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John Passmore Options
John Passmore
#361 Posted : 24 February 2020 15:33:57

Rank: Pro
Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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birdaj2 wrote:
Very neat work John.

All that rigging looks extremely complex.


Hi Tony

Thank you for looking in and the nice compliment...BigGrin
Yeah - rigging is complex - and frustrating at times...Blink , but satisfying to see it finished...Cool

John Passmore
#362 Posted : 24 February 2020 15:38:20

Rank: Pro
Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Gandale wrote:
Looking fab John, the end is very much in sight now....Love Love .. Very well done...



Hi Alan

Thank you for the nice compliment...BigGrin Yes the end is in sight now - just wondering what to get up to when it's done...!Laugh

John Passmore
#363 Posted : 24 February 2020 15:44:18

Rank: Pro
Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Hi Everyone.

Here is my progress for February 2020.

Issue 135 refers.

Installed all four anchors and the floatation devices taken from the poster...I think that adds a nice touch...BigGrin Cool
Started prepping the figurines.

Almost there!!!!!...BigGrin BigGrin Cool Cool

John Passmore attached the following image(s):
309. Midships rigging. Feb 2020.jpg
310. Starboard anchors installed Feb 2020.JPG
311. Anchors & Floatation devices Feb 2020.JPG
312. Prow shot Feb 2020.JPG
313. Portside anchors Feb 2020.JPG
317. Prep Figurines Feb. 2020.JPG
#364 Posted : 24 February 2020 16:14:51

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Joined: 08/09/2012
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Location: Aberdeen
Looks absolutely stunning John, you're doing a fabulous job on her.....Love Love Love


#365 Posted : 25 February 2020 09:29:17
Rank: Administration

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Joined: 09/11/2012
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Location: East midlands
Amazing work John.Cool Cool

Congrats on your "Yellow" medal for an outstanding build.

Well deserved. ThumpUp ThumpUp ThumpUp


#366 Posted : 25 February 2020 21:02:41

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Congratulations on your yellow medal, and richly deserved. Stunning work.Love Love Drool Drool

#367 Posted : 25 February 2020 21:05:53

Rank: Super-Elite
Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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yes I agree well deserved yellow medal.A stunning build.


#368 Posted : 27 February 2020 00:28:48

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Joined: 08/09/2012
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Location: Aberdeen
Congratulations on your Yellow Medal Award John, a build that certainly deserves the recognition for the work and effort you've done.... Very well done....Drool Drool Drool


John Passmore
#369 Posted : 27 February 2020 03:09:08

Rank: Pro
Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Hi Alan, Derek, Mark and Carl.

Many thanks for your kind words of congratulations...BigGrin

But can anyone tell me what the yellow medal is for? Have I unwittingly reached/passed a milestone or something?...Confused Laugh

#370 Posted : 27 February 2020 04:06:02

Rank: Super-Elite
Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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John Passmore wrote:
Hi Alan, Derek, Mark and Carl.

Many thanks for your kind words of congratulations...BigGrin

But can anyone tell me what the yellow medal is for? Have I unwittingly reached/passed a milestone or something?...Confused Laugh


The yellow medal is awarded for an outstanding build and is well deserved in your case.Congratulations.


John Passmore
#371 Posted : 17 March 2020 09:17:10

Rank: Pro
Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Location: Mandurah W.Australia
darbyvet wrote:
John Passmore wrote:
Hi Alan, Derek, Mark and Carl.

Many thanks for your kind words of congratulations...BigGrin

But can anyone tell me what the yellow medal is for? Have I unwittingly reached/passed a milestone or something?...Confused Laugh


The yellow medal is awarded for an outstanding build and is well deserved in your case.Congratulations.


Hi Carl
Thanks for the clarification - much appreciated...BigGrin

John Passmore
#372 Posted : 17 March 2020 09:25:08

Rank: Pro
Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Joined: 25/04/2014
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Location: Mandurah W.Australia
Hi Everyone

EUREKA!!!BigGrin My SotS is now complete.

Firstly I'd like to thank Admin for selecting mine as Build of the Month...Blink Although I feel my build is not as worthy as some of the other excellent builds on this Forum!!!!...Blink
Nonetheless I appreciate the recognition....BigGrin

Her is my final progress report.

Issues 134 and 135 refer.

* Fitted all the flags....BigGrin
* Placed all the "Diddy Men"....Laugh

Regards to all

PS. I've made the display stand and wondering if I should glue it to the hull...Can anyone advise?...Confused
John Passmore attached the following image(s):
318 Sots completed 17 March 2020.JPG
319 SotS completed 17 March 2020.JPG
320 SotS completed 17 March 2020.JPG
321 SotS completed 17 March 2020.JPG
322 SotS completed 17 March 2020.JPG
323 SotS completed 17 March 2020.JPG
324 SotS completed 17 March 2020.JPG
325 SotS completed 17 March 2020.JPG
#373 Posted : 17 March 2020 11:22:24

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Joined: 31/05/2010
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Location: Wiltshire

Top job - looks brilliant.

