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The King Wanted Bling ---Sovereign Build Log Options
#61 Posted : 31 October 2016 00:36:09

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Hi Nige, another very nice update from you and rest assured we will be here to assist if you need it, so far you're doing a great job....Cool Cool

On the subject of balsa infills, I'll give you my experience on this build. I decided to add infills to the whole of the hull and to be perfectly honest and on reflection I would say it is definitely not necessary. I would however for a first build, use infills for the bow and the stern mainly for two reasons. Firstly it will assist you in seeing the overall shape and curvature in these areas and secondly it will provide strength between the bulkheads. It is very easy with the stresses of planking to pull the bulkheads out of line, infills will prevent this from happening plus you will have additional gluing areas for the planks to adhere to.Cool Cool .. No need to do the whole hull....

Hope this helps....


#62 Posted : 31 October 2016 13:37:46

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Gandale wrote:
Hi Nige, another very nice update from you and rest assured we will be here to assist if you need it, so far you're doing a great job....Cool Cool

On the subject of balsa infills, I'll give you my experience on this build. I decided to add infills to the whole of the hull and to be perfectly honest and on reflection I would say it is definitely not necessary. I would however for a first build, use infills for the bow and the stern mainly for two reasons. Firstly it will assist you in seeing the overall shape and curvature in these areas and secondly it will provide strength between the bulkheads. It is very easy with the stresses of planking to pull the bulkheads out of line, infills will prevent this from happening plus you will have additional gluing areas for the planks to adhere to.Cool Cool .. No need to do the whole hull....

Hope this helps....



Thanks Alan for your views on this matter, the bow and stern area will definitely be receiving bulsa infills.
Without any experience of the materials being used I was unable to decide if the whole hull should be dealt with in the same way.

Thanks to you and Martyn I now have a plan BigGrin
As I have the bulsa required I'm going to add a layer to the forward bulkheads leading faces and from around midships the bulkheads up to the stern in a similar fashion to their trailing faces. This will increase the gluing area available for planking so can't hurt.

On the subject of planking what I would really like to attempt is no steelers or droppers I've seen it done on model ships at the National Maritime Museum Greenwich. Drool Drool Pure Art.

Still plenty to be going on with in the meantime. Thanks Again for your input.

Rgds NigeCool

Building: Sovereign Of The Seas Reading About Everyone Elses Builds[/b]

Enjoy Making

#63 Posted : 01 November 2016 13:38:31

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Hi Nige,
Lovely build. Looking forward to following your progress.
Kind regards,
"Measure twice, cut once!!!"
Finished!!! HMS Victory,
Current build: Black Pearl.
On hold: Bismarck, Golden Hind, Flying Scotsman, Victory Cross Section, SOTS, Tiger 1.
Wish list: USS Constitution.
#64 Posted : 12 November 2016 18:06:31

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Hi All And Thanks For Looking In

Update Time BigGrin

Over the last two weeks I have slowly been adding bulsa to the bulkheads and keel so as to provide a greater gluing area for the planking.

Using a selection of sanding paddles I have begun fairing the hull. Final shaping, checking with some stripwood can be carried over the next month while I wait for the next shipment.

With the hull inverted for shaping the delicate ribs would be at risk so another jig was needed. I didn't need to put anything together just use my Occra Workstations support tray with the cradle reversed....Perfecto BigGrin

So on to final shaping and here are some pictures.
Nige attached the following image(s):
Hull Fairing 1.jpg
Hull Fairing 2.jpg
Hull Fairing 3.jpg
Hull Fairing 4.jpg
Hull Fairing 5.jpg
Hull Fairing 6.jpg
Hull Fairing 7.jpg
Hull Fairing 8.jpg
Hull Fairing 9.jpg
Fairing Paddle.jpg
Fairing Support.jpg
Inverted Rib Clearance 1.jpg
Inverted Rib Clearance2.jpg
Inverted Rib Clearance 3.jpg
Inverted Rib Clearance 4.jpg
Building: Sovereign Of The Seas Reading About Everyone Elses Builds[/b]

Enjoy Making

#65 Posted : 12 November 2016 18:25:04

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Nice job with the fairing, the balsa certainly helps. A lucky fit with the work tray, it makes a great stand.
#66 Posted : 12 November 2016 23:21:49

Rank: Super-Elite

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Lovely job Nige, coming along really nicely..... You're nearly there, the final fine shaping will leave you with an excellent base for the planking stage..... Very well done, am enjoying following your build.....Cool Cool


#67 Posted : 13 November 2016 10:15:45

Rank: Super-Elite

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Thats looking very good indeed.

