what was being removed. So placing the cloth between thumb and barrel I pulled. As you can imagine the limited abrasive wore out immediate and I kept having to cut more.
Before my eyes had chance to refocus from the magnifier I was using I'd managed to stab myself in the hand with the Xacto.Cursing Cursing

Got to be a better way.

And of course there was I just needed to stop and think about the problem. My eyes settled on my dremmel with it's flex drive and I have a box full of attachments. All it needed was a wire brush, plenty of control and I could see what I was doing.

So today ends on a high with another lesson learned, when something isn't working think the problem through.

Photo's not sure they will show up much.

Regards Nige

Nige attached the following image(s):
Launch 1.jpg
Launch 2.jpg
Storage Tray.jpg
Cannon Debur 1.jpg
Cannon Debur 2.jpg
Building: Sovereign Of The Seas Reading About Everyone Elses Builds[/b]

Enjoy Making

#22 Posted : 19 October 2016 15:44:45

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Looking good Nige, doing a great job....Cool Cool .. When building these ships it always pays to think each stage through fully before starting the assembly, it's amazing what comes to light when you do a dry run through.....Cool Cool Cool .. Keep up the good work...


#23 Posted : 19 October 2016 15:45:43

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Didn't think so must get a better camera

Happy modelling Nige
Building: Sovereign Of The Seas Reading About Everyone Elses Builds[/b]

Enjoy Making

Martyn Ingram
#24 Posted : 19 October 2016 17:25:50

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BigGrin looking good Nige Cool I used a fine needle file to rub the casting line down Cool
Hope this helps rgd Martyn
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When sailors have good wine, They think themselves in heaven for the time. John Baltharpe
#25 Posted : 20 October 2016 18:11:32

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Martyn Ingram wrote:
BigGrin looking good Nige Cool I used a fine needle file to rub the casting line down Cool
Hope this helps rgd Martyn

Thanks Martyn. I did have a couple but nothing suitable so bought a new full set of needle files today after work. But the Dremel and wire wheel used gently did the trick perfectly.

I totally Agree with what your saying Alan and I am reading the instruction book / official build log several times before each task. I'm just putting this down to a novices mistake.
As you know a person who never made a mistake, never made anything.

Rest assured I value all advice given and so want to learn.

Kindest regards Nige
Building: Sovereign Of The Seas Reading About Everyone Elses Builds[/b]

Enjoy Making

#26 Posted : 20 October 2016 18:49:47

Rank: Super-Elite

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Your doing really well and impressed by your neat and methodical way of working.

So easy to mislay small parts but see you have your storage solutions well in hand.
Happy Modelling

BUILDING: Hachette Spitfire Mk 1A, Constructo Mayflower
SUBSCRIPTION COMPLETE (Awaiting building): USS Constitution, Sovereign of the Seas, 1:200 Bismarck (Hachette)
COMPLETED: Porsche 911, E-Type Jaguar, Lam Countach
#27 Posted : 21 October 2016 04:51:27

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birdaj2 wrote:

Your doing really well and impressed by your neat and methodical way of working.

So easy to mislay small parts but see you have your storage solutions well in hand.

Thanks for looking in Tony and your kind compliments, I'm just so inspired by everyone else's builds and skills I want to do the magnificent ship justice. If that means removing something not up to scratch and doing it again so be it... I'm in no rush....just enjoying every step of the journey.

Regards Nige
Building: Sovereign Of The Seas Reading About Everyone Elses Builds[/b]

Enjoy Making

#28 Posted : 21 October 2016 10:50:01

Rank: Elite

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Great start Nige, you certainly have the right mind set for this - slow and steady wins the race.
ian smith
#29 Posted : 21 October 2016 12:00:24

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Great start to your build. look forward to seeing your progress.
IanCool BigGrin
Current builds.Hachettes build the bismark,HMS Victory, HMS Hood.
Finished Builds Corel HMS Victory cross section.
#30 Posted : 21 October 2016 12:42:13

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Great start NigeBigGrin keep up the good work nice and steadyBigGrin BigGrin phil
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So Much to Build,But What a Hobby!

#31 Posted : 21 October 2016 14:31:45

Rank: Super-Elite
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Looks like you are progressing well Cool

Sadly stabbing yourself with an Xacto knife is a hazard of this hobby, I've lost count of how many times I have stabbed myself or sliced into my thumb Blink
#32 Posted : 21 October 2016 14:46:48

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Graeme-Ian-Phil Thanks for looking in and your words of encouragement.(Hero's one and all)

Todays Update:

Have made the first 4 blocks up, removed the casting lines from the anchor using one of my new watchmakers files.....cost a fortune but am keeping that a secret from SHMBO. Have also made the anchor stock and have put it aside while I have a think about painting or staining.
The supplied anchors ring looks small to my eyes so intend to purchase some brass wire and make a new one.