Personal view but i would not glue stand to model as you can bet at some point you will wish you had not.

Many line the stand with felt so it does not damage paint on lower hull.

So what are you going to do next? Will it be another ship model?

Happy Modelling

BUILDING: Hachette Spitfire Mk 1A, Constructo Mayflower
SUBSCRIPTION COMPLETE (Awaiting building): USS Constitution, Sovereign of the Seas, 1:200 Bismarck (Hachette)
COMPLETED: Porsche 911, E-Type Jaguar, Lam Countach
Martyn Ingram
#374 Posted : 17 March 2020 12:37:18

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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BigGrin Stunning work John a very nice build Cool
Building ?
Completed. Soliei Royal . Sovereign of the Seas . Virginia . Scotland . San Felipe . Corel vasa , Santisima Trinadad X section , Vasa
Next Build ?
When sailors have good wine, They think themselves in heaven for the time. John Baltharpe
#375 Posted : 17 March 2020 13:37:39
Rank: Administration

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Hi JohnP, BigGrin

These kits need some serious dedication and skill to complete, so you deserve every accolade they get.

On that point, congrats on your "Red" medal for a completed build.

Cool Cool Cool

I hope you have another project in mind or are thinking about one, as I for one will be following your progress.


#376 Posted : 17 March 2020 15:07:54

Rank: Master

Active Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding build
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Hi John,
Congratulations on completing your build.
It's stunning!!!Drool
The yellow medal is well deserved!!! Congrats again.
Kind regards,
"Measure twice, cut once!!!"
Finished!!! HMS Victory,
Current build: Black Pearl.
On hold: Bismarck, Golden Hind, Flying Scotsman, Victory Cross Section, SOTS, Tiger 1.
Wish list: USS Constitution.
#377 Posted : 17 March 2020 18:31:26

Rank: Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Well done John - a beautiful model in every way and a credit to you!Cool Cool Cool
I would also say don't glue to the stand - I think the most elegant stands for wooden ships are the brass pedestal type which screw or bolt into the keel. The wooden 'cradle' type I think should always be just a free standing support, as Tony said, once its glued you're stuck with it (sorry!BigGrin )
Brilliant work!

First wooden ship: The Grimsby 12 Gun 'Frigate' by Constructo Second: Bounty DelPrado Part Works Third: HMS Victory DelPrado Part Works 1/100 scale
Diorama of the Battle of the Brandywine from the American Revolutionary War Diorama of the Battle of New Falkland (unfinished sci-fi), Great War Centenary Diorama of the Messines Ridge Assault
Index for the Victory diary is on page 1
John Passmore
#378 Posted : 18 March 2020 03:10:22

Rank: Pro
Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Location: Mandurah W.Australia
birdaj2 wrote:

Top job - looks brilliant.

Personal view but i would not glue stand to model as you can bet at some point you will wish you had not.

Many line the stand with felt so it does not damage paint on lower hull.

So what are you going to do next? Will it be another ship model?


Hi Tony
Thanks for the nice compliment and words of advice re the display stand - which I shall follow...BigGrin
No I shall not be doing any more modelling, I would like to have done Victory but don't have time now...Blink
I see you are in Wiltshire - I had close family in Beanacre and visited many times over the years - lovely part of the world....BigGrin
Best regards
John Passmore
#379 Posted : 18 March 2020 03:13:47

Rank: Pro
Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Joined: 25/04/2014
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Location: Mandurah W.Australia
Martyn Ingram wrote:
BigGrin Stunning work John a very nice build Cool

Hi Martyn
Thanks for looking in and the nice compliment.
Best regards
John Passmore
#380 Posted : 18 March 2020 03:22:58

Rank: Pro
Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Location: Mandurah W.Australia
delboy271155 wrote:
Hi JohnP, BigGrin

These kits need some serious dedication and skill to complete, so you deserve every accolade they get.

On that point, congrats on your "Red" medal for a completed build.

Cool Cool Cool

I hope you have another project in mind or are thinking about one, as I for one will be following your progress.


Hi Derek
Yes it was a lot more difficult than I initially envisaged - there was a lot of trial and error, with two steps forward and one step back as I had to work out how to do certain functions all the time....Blink I often found instructions in much later issues long after I'd spent time working on an item!!!Blushing
Sorry - I won't be doing any more projects...Blink
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