Tome spent at this stage will save you time in the later stages as your getting a great base together onto which to do the pkanking.
Happy Modelling

BUILDING: Hachette Spitfire Mk 1A, Constructo Mayflower
SUBSCRIPTION COMPLETE (Awaiting building): USS Constitution, Sovereign of the Seas, 1:200 Bismarck (Hachette)
COMPLETED: Porsche 911, E-Type Jaguar, Lam Countach
ian smith
#68 Posted : 14 November 2016 14:25:25

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Looking very nice. look forward to seeing your progress Ian Cool BigGrin
Current builds.Hachettes build the bismark,HMS Victory, HMS Hood.
Finished Builds Corel HMS Victory cross section.
#69 Posted : 15 November 2016 06:27:03

Rank: Master

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Hi Nige,
Looking good!!! The additional bits that you have added will certainly help down the line. Also nice lateral thinking on your work station.
kind regards,
"Measure twice, cut once!!!"
Finished!!! HMS Victory,
Current build: Black Pearl.
On hold: Bismarck, Golden Hind, Flying Scotsman, Victory Cross Section, SOTS, Tiger 1.
Wish list: USS Constitution.
#70 Posted : 18 December 2016 15:50:51

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Hi all and thanks for looking in

Over the last few weeks I have completed final fairing of the hull, slow and steady but now it's perfect.

I've received build pk2 of 12 and can continue with my build. As beforehand firstly I read through the official build log of each stage and then with the build instruction mag in front of me tackle each task.

My only exception to following the instructions exactly was to copy most others example and install bracing to the lower gun deck.

Having sanded then dry fitted/assembled the components I have this weekend glued in place the lower gun deck, the stern castle and its lower planking.
The lower gun deck has been painted Black but the sterns lower planking has yet to be sanded back to the hulls profile.

Won't get to do any more until the new year, my working hours get silly around now so I will just wish everyone the best and give those interested some photo's to look at.
Nige attached the following image(s):
Deck Bracing 1.jpg
False Gundeck 1.jpg
Painted Gundeck1.jpg
Painted Gundeck 2.jpg
Sterncastle 1.jpg
Sterncastle 2.jpg
Stern Planking 1.jpg
Stern Planking 2.jpg
Building: Sovereign Of The Seas Reading About Everyone Elses Builds[/b]

Enjoy Making

#71 Posted : 18 December 2016 17:04:50

Rank: Super-Elite
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Some nice neat work Nige ThumpUp Great job so far Cool
Martyn Ingram
#72 Posted : 18 December 2016 19:33:09

Rank: Super-Elite

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BigGrin coming together well Nige lovely planking on the stern Cool

Rgd Martyn
Building ?
Completed. Soliei Royal . Sovereign of the Seas . Virginia . Scotland . San Felipe . Corel vasa , Santisima Trinadad X section , Vasa
Next Build ?
When sailors have good wine, They think themselves in heaven for the time. John Baltharpe
#73 Posted : 18 December 2016 20:55:23

Rank: Super-Elite

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Very neat and tidy work.

Its coming along a real treat.
Happy Modelling

BUILDING: Hachette Spitfire Mk 1A, Constructo Mayflower
SUBSCRIPTION COMPLETE (Awaiting building): USS Constitution, Sovereign of the Seas, 1:200 Bismarck (Hachette)
COMPLETED: Porsche 911, E-Type Jaguar, Lam Countach
#74 Posted : 18 December 2016 23:39:08

Rank: Super-Elite

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Great work Nige. You've planked the stern well. Your doing a sterling job keep it up pal.

On the bench

1/350 Revell Tirpitz Platinum Edition (Pontos PE and Wooden deck) plus extra Eduard PE set and extra MK1 door sets.

#75 Posted : 19 December 2016 00:09:10

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Making great progress Nige, looking good and credit to you....Cool Cool Cool


#76 Posted : 08 January 2017 16:54:42

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Hi all and thanks for looking in/b]

[b]With demands on my time returning to normal I have been able to return to my SOTS build.BigGrin BigGrin BigGrin

Before I upload some pictures an explanation is required, many years ago I saw an Admiralty Type Model and was in awe at the detail and skill on display, these models where mostly put together so the admiralty could decide whether to commission the building of or request changes. Many are still held at Greenwich.

Of the very few to ever reach the open market £250,000:00 is a typical valuation.

Knowing I could never achieve anything like what I had seen it became just a happy memory, then a little over two years ago I found this site and read about some lovely models being put together by you guys and I began to think with a high quality kit and time I just might be able to produce something I would be happy with.

The only problem is the kits hull planking, it's different, not wrong but different and not what I have my heart set on. Hence the very reason for this build log, to document my attempt.

So fingers crossed here I depart from the build instructions.

The first picture shows Dutch style planking which is the closest I can find to the kits instructions.
The second picture shows English style planking and my research shows this practise was also adopted in America and France.

