Rank: Super-Elite Groups: New Members, Unapproved Joined: 11/11/2009 Posts: 3,432 Points: 10,280 Location: Colwyn bay
Stage 55 contains: Wooden strips 2 x 5 x 250mm.
Mark six 18mm sections on the 5 x 5mm walnut strips from Stage 54. Mark two more lines in each section, one 4mm from the end, and the second 2mm from the first. Cut out the section between the marks, the notch should be half of the strip deep. Smooth the notch with a file. Carve a triangular recess into each face of the strip at the end of the 18mm section. Then cut the 18mm section from the rest of the strip.
Repeat the process to create six identical pieces. Smooth them with sandpaper.
Cut two lengths of 2 x 4mm wooden strip, one 65mm and one 35mm. Smooth the ends with sandpaper. Glue four of the posts to the 65mm strip and the remaining two to the 35mm strip.
Drill Eight 1.5mm holes in the 65mm piece as shown in Step H of the instructions. Then drill five holes in the cross piece of the 35mm section as shown in Step I of the instructions. Apply a coat of clear varnish to the two assemblies.
Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag.
magpie1832 attached the following image(s): On the bench 1/350 Revell Tirpitz Platinum Edition (Pontos PE and Wooden deck) plus extra Eduard PE set and extra MK1 door sets.
Rank: Super-Elite Groups: New Members, Unapproved Joined: 11/11/2009 Posts: 3,432 Points: 10,280 Location: Colwyn bay
Stage 56 contains: Ladder sides, Wooden strips 2 x 15 x 300mm, Wooden strips 1 x 4 x 100mm, Nails.
Apply a row of three strips to the starboard side. When dry cut away the excess from the bow and stern. Glue a further two strips at the bow above the previous row. Glue a wedge at the front to cover the last part of the gun port strip. Once dry smooth the strips so they are flush along the top.
Shape a strip to fit the area shown in Step D of the instructions. It needs to cover the gun port strip underneath. Glue the strip into place. Glue another strip aft of the one placed to complete the row then glue another row of two strips above it. Apply a further three rows.
Use a round file to remove the parts of the strip that partially obstruct the two round gun ports on the quarter deck. Cut Away the excess and then smooth the edges of the strips flush and open the gun ports.
Repeat this stage on the port side.
Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag. magpie1832 attached the following image(s): On the bench 1/350 Revell Tirpitz Platinum Edition (Pontos PE and Wooden deck) plus extra Eduard PE set and extra MK1 door sets.
Rank: Super-Elite Groups: New Members, Unapproved Joined: 11/11/2009 Posts: 3,432 Points: 10,280 Location: Colwyn bay
Stage 57 contains: Wooden strips 2 x 5 x 250mm.
Take a 5 x 5mm wooden strip from Stage 16, and hold it against the inside of the gunwale. Mark a line on the strip, 2mm below the top of the gunwale.
Before proceeding, look at Steps C.D, and E of the instructions, to work out the lengths of the three pieces you need to cut. Once the pieces are cut, sand the ends of them to the correct angle so that they are flush with the gunwales and the deck. Set the first just under the deck, Set the second support centrally between the two centre gun ports, not 30mm from the gunport edge as shown in the instructions, both supports should end 2mm below the top of the gunwale. The forward support should be placed at the position shown in Step D of the instructions.
Once the supports are cut, sand the ends of them to the correct angle so they are flush with the gunwales and deck. Then paint the supports so they match the colour of the gunwales, and glue into position.
Now take the two 2 x 15mm strips from Stage 56. Cut each strip to a length of 245mm. Smooth the pieces with sand paper and test fit the strip on top of the three supports, sand the outer edge if necessary so that it is flush with the gunwale. Glue the strip into position.
Repeat Steps A to E to create the supports for the port gunwale. Repeat steps F and G for the port side.
Paint the two strips with clear varnish and smooth with sand paper. Repeat until you achieve the desired finish.
Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag. magpie1832 attached the following image(s): On the bench 1/350 Revell Tirpitz Platinum Edition (Pontos PE and Wooden deck) plus extra Eduard PE set and extra MK1 door sets.
Rank: Super-Elite Groups: New Members, Unapproved Joined: 11/11/2009 Posts: 3,432 Points: 10,280 Location: Colwyn bay
Stage 58 contains: Nails, Pins, Wooden strip 2 x 5 x 250mm, Wooden strip 1 x 4 x 100mm, Ladder sides.
