 Rank: Vice-Master     Groups: Registered
Joined: 20/01/2011 Posts: 606 Points: 1,747 Location: Canberra, Australia
The keel of the Sovereign of the Seas. Still needs two reinforcing pieces to be glued over the joints in the keel. 
 Rank: Vice-Master     Groups: Registered
Joined: 20/01/2011 Posts: 606 Points: 1,747 Location: Canberra, Australia
Added the two remaining reinforcing parts, next up is all the frames. 
 Rank: Vice-Master     Groups: Registered
Joined: 20/01/2011 Posts: 606 Points: 1,747 Location: Canberra, Australia
Work on the frames is progressing. 
 Rank: Vice-Master     Groups: Registered
Joined: 20/01/2011 Posts: 606 Points: 1,747 Location: Canberra, Australia
Bowsprit has been added, but not glued as yet. Still needs lots more to be added to it. 
 Rank: Vice-Master     Groups: Registered
Joined: 20/01/2011 Posts: 606 Points: 1,747 Location: Canberra, Australia
The deck, masts and bulkheads are not glued in yet. Need to find the box of balsa bits first. 
 Rank: Vice-Master     Groups: Registered
Joined: 20/01/2011 Posts: 606 Points: 1,747 Location: Canberra, Australia
Built the castle at the stern this afternoon. 
 Rank: Vice-Master     Groups: Registered
Joined: 20/01/2011 Posts: 606 Points: 1,747 Location: Canberra, Australia
Only parts not glued right now are the 3 dowels for the masts and the beak. The beak is the part sticking out from the bow under the dowel. 
 Rank: Vice-Master     Groups: Registered
Joined: 20/01/2011 Posts: 606 Points: 1,747 Location: Canberra, Australia
Added the wood for the false cannons to be screwed in to. 
 Rank: Vice-Master     Groups: Registered
Joined: 20/01/2011 Posts: 606 Points: 1,747 Location: Canberra, Australia
Added the next deck to the ship at the forward end. Still need to add the rest of deck supports and balsa, (for the centre of the deck supports as they are far to flexible). 
 Rank: Vice-Master     Groups: Registered
Joined: 20/01/2011 Posts: 606 Points: 1,747 Location: Canberra, Australia
Completed the next deck, onwards, upwards and outwards. 
 Rank: Vice-Master     Groups: Registered
Joined: 20/01/2011 Posts: 606 Points: 1,747 Location: Canberra, Australia
Added two more pieces of wood to the castle at the stern. 
 Rank: Vice-Master     Groups: Registered
Joined: 20/01/2011 Posts: 606 Points: 1,747 Location: Canberra, Australia
Painting of the area where the cannons screw in to has finally been done. A second coat may be needed.  
 Rank: Vice-Master     Groups: Registered
Joined: 20/01/2011 Posts: 606 Points: 1,747 Location: Canberra, Australia
Finally another photo of the ship. 
 Rank: Vice-Master     Groups: Registered
Joined: 20/01/2011 Posts: 606 Points: 1,747 Location: Canberra, Australia
Added two more blocks of balsa to the hull, only I left them full width by mistake. Oh well, I will just add full width ones the other side to balance things up. 
Taking shape very nicely, great work. Mark
Looks like you're progressing very nicely, well done....  .. Am surprised you haven't secured the keel into a build jig, something I would always recommend on any ship build.... Regards Alan
 Rank: Vice-Master     Groups: Registered
Joined: 20/01/2011 Posts: 606 Points: 1,747 Location: Canberra, Australia
Never had a problem building without one. :)