Nige attached the following image(s):
Dutch Planking.jpg
English Planking.jpg
Building: Sovereign Of The Seas Reading About Everyone Elses Builds[/b]

Enjoy Making

#77 Posted : 08 January 2017 18:00:25

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Update Proper

Hull Planking

Following the shear-line I fixed the first five strakes each side (No Taper)

Measuring each bulkhead from last plank to keel I noted midships the distance hardly changed and at the rear the reduction was only 3mm.

So making a start I fixed a few strips at midships each side, I should also note as this is only the first layer I'm not worrying about scale lengths yet.

Confident thanks to the extra bulkhead bracing I've installed that nothing will be pulled out of line, I have planked the stern completely on one side. (No Taper)

I have marked with pencil the very last full length laid and inserted fillets to the gaps at keel only. In practise and at the second layer my plan is for this Garboard plank to be cut from one piece.

I've given this first layer a very light sanding and noted a couple of areas that will require filler. Perhaps its the knots in the strips causing them to bend unpredictably, unsure Huh

Rather than continue with the other side and with the number of strips I have reducing I've decided to switch planking to the bow. Tapering Required.

Examples of English planking vary between level to a slight incline when viewed from the front so this does give me a small margin for error.

Having spent hours trying to work out by how much to taper I've settled on reducing to 4mm. I should note the strips I received are mostly 5.3mm but vary between 5mm and 5.5mm

When tapering the strips of bamboo I found it all to easy for the blade to follow the grain so have purchased a Davids Plane and Planking Clamp.

So photo's
Nige attached the following image(s):
Shearline Planking 1.jpg
Stern Planking 1.jpg
Stern Planking 2.jpg
Bow Planking.jpg
Garboard Area.jpg
Tapering Clamp.jpg
Building: Sovereign Of The Seas Reading About Everyone Elses Builds[/b]

Enjoy Making

Martyn Ingram
#78 Posted : 08 January 2017 19:10:34

Rank: Super-Elite

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BigGrin cracking start on the planking Nige Cool . With the English planking there tend to be a lot more droppers and stealers than the Danish method as the planks follow the contours a bit more but it all depends on how bluff the bow is . The sovereign is not to bad but the Vasa is like planking a orange lol . Will be watching with interest

Rgd Martyn
Building ?
Completed. Soliei Royal . Sovereign of the Seas . Virginia . Scotland . San Felipe . Corel vasa , Santisima Trinadad X section , Vasa
Next Build ?
When sailors have good wine, They think themselves in heaven for the time. John Baltharpe
#79 Posted : 08 January 2017 20:13:26

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Martyn Ingram wrote:
BigGrin cracking start on the planking Nige Cool . With the English planking there tend to be a lot more droppers and stealers than the Danish method as the planks follow the contours a bit more but it all depends on how bluff the bow is . The sovereign is not to bad but the Vasa is like planking a orange lol . Will be watching with interest

Rgd Martyn

Thanks Martyn for looking in and your encouragement, regarding your Vasa I totally agree but think it all stems from what the nations were mostly about at the time. The Dutch ships all seam to have been wide of beam and buff bowed, concentrating on how much could be carried in their holds perhaps. England had yet to develop as a trading empire and thus I believe the ships evolved a slightly sleeker look. Much later I understand the East India Company operated some very wide and buff ships reported as being enormous.

Building: Sovereign Of The Seas Reading About Everyone Elses Builds[/b]

Enjoy Making

#80 Posted : 09 January 2017 21:33:31

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Hi All And Thanks For Looking In

Todays Update Bow Planking

I had some time free today so have managed to plank one side of the bow. Delighted with the result as it's exactly what I was aiming for.

No Droppers or Stealers have been fitted to the bow or stern, another personal goal.

One part that is disappointing is the garboard area towards the rear, as I marked out in an earlier photo. Its unrealistically wide, spanning 4 plank widths.

I now think that had I tapered some rear planks to 4mm around bulkhead 22 and then allowed them to increase in width again this would have resulted in the garboard area being more to scale. Thankfully this is only the first layer and perhaps I can do better with the next.

Throughout my planking attempt I have not used any steam, water or heat. I did experiment with an electric plank bender but found it made the bamboo hard and difficult to flex. Using only a pair of planking pliers I was able to take all the strain out of the bent planks.

One thing I should mention about the bow planking, having tapered the planks and prepared them for fixing using the planking pliers I was able to bend the planks laterally whilst fitting resulting in improved gluing contact and very little clinkering.

I wont be doing any more planking until further supplies arrive and am really looking forward to returning to the official build instructions and continuing with the ships launch. With no other departures from the instructions planned it will be a relief to be on solid ground.

Now some pictures.

Rgds Nige
Nige attached the following image(s):
Bow Planking1.jpg
Bow Planking2.jpg
Bow Planking3.jpg
Bow Planking4.jpg
Bow Planking5.jpg
Bow Planking6.jpg
Bow Planking7.jpg
Building: Sovereign Of The Seas Reading About Everyone Elses Builds[/b]

Enjoy Making

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