Cut a strip to fit from the bow to halfway across frame 4. Glue and nail the strip in place. Glue another strip aft of the first, from frame 4 to halfway across frame 7. Fit another strip from frame 7 to frame 8, and then from frame 8 aft.
Glue a strip from frame 4 to frame 7, and then another from frame 2 to frame 5. Take another strip and hold it halfway across frame 4, and over the other strips at the bow. Mark a line where the next strip up intersects it. Cut away the part of the strip you marked, then glue and nail it into place.
Glue and nail a strip from frame 7 to frame 8, and then another from frame 8 to the stern. Glue and nail another two strips from frame 5 to 6. and then another from frame 6 to frame 9. Add a final strip to complete the row, from frame 9 aft.
Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag. magpie1832 attached the following image(s): On the bench 1/350 Revell Tirpitz Platinum Edition (Pontos PE and Wooden deck) plus extra Eduard PE set and extra MK1 door sets.
Rank: Super-Elite Groups: New Members, Unapproved Joined: 11/11/2009 Posts: 3,432 Points: 10,280 Location: Colwyn bay
Stage 59 contains: Wooden strips 2 x 5 x 250mm.
Fit another two wooden strips on the port side of the hull the first from frame 3 to frame 6, and the second from frame 6 to frame 9. Complete the row with a third wooden strip from frame 9 to the transom.
Add strips to the starboard side of the hull to bring it up to the same point as the port. The strips should be symmetrical on both sides. This is how the stern should look once the strips have been fitted to both sides.
Add a strip from the centre of the third frame to the bow. You will need to shape the front of the strip to fit in with the other strips at the bow. Fit another strip from the bow to halfway across frame 4. Shape the front of the strip as before. Fit another strip from 4 to frame 7 continuing on from the previous one. Complete the row by fitting a strip from frame 7 to frame 8, then from frame 8 to the stern.
Begin another row going from the bow to frame 4, then from frame 4 to frame 7. The strip at the bow will need to shaped as before. Fit a strip aft of previous one from frame 7 to frame 8, then fit another Strip above from frame 6 to frame 10. Above the previous row fit a strip from frame 7 to frame 11, then another from frame 8 to the stern.
Repeat previous steps on the Starboard side, by now both sides will be the same.
Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag.
magpie1832 attached the following image(s): On the bench 1/350 Revell Tirpitz Platinum Edition (Pontos PE and Wooden deck) plus extra Eduard PE set and extra MK1 door sets.
Rank: Super-Elite Groups: New Members, Unapproved Joined: 11/11/2009 Posts: 3,432 Points: 10,280 Location: Colwyn bay
Stage 60 contains: Small Launch parts fret, Wooden strips 1 x 3mm.
There are two launch frets in Pack 6, use the smaller of the two for this Stage.
Each part of the launch is identified in Step A of the instructions, by a letter and a number. This will help when assembling it. Put the identifying Letters and numbers from Step A onto the parts of the launch on the fret.
Use a knife to remove the individual pieces from the fret. Be careful not to damage the wood. Smooth the edges of the pieces with sandpaper.
Begin glueing the parts into B1 in ascending order, starting with B2. Continue along the keel, fitting the remaining pieces from B1 to B12. Take piece B13 and place it on top of pieces 2-12. There are notches at the bow, amidships and the stern, for pieces B1, B7 and B12. Turn the assembly over and apply glue to the tops of the frames, especially B1, B7 and B12. Glue the two B14 pieces either side of B1, up against and aligned with the bottom of B2.
When the glue has dry, paint the frame assembly with wood stain.
Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag. magpie1832 attached the following image(s): On the bench 1/350 Revell Tirpitz Platinum Edition (Pontos PE and Wooden deck) plus extra Eduard PE set and extra MK1 door sets.
Rank: Super-Elite Groups: New Members, Unapproved Joined: 11/11/2009 Posts: 3,432 Points: 10,280 Location: Colwyn bay
Stage 61 contains: Launch parts fret, Walnut strips 2 x 3mm, Wooden strips 1 x 3mm.
Note - Within the instructions for this stage, all pictures relate to the construction of the large launch with the exception of picture 'I' which is the small launch, however the construction is the same.
Use a file to curve the edges of the frames creating a smooth line from the bow to amidships. Then shape the other side.
