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Thanx guys... Thank you Carl
have fun, jess
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Possibly my being a total noob or maybe it's just that I'm a complete idiot. I expected a bit better. I find my expectations were higher than reality. Christmas ~ doorbell rings and a box, two cardboard stiffeners and 8 tubes arrived on my doorstep. Inside the box.... 7 smaller packages. Trick or treat ~ that's 17 packages labeled month one thru eighteen. No month 7 ? We'll see if it shows up someday. Opening the month one and then two, a couple things jump out at me. There are no written instructions as I guess I just assumed there would be. all parts are identified by there number.... except there are no numbers ~ and some of the parts are so similar to Almost be interchangeable. Following the instructions online I just need to be careful, in month one in two places parts are mis-numbered. It took quite a bit of tweaking to get part #1 (the main backbone of the ship) placed in a jig because there is over a 1/4 inch bow in the piece. As I sat reading what was in store in month two it says to nail the pieces in place ~~~ I finally found nails in the month five package. I don't mean to sound like I'm complaining, I am enjoying the challenge. I just hope I continue to enjoy it, lol have fun, jess giant242 attached the following image(s):
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HI there, if there is a warp in the keel you want to correct that before assembly or it will make planking harder.Soak the part in water and then place it between 2 pieces of glass and put some weight on them to compress the part and leave it for 48 hours.
I will look at my kit.I think there should be an instruction booklet with it .
If you reply to my PM I will find out about month7
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The CuttySark US webpage says - Your step-by-step instructions are available to DOWNLOAD directly from our website.
The instructions downloads can be found behind the "Download" tab: https://www.model-space....ark-full-kit-model.html
You need to ensure you have a central parallel line along the full length of your build board to ensure that your keel runs parallel within your brackets, also check that each bracket is in fact 90 degrees square as often they can be a few degree's out and may need slight adjustment.
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Joined: 13/10/2017 Posts: 36 Points: 114 Location: Sacramento
Thank you Carl & Tomick,
duh ~ I've seen how people have straitened things... just not firing on all cylinders yet. You guys are so helpful, thank you.
As for directions.. I printed all the on-line directions and have my computer to blow up any detail, it's just lines like "all the parts are numbered" within those directions I begin to get worried, lol. While waiting for my kit to be delivered I must have looked at a dozen builds (from different companies) and have seem everything from none, to full sized, to a dvd with directions..... I understand what was stated when I ordered and take full responsibility for chasing off down the rabbit hole.
As I said, I wanted to be challenged ~ This kit is everything I had hoped for ~ I love it.
have fun, jess
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Hi guys, I wet down the keel and had it under glass for 2 days (with 25-30# of lead on top. That took out all but about 1-2 mm of the warp so I wet it down again and did it again for another two days ~ no change. Must I truly "soak" the keel for a period of time? All the warp is in the bottom / bow. Should I just try focusing on bending that area true? Thank you, have fun, jess
Hi Jess, was the piece totally dry before you removed it from beneath the glass?. I would normally soak a piece for a good few mins and have been known to leave it under the weighted glass for over a week. enough time to allow it to dry completely. It all depends on how bad the warp is. If the warp is only slight then you may be able to hold it perfectly true using your build jig and strategically placed brackets, if you can do this then you must leave the keel in the jig until the first few rows of planks on both sides have been completed, applying a plank on the port side then fitting the same plank on the starboard side before fitting the next plank..... It would help if you placed the keel in the build jig and post some photos looking directly down the keel from bow to stern, stern to bow and from above.....
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Thank you Gandal, The piece seems dry but just sitting out without the weight on it it seems to be returning to it's former shape. If I were a little more experienced I would just allow it to sit for a week while I constructed some other part of the build. The build jig is solid and trues it up fairly well but step 2 is to turn it upside down and attach the deck, gluing the ribs in place at that time. As I sit here watching others on YouTube and here in this community my confidence in my ability just keeps getting assaulted. I know it I can just get my hands dirty the work will start to flow. Thank you for your time and patience. Have fun, jess giant242 attached the following image(s):
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the photos asked for. giant242 attached the following image(s):
Hi Jess, all novice builders of these kits feel as you do when they first start out but you'll find as you move forward your confidence in your ability will grow. I am looking at the same PDF's from the web site that you should be using so together with the pics you supply we should be able to get you off and running.