With a now clean and tidy work area I have made a start on the ships longboat. The first two strips were actually fitted last night so today starting from the keel I have fixed 4 strakes to one side. This is my first go at planking and I have found it quite challenging. Tomorrow I will continue with the other side, I plan to hold off judgement until all the strakes are fixed and given a light sanding. I will allow some filler if necessary as it is going to be painted after all but would value your opinions on my effort so far.

Enjoy making and I will leave you some pictures Nige
Nige attached the following image(s):
Anchor & Stock.jpg
Ships Boat1.jpg
Ships Boat2.jpg
Ships Boat3.jpg
Ships Boat4.jpg
Building: Sovereign Of The Seas Reading About Everyone Elses Builds[/b]

Enjoy Making

#33 Posted : 21 October 2016 14:59:46

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Dave I'm sorry, I meant to say high and thanks for looking in Blushing

Only posting now because I see in the last photo one to the strakes has lifted at the prow......Why didnt I notice that beforeCursing Cursing
Building: Sovereign Of The Seas Reading About Everyone Elses Builds[/b]

Enjoy Making

#34 Posted : 22 October 2016 13:58:29

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Hi and thanks for looking in

Today's Update:

I looked at the longboats first planks this morning and they don't pass muster,
I can do better than that...I will do better than that.

With a new blade in the Xacto and a dab of water all the planking has been removed. The wife thought me mad especially as it will be painted but who want's that. I will only settle for the best I can do.

Funny thing is you never do the right thing for a reward but sometimes unexpected things happen. SHMBO said if I'm that determined I'd best be proper organised and has treated me to an OCCRE Portable Workstation. BigGrin BigGrin BigGrin.

Guess I will put off telling her I've borrowed her rotating cake decorating thingy for my spray booth until another time Blushing

Happy makings. rgds Nige
File Attachment(s):
Removing Strakes1.JPG (894kb) downloaded 32 time(s).
Spray Booth.JPG (964kb) downloaded 25 time(s).
Nige attached the following image(s):
Occre Workstation.jpg
Building: Sovereign Of The Seas Reading About Everyone Elses Builds[/b]

Enjoy Making

#35 Posted : 23 October 2016 08:58:43

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Hi Nige, you'll find the workstation invaluable in keeping everything in the one place...Cool Cool .. I have one myself, think its great....Cool Cool .. Andy also did an excellent build diary of this item, don't know if you've seen it but here's a link to it.....


Hope it helps


#36 Posted : 23 October 2016 09:15:27

Rank: Super-Elite

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Nothing wrong with re-working something to get it to the standard you want.

Hope it continues well for you.
Happy Modelling

BUILDING: Hachette Spitfire Mk 1A, Constructo Mayflower
SUBSCRIPTION COMPLETE (Awaiting building): USS Constitution, Sovereign of the Seas, 1:200 Bismarck (Hachette)
COMPLETED: Porsche 911, E-Type Jaguar, Lam Countach
#37 Posted : 23 October 2016 18:12:29

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Gandale wrote:
Hi Nige, you'll find the workstation invaluable in keeping everything in the one place...Cool Cool .. I have one myself, think its great....Cool Cool .. Andy also did an excellent build diary of this item, don't know if you've seen it but here's a link to it.....


Hope it helps



Hi Alan, Yes I had seen Andys Build and thought it just the ticket, I think the wife will be pleased to get most of our bedroom back. Only place available for the boatyard. With three grandchildren living here space is precious. Blink Blink Blink

Rgd Nige
Building: Sovereign Of The Seas Reading About Everyone Elses Builds[/b]

Enjoy Making

#38 Posted : 23 October 2016 18:24:02

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birdaj2 wrote:
Nothing wrong with re-working something to get it to the standard you want.

Hope it continues well for you.

Hi Tony,
Might even have to get more limewood strip yet but never expected it to be easy, not with my arthritic hands. LOL
Building: Sovereign Of The Seas Reading About Everyone Elses Builds[/b]

Enjoy Making

#39 Posted : 23 October 2016 20:00:59

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We all redo parts of a build we are not happy with, it goes hand in hand with modelling. Keep up the good work.
#40 Posted : 24 October 2016 15:53:13

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Hi all and thanks for looking in

Todays Update.

I've been practising with my new air brush over the last couple of days and have now painted the two cannon carriages so far received.

I decided to chemically blacken the eyelets and have drilled the holes in the side of the gun carriages but need to get some glue to fix them in.

And after a second attempt am now much happier with the launches planking. It will require a little filler at the prow but I can live with that. Only one piece of 0.6mm remaining so guessing I will need to get more to finish the inside.

My OCCRE Portable Workstation is being delivered tomorrow so a shopping trip will have to wait.

Lastly I'm beginning to doubt my choice of colour for the cannon barrels. I've got Polished Bronze "Very Bright" A Dark Bronze "Better" but wonder if Black with a touch of Green would be more accurate for working guns.

Nige attached the following image(s):
Chemical Blacking1.jpg
Launch MK2.jpg
Launch MK3.jpg
Launch MK4.jpg
Building: Sovereign Of The Seas Reading About Everyone Elses Builds[/b]

Enjoy Making

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