Bend one of the 1 x 3mm strips around the bow and move it up the frames to check that there is a smooth line along them. As shown in the inset of Step C of the instructions.
As in Step A, use a file to shape the frames at the stern, continuing aft from amidships. Hold a 1 x 3mm strip against the frames at the stern to check that there is a smooth line along them.
Once the frames are are shaped you can begin adding the planks. Glue the first strip in the position shown in Step F of the instructions, on the step at the side of the frames, leaving a gap at the top , and only bringing the strip to the top of the frames at the bow. Remove the excess strip at the bow and stern. Then apply a matching strip to the other side.
Continue lining the hull of the launch, working from the keel towards the strips fitted before. Cut away the excess from the strips as you go along. Shape some smaller parts to fill in the remaining gaps. Glue them into place. Cover the transom with planks and then cut away the excess when dry.
Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag. magpie1832 attached the following image(s): On the bench 1/350 Revell Tirpitz Platinum Edition (Pontos PE and Wooden deck) plus extra Eduard PE set and extra MK1 door sets.
Rank: Super-Elite Groups: New Members, Unapproved Joined: 11/11/2009 Posts: 3,432 Points: 10,280 Location: Colwyn bay
Stage 62 contains: Launch parts fret, wooden strips 1 x 3mm, Nails.
Smooth the hull with sand paper, and try to make it as uniform as possible. Take one of the 2 x 3mm wooden strips from the previous stage and shape around the top of the hull planks. You can shape the strip with water, or with a hammer, as shown in the inset of Step b of the instructions. Glue the strip into place. Cut away the the front of the strip at the bow, 1mm from the centre line. This should create a 2mm gap when the strip is fitted to the other side.
Remove the stem from the launch parts fret ( Stage 61 ). Sand the stem smooth. Place the stem at the bow up against the strip to see the fit. Repeat Steps B and C with the second strip on the starboard side of the launch.
Turn the launch over and cut through the frames to separate the boat from the jig. Turn the Launch over again and smooth the tops of the frames with a sanding block. Paint the upper end of the frames with wood stain to match the rest.
Remove the bow deck from the fret ( Stage 61 ) and sand smooth. Glue it into place at the bow. Then cut three lengths of 2 x 3mm wooden strip and glue them into place. Glue pieces of 0.6 x 5mm wooden strip over the bow area. As shown in Step J of the instructions.
Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag. magpie1832 attached the following image(s): On the bench 1/350 Revell Tirpitz Platinum Edition (Pontos PE and Wooden deck) plus extra Eduard PE set and extra MK1 door sets.
Rank: Super-Elite Groups: New Members, Unapproved Joined: 11/11/2009 Posts: 3,432 Points: 10,280 Location: Colwyn bay
Stage 63 contains: Wooden strips 2 x 5 x 250mm.
Hull planking - From this point onwards, you may find that due to slight variance in individual plank width and where the marker plank was positioned, that the lie of the planks may slightly differ to that shown in the instructions. Simply continue to plank as before until you reach the upper planks
Cut a strip to fit from frame 3 to frame 6. Glue and nail it into place on the port side. Cut a strip to fit from frame 4 to frame 7, and another above it from 5 to frame 8. Glue and nail into place.
Prepare a strip to fit from frame 3 forward you will need to shape the front to fit. Glue and nail into place. Shape a strip to from frame 5 forwards. Use a sanding block to shape both edges of the strip to fit the gaps. Glue and nail the strip on place.
Glue and nail a strip from halfway across frame 8 to the stern. When the glue is dry trim the excess. Glue and nail another strip forward of the last, from frame 8 to frame 5. Continue forward fitting a strip from frame 5 to frame 3.
Fit a strip from Frame 8 to the stern. And then another from frame 11 to the stern. When dry, cut the excess in line with the stern. Repeat this stage on the starboard side of the hull.
Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag. magpie1832 attached the following image(s): On the bench 1/350 Revell Tirpitz Platinum Edition (Pontos PE and Wooden deck) plus extra Eduard PE set and extra MK1 door sets.
Rank: Super-Elite Groups: New Members, Unapproved Joined: 11/11/2009 Posts: 3,432 Points: 10,280 Location: Colwyn bay
Stage 64 Contains: Large Launch parts fret, Wooden strips 1 x 3mm.