From what I see, it doesn't look too bad, I've seen a lot worse. There are many ways to fit the ribs and decks in place and in this instance we will have to deviate from the instructions a little. First thing to do is to ensure you get the keel sitting in the build jig making absolutely sure it is sitting perfectly straight and perfectly upright along its full length. Use additional good quality strong brackets if necessary as once the keel is in place there should not be any free movement in any direction. Ensure you keep the ribs slots free from the brackets. Once set don't be tempted to remove the keel from the jig until much later.
Remove the ribs from the fret, clean all the edges ensuring you don't change their shape at all and slot them into place, do not glue yet. The ribs should be a snug fit and the tops should be level with top of the keel. You can glue the two smaller part 15's (mast supports) in place, 90 degrees to the keel. Parts 14, 17, 18, 19 and 20 you can leave off for now. Once done, show some pics similar to those taken earlier.
Hope this helps...
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Joined: 13/10/2017 Posts: 36 Points: 114 Location: Sacramento
Thank you Alan
thank you very much for your valued assistance (have looked at some of your work and it's incredible, gj). Before going into the health field I was a machinist, both production and precision, with tolerances as close as 50 / 1,000,000 of an inch so I understand getting things right. What I don't understand is 'wood'. Yesterday I spent well over an hour re-fabricating my jig to create a perfectly true keel. When done and satisfied I noticed I now had a gap under the keel?? I placed a level along the length and found the jig is now starting to bow. Resisting the urge to throw the whole works in the trash, I placed a pair of pipe clamps across the table, clamping the jig down flat. It may be that we are going into our "wet" season (temp 58, humidity 68%) or possibly it just hates me personally ~ doesn't matter! I'm through being intimidated by some sticks, lol. I will get this done and post when I have some progress to show.
thanx guys, Enjoy your builds, have fun, jess
Thanks for the kind comments Jess, appreciated....  .. Wood can be a little fickle at times but it will do what you tell it to do with a little coaxing, what we don't do is a lot of forcing..... The great thing about a jig is that it will serve you on multiple builds so time spent here making sure your jig is true is going to be time well spent.... Also, the good thing about this forum is there is always someone here ready to give assistance to all who need it. Look forward to seeing your first progress post..... Regards Alan
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Hi guys.. So this will be a pretty straightforward build since I have never seen a sailing ship in person. So there won't be anything new or exciting to see. I am building this ship in the hopes I may acquire the skills to do better in the future. I promise ~~ no more whining. I straitened the keel as best I could, solidified the jig, squared the 4 sm false decks and glued those and the two reinforcements in place along with the stern bulkhead. I glued the strengtheners fore and aft the fitted the two decks in place and have nailed them in place. Next I will flip the boat, glue the frames in place and shape and shape the strengtheners. A couple small steps and then I'll be plating. giant242 attached the following image(s):
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Taking shape nicely, Jess.
Really looking forward to seeing this progress.
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Hi Jess, Your build is coming along nicely. Looking forward to following. Kind regards, Garth "Measure twice, cut once!!!" Finished!!! HMS Victory, Current build: Black Pearl. On hold: Bismarck, Golden Hind, Flying Scotsman, Victory Cross Section, SOTS, Tiger 1. Wish list: USS Constitution.
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Well that all looks very nice indeed and its good to see a cutty sark being built. Hope your hull planking goes well for you. Happy Modelling
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Hi Jess, looks like you are now over your initial problem and now progressing very nicely..... Hope it all works out for you from here on.... Good luck with the build, I'll be following your progress all the way..... Regards Alan
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Looking good. Time spent on getting the keel and the ribs correct is well worth it and pays dividends later.
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Great start to your build Jess  looking forward to seeing the planking  regards Phil COMING SOON =1/72 Italeri diorama`s Battle for the Reichstag and Stalingrad battle at the tractor factory 1/16 Trumpeter King Tiger with loads of extras ON THE GO= refurbishment of 1/25 Tamiya tiger 1 , amt Star trek kits and space 1999 models
So Much to Build,But What a Hobby!
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Well done Jess, for getting over the initial problems and sticking with it. Looking forward to your future updates. Regards delboy271155 (Derek) COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
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