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Star Trek USS Enterprise 1701 Build Options
#21 Posted : 17 November 2019 16:45:50

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really is starting to take shape.
#22 Posted : 17 November 2019 17:11:51

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BigGrin All looking good and nice workCool
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#23 Posted : 17 November 2019 18:18:48

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Thanks for the comments guys, very much appreciated.

Carl, I found the graphics on line. Paid for the licence, then had it printed on acrylic board.

#24 Posted : 17 November 2019 22:57:17

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Very nice work indeed Mark, think this is going to be one amazing display piece when finished.... Very well done....Drool Drool


#25 Posted : 21 November 2019 13:26:25

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Okay, so this must be the smallest PE, I’ve ever done so far.Crying The size of the bridge itself is smaller than a five pence piece sitting on a base that fits into the top saucer section. There are about 15 PR parts to fit, the smallest are the size of a pin head, the seats, which need to be bent in place.
Once fitted together, I primed the part before painting.
The last few pictures show the part temporarily in place for a test fit. This will be lit, and you should just about see the whole bridge area when finished.
Now for the Shuttle bay, thank got that’s slightly bigger.Laugh

Markwarren attached the following image(s):
Photo 35.jpg
Photo 36.jpg
Photo 37.jpg
Photo 38.jpg
Photo 39.jpg
Photo 40.jpg
Photo 41.jpg
Photo 42.jpg
Photo 43.jpg
Photo 44.jpg
#26 Posted : 21 November 2019 13:31:52

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wow, that is small, and you painted it as well. well done.
#27 Posted : 21 November 2019 16:08:46

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Wow that is some steady hand detail painting.it will look amazing when lit


#28 Posted : 21 November 2019 16:10:22

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BigGrin Looking good and I bet you got permament x eyes nowLOL LOL Drool Cool Drool
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#29 Posted : 21 November 2019 21:05:25

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Thanks guys for your comments. The eyes for now are back to normal, did see double for two hour after though.LOL

#30 Posted : 21 November 2019 22:12:35

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Drool WOW, that's some detail for the scale Mark ThumpUp
#31 Posted : 21 November 2019 23:56:49

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Incredible work on the bridge Mark, credit for your patience and skill....Love Love


#32 Posted : 22 November 2019 04:26:54
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Mark, there is a rather stunning set of transparencies for the various view screens. See here;

#33 Posted : 22 November 2019 08:24:04

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Thank you again for the comments.
admin wrote:
Mark, there is a rather stunning set of transparencies for the various view screens. See here;


Thanks Mark.
I did have a look for some, but they don’t do them for the 1/600 scale, must be to small to produce.

#34 Posted : 18 January 2020 15:54:29

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A few more electronics done on this build. I have started building the Bussard lighting. First, was to solder a resistor to each orange LED on the positive terminal. Next, was to make eight 3mm holes into an internal circular part of the kit where the LED’s will be inserted. These were glued into place with the negative terminals facing towards the centre where they were then soldered together after bending them in place. Using a rainbow ribbon cable, the different colours were soldered in sequence to the positive terminals, whilst the black cable was then soldered to the negative centre terminals. The other ends of the cable will eventually be attached to the mother board so the lights with flash in a circular motion giving the appearance of movement.

More soon.

Markwarren attached the following image(s):
Photo 46.jpg
Photo 45.jpg
Photo 47.jpg
Photo 48.jpg
Photo 49.jpg
Photo 50.jpg
Photo 51.jpg
#35 Posted : 19 January 2020 00:29:24

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Very interesting to see some of the electronics come together Mark, looking great....Drool Drool


#36 Posted : 21 January 2020 19:47:59

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Many thanks Alan, your comments always appreciated.BigGrin

Doesn’t look like a lot done, but I have been test fitting and working out how and where the electronics will be fitted. After some dodgy kits recently, it was nice to have a kit that fits correctly. Last two days I have been contemplating how it all comes together and at what stages I put the electronics in and when to start the painting. Anyway, I am getting there. Here are a few pictures with the Bussard lighting in place and some priming to the hull has been done. I have also experimented with the internal saucer lighting and how it will light up the bridge.
Markwarren attached the following image(s):
#37 Posted : 21 January 2020 20:38:58

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wow, and wow, i am really impressed by this build. keep up the good work.
#38 Posted : 21 January 2020 22:33:04

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I second steves comments.Great build diary so far.I would imagine anything is better than that old Airfix kit you worked on recently!!!


#39 Posted : 22 January 2020 08:43:52

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Thank you for your kind comments Steve & Carl, alway appreciated.

#40 Posted : 23 January 2020 23:11:57

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Loving the build so far. I am generally no use whatsoever at electronics, so will be watching this intently from now on.

However, I do have one question.

Wasn't the Enterprise of Kirk's era a Constitution class starship?

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