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hi fozie,yes the bits left over are indeed for later,a word of warning,follow the parts list,they are in order of the build,I wish I knew that earlier,would have made less mistakes,the part list are not numbered,but the building description tell you the name of the parts so you can cross them off the parts list.and only fit the parts from the build,don't be tempted to go a little further like me,I had to buy more wood and redo the decking because I thought "well I've got the wood,why not do it"then when the next buid instruction came,I had to rip the decking off and start again.the instructions are sparce to say the least,but follow them to the letter.on this prodject the parts list is your bible,backed up by the instructions. in my build the pics show this decking mistake,and why I did'nt stain the second lot of decking.you have waterways around the edge of the deck,in a different colour wood.hope this helps you with your cutty sark. make no mistake this is a quality kit,and no expence spared,in my opinion is better value then the victory.I might even do a second one,knowing what I know now p.s.when you do the planking,some of the planks are for futher work Bulwarks and bulwark covers. Current builds: SotS, USS Consitution, San Felipe, D51 loco, HMS Surprise, RB7, Arab Dhow, Jotika HMS Victory Completed builds: HMS Pickel, Thermopylae, Mississipi river boat, Mary Rose, Cutty Sark, San Francisco II, HMS Victory x5, Titanic Lifeboat, Panart HMS Victory Launch, Hachette Titanic, Virginia Schooner, Endeavour Longboat. http://www.model-space.com/gb/
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Karl Thank you very much for that, it helps a great deal. Just hopeing now that i dont loose any of the parts not used yet, Ive numbered them so now just need to find some were safe for them. Well hopefully will get 3rd delivery in around a week, so will give me something else to do over christmas leave. Once again karl, Thanks for that info.
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a little further info:-when fitting the waterways,soak them over night,because it is easier to get the bend of the bow set,if you pin as you go,the bend is much easier to set,this has got to be accurate,as the stanchions holes will be drilled into these waterways,again the instructions are a little hazy,try to get the lengths of the waterways right. Current builds: SotS, USS Consitution, San Felipe, D51 loco, HMS Surprise, RB7, Arab Dhow, Jotika HMS Victory Completed builds: HMS Pickel, Thermopylae, Mississipi river boat, Mary Rose, Cutty Sark, San Francisco II, HMS Victory x5, Titanic Lifeboat, Panart HMS Victory Launch, Hachette Titanic, Virginia Schooner, Endeavour Longboat. http://www.model-space.com/gb/
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Thanks for that Karl.
Not got the instructions yet, got part 3 parts, so will have to ho;d on there for a while.
Hope you dont mind if i pester you for help when they do decide to mail them to me.
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Well thats it again untill the next parts arrive. Just had to plank the rear deck. I have not stained it yet as im still a bit unsure as to what colour to use as the poster that came with part 3 shows it to have very light decks so will ponder that over for a while.   As always any comments and tips are allways welcome Foz
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very nicly done fozzy the ply on the sides of the quarter deck,I did'nt get them,from what I remember I planked them with 3x1mm.strange? Current builds: SotS, USS Consitution, San Felipe, D51 loco, HMS Surprise, RB7, Arab Dhow, Jotika HMS Victory Completed builds: HMS Pickel, Thermopylae, Mississipi river boat, Mary Rose, Cutty Sark, San Francisco II, HMS Victory x5, Titanic Lifeboat, Panart HMS Victory Launch, Hachette Titanic, Virginia Schooner, Endeavour Longboat. http://www.model-space.com/gb/
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Thanks Karl.
It said i with the instructions on part 3 to use them, it was part number 29 whch came with the 2nd delivery. They were on the same sheet of ply that the rear deck was on. After looking at your build, with the front of that deck slightly higher i have got confused as it says in the instructions that they should be the same level as the deck plate, but the front is slightly higher, and im not sure if i should sand it down to the deck level.
I still think the instructions we are getting for this model are poor and could be a lot better.
Well waiting for the next parts to come for this one so back to the victory build.