Mark the identifying letters and numbers onto the launch fret received with this stage. Retrieve the launch assembly ( stage 62 ), Glue the stem into position at the bow. To make the keel cut a length of 2 x 3mm walnut strip to fit from the stem to the transom. Glue the keel in place and then file the end to match the angle of the transom. Cut another 2 x 3mm walnut strip into four pieces to create the thwarts. Glue them into position.
Remove the bow gunwale from the fret ( Stage 62 ), sand smooth and paint with wood stain, When dry, glue into position. Remove the stern gunwale from the fret ( Stage 61 ). Sand and stain it, and then glue it into place.
Paint the hull and keel with wood stain and leave to dry. Now paint the inside of the launch with wood stain. Try to avoid areas you have already painted such such as the gunwale.
Remove the rudder and tiller from the Stage 61 fret, smooth them with sand paper and paint them with wood stain. Then glue them into position. To create the the rowlocks, make a mark at 8mm intervals on a 2 x 3mm strip. Then use a round file to create a recess, centered on each mark See inst of Step J of the instructions. Cut along the marks to create six rowlocks and then glue them into place on the gunwale, aligned with thwarts. Then paint the launch with clear varnish.
Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag. magpie1832 attached the following image(s): On the bench 1/350 Revell Tirpitz Platinum Edition (Pontos PE and Wooden deck) plus extra Eduard PE set and extra MK1 door sets.
Rank: Super-Elite Groups: New Members, Unapproved Joined: 11/11/2009 Posts: 3,432 Points: 10,280 Location: Colwyn bay
Stage 65 contains: Eyepins, Stern gun ports wooden strip 0.6 x 5 x 250mm, Wooden strip 8 x 8 x 300mm.
If you haven't already done so, mark the identifying letters and numbers onto the parts of the larger launch.( Stage 64 ). Remove the individual pieces from the board, be careful not to damage the wood. Smooth the edges of the pieces with fine grain sandpaper. Glue parts B2 to B12 into B1 in ascending order. Take the piece B13 and glue it on top of the pieces B1 to B12. There are notches at the bow, amidships and the stern for pieces B1, B7, and B12. Glue the two B14 pieces either side of B1 and aligned with the bottom of B2. When the glue is dry paint the assembly with wood stain.
Use a file to curve the edges of the frames, creating a smooth line from bow to stern. Check the shape with a plank. Glue the first strip into position, leaving a gap at the top of the frames, and only bringing the strip to the top of the frames at the bow. Remove the excess of the strip at the bow and stern. Then apply a matching strip to the other side.
Continue lining the hull of the launch working from the keel. Cut away the excess from the strips as you go. Shape some smaller parts to fill in the remaining gaps. Glue them into place. Then cover the transom with planks, cut away the excess when dry. Smooth the hull with sandpaper, trying to make it as uniform as possible.
Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag.
magpie1832 attached the following image(s): On the bench 1/350 Revell Tirpitz Platinum Edition (Pontos PE and Wooden deck) plus extra Eduard PE set and extra MK1 door sets.
Rank: Super-Elite Groups: New Members, Unapproved Joined: 11/11/2009 Posts: 3,432 Points: 10,280 Location: Colwyn bay
Stage 66 contains: Pins, Wooden strips 0.6 x 5 x 250mm, Wooden strips 1 x 4 x 100mm, Ladder sides.
Glue two 2 x 4mm strips around the top of the hull planks, leaving a gap for the stem at the bow. Turn the launch over and cut through the frames to separate the boat from the jig. Turn the launch over again and smooth the tops of the frames with a sanding block then paint the upper end of the frames with wood stain to match the rest.
Remove the remaining Parts from the frets received with Stages 61 and 62. Sand the pieces smooth and paint with wood stain. Glue the bow deck into place. Then cut three lengths of 2 x 3mm wooden strip and glue in place in bottom of launch.
Glue pieces of 0.6 x 5mm wooden strip over the bow area. Make the keel and then glue it and the stem into position. Cut a 2 x 3mm strip into four to create the thwarts, then glue them into position. Glue the bow gunwale and the stern gunwale into position, and then paint the launch with wood stain. Glue the rudder and tiller into position at the stern.
Create six rowlocks in the same way as Stage 64, and glue them into place on the gunwale. Then paint the launch with clear varnish to seal it.
Stage complete, carefully store any remaining parts in a stage labelled bag.
magpie1832 attached the following image(s): On the bench 1/350 Revell Tirpitz Platinum Edition (Pontos PE and Wooden deck) plus extra Eduard PE set and extra MK1 door sets.