All the best Foz
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happy new year foz,yes you will need to sand the ply level with the deck,you will see why later. Current builds: SotS, USS Consitution, San Felipe, D51 loco, HMS Surprise, RB7, Arab Dhow, Jotika HMS Victory Completed builds: HMS Pickel, Thermopylae, Mississipi river boat, Mary Rose, Cutty Sark, San Francisco II, HMS Victory x5, Titanic Lifeboat, Panart HMS Victory Launch, Hachette Titanic, Virginia Schooner, Endeavour Longboat. http://www.model-space.com/gb/
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Thanks Karl. Well the next parts have arrived. Have just put the waterways on. A slight misshap when i broke one trying to bend it but it seems to have gone on all right.   Time to start the planking on the deck now. Happy building folks Foz
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Looking good Foz I've only just started mine so not far behind you Rick Cutty Sark Lancaster bomber McLaren
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Hi Foz I have laid the Keel and fitted the ply decks, I am working between San Fransisco 2, The Victory and the Cutty Sark. Your build is great! I will keep in touch. MWG MWG BUILD DIARIES: HMS VICTORY, SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS, SAN FRANCISCO II, HMS HOOD, HMS ENDEAVOUR LONGBOAT, HMS VICTORY X-SECTION, 007 DB5, NISSAN GTR, CUTTY SARK, RB7, AKAGI, BARK HMS ENDEAVOUR, HUMMER H1, MITSUBISHI ZERO.
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HI lads
Thanks very much for the comments. I have since the last pics done the planking on the main deck, but as im back at work, pics will have to wait till next weekend till im home. Just hope i done it right.
Again. thanks for the nice comments
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nicly done foz,starting to look good now,how 'bout some pics mwg??? Current builds: SotS, USS Consitution, San Felipe, D51 loco, HMS Surprise, RB7, Arab Dhow, Jotika HMS Victory Completed builds: HMS Pickel, Thermopylae, Mississipi river boat, Mary Rose, Cutty Sark, San Francisco II, HMS Victory x5, Titanic Lifeboat, Panart HMS Victory Launch, Hachette Titanic, Virginia Schooner, Endeavour Longboat. http://www.model-space.com/gb/
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Well thats the decking finished almost. I tried an antique pine stain but thought it was to dark so just need to find out what i really want to colour the decking with.   Well thats it for this month untill next parts and instructions arrive so back to the Victory.
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Nice one Foz mate Cutty Sark Lancaster bomber McLaren
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Well have made a start on the hull planking. However. the pics in the instructions only show the middle and not the stern or the bow. So im asking Karl, if he dont mind if this looks right on the bow were i cut the planks in line with the false keel.   Any comments appreciated. Cheers lads Foz
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hi foz,it looking like you need more fairing on the frames,are you fairing as you progress downwards? as this is a clipper,I planked the bow so that it came to a point,by following the line of the deck,you can always adjust later.this is where the instructions are very vague.KEEP checking that you are only using 5mm wide planks,I somehow used 6mm by mistake,and later did'nt have any left to do other work.also bear in mind that you are double planking,and only plank as far as the pics show,other work on the stern follows in the next batch. Current builds: SotS, USS Consitution, San Felipe, D51 loco, HMS Surprise, RB7, Arab Dhow, Jotika HMS Victory Completed builds: HMS Pickel, Thermopylae, Mississipi river boat, Mary Rose, Cutty Sark, San Francisco II, HMS Victory x5, Titanic Lifeboat, Panart HMS Victory Launch, Hachette Titanic, Virginia Schooner, Endeavour Longboat. http://www.model-space.com/gb/
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Chears Karl.
I am doing more fairing as i go along.
Do you recomend then that i take of the bow planks and replace them so thet they come together past the false keel?
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Joined: 20/12/2010 Posts: 70 Points: 190 Location: SW London UK
Nice one Foz mate Rick Cutty Sark Lancaster bomber McLaren