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Star Trek USS Enterprise 1701 Build Options
#81 Posted : 31 March 2020 07:25:58

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Andreas wrote:
It's always great to look at your models.It always gives me new inspirations.
I´m also very interested building the Enterprise. I have the opportunity to buy the Enterprise cheaply from a dealer. He started it, but no longer want to continue. A light kit from the USA is included.
But!! it is getting tight in my house. Two rooms are already full and Madame is getting nervousBigGrin . A lot came together in 8 years.

Thank Andreas. I’m getting to be in the same boat with room as well. Although it was one of the smaller models of its kind our there, by the time I’ve build the display case with the electronics, it is going to be quite a size.Cool ThumpUp

#82 Posted : 31 March 2020 07:26:46

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Gandale wrote:
Beautiful work Mark, she really does look amazing.....Love Love



Thank you Alan, still a lot of work to do.BigGrin

#83 Posted : 31 March 2020 07:29:53

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Steve1701 wrote:
i cant get over the shuttle bay doors, work gone in to this is amazing. look forward to more updates. BigGrin

Thank you Steve. I breathed a sigh of relief when it all lit up after I had pieced it all together. The plan is to have the Galileo shuttle flying out of the bay when complete.BigGrin

#84 Posted : 31 March 2020 21:19:51

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BigGrin Looks like flash got his act together and nice workLOL Cool
Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .

#85 Posted : 01 April 2020 09:38:15

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Thanks Andy, wish he got his act together first time round.LOL

#86 Posted : 01 April 2020 09:51:16

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Drool Jaw droppingly stunning Love
#87 Posted : 05 April 2020 15:43:03

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#88 Posted : 05 April 2020 15:46:26

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Welcome back to the space dock. It has been a turbulent time this week, with fitting the nacelles to the hull.Cursing I first painted the nacelles and applied the decals as I thought this would be easier to do separately rather than when fitted. First two of the rear fins snapped off whilst painting, so made the decision to take the other two off and paint them separately. Once the decals were in place and left to dry, I then sprayed it with a satin varnish. The rear dome pieces were placed on last and these were given a high gloss finish, as they are in the original prop.
Then came the fitting. I knew it wouldn’t be easy trying to get the ribbon cables through the tight space I had because of the shuttle bay, but I really needed two pairs of hands. Once I had thread them through, I then applied some super glue and pushed them in place onto the hull. All that was then needed was the final piece of the hull to fit over the lower nacelles locking it all in place. Then disaster happened.Cursing Cursing As I was pushing the hull plate down to lock it, the rear hull split open on the seam. It was like trying to fit a quart into a pint pot. Anyway, not panicking, I re-glued and sanded the seam again, after which it was re-painted.BigGrin
The first pictures are the Nacelles ready to be fitted and the pictures after them are of the original prop. These were used as reference for painting my own. The last one of those pictures are of the Enterprise in the museum after undergoing restoration.
The final lot of pictures are it all fitted together and another lighting test after the disaster I had, just to make sure nothing was dislodged inside. The lighting of the Bussard’s can’t be done until the base is made and the circuit board is in place. As you may notice .I have made a jig to hold the model in place for safety. The main dome caps have also not been fitted yet.

More soon

Markwarren attached the following image(s):
Photo 119.jpg
Photo 120.jpg
Im 1.jpg
Im 2.jpg
Im 3.jpg
Im 4.jpg
Photo 121.jpg
Photo 122.jpg
Photo 123.jpg
Photo 124.jpg
Photo 125.jpg
Photo 126.jpg
Photo 126a.jpg
Photo 127.jpg
Photo 128.jpg
Photo 129.jpg
Photo 131.jpg
#89 Posted : 05 April 2020 16:09:42
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Fab build and update. Love Love Love

That support frame is a build in itself. Only criticism is you should have painted it black then nobody would have seen it against the black backdrop. We`d all be guessing then how you got it to levitate. LOL LOL LOL

Keep it up its looking good.Cool


#90 Posted : 05 April 2020 18:58:34

Rank: Super-Elite

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Thanks Derek.BigGrin
Should have painted it black, never crossed my mind.LOL LOL

#91 Posted : 05 April 2020 23:34:43

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Fantastic Mark, love everything about this build.... Love Love


#92 Posted : 06 April 2020 08:52:20

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Gandale wrote:
Fantastic Mark, love everything about this build.... Love Love



Thank you AlanBigGrin Now to figure out how the base will go together with the electronics.

Kev the Modeller
#93 Posted : 06 April 2020 10:24:31

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Hello Mark,

As I've said before, I'm not a sci-fi fan but I always know when I see good modelling skills being displayed regardless of whether or not I am interested in the subject matter. I will always give credit where it is due and you are definitely due a very large chunk of it!

Well done mate, an exceptional build it looks fantastic all lit up - top job sir! Drool Cool ThumpUp

Per Ardua Ad Astra
#94 Posted : 06 April 2020 12:40:50

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Hi captain Kirk would be proud of you,admire your modeling skills greatly .cheers mick.BigGrin
Builds hms victory, suzuki gsx 1300 R hayabusa, honda C B 750, lamborghini countach L P 500 S, tamiya 1/16 rc full option tiger 1 tank,
built, Mclaren M P 4 - 23. Occre london tram,
Stash.airfix 1/24 mosquito. Diag Virginia schooner, tamiya 1/6 honda 750, tamiya 1/35 famo, tamiya 1/35 flak 88.
#95 Posted : 06 April 2020 18:24:43

Rank: Super-Elite

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Thank you Kev, Mick. BigGrin for taking the time to look in.ThumpUp

#96 Posted : 06 April 2020 18:59:04

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BigGrin Looking good Mark and very nice workCool
Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .

#97 Posted : 12 April 2020 09:33:58

Rank: Super-Elite

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#98 Posted : 12 April 2020 09:34:31

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With the weather as nice as it has been over the last few days and being at home, I have taken the opportunity to do the base of the model. Most of this work was done outside with workbench and table at the ready. I’m glad I did, what a mess I made.
The model of the Enterprise is almost complete, minus a few tweaks and the front Bussard domes to install. Next, was to start the base of the model. I have altered a few things from the original drawing I made earlier in this build. The two main alterations are the stand which will hold the Enterprise on the base and the positioning of the speakers and sound effects buttons.
The stand will be slightly larger that the original tube based one I had planned, as the amount of lighting withing the model created far more cables to attach to the base that I was expecting.
The acrylic schematics has been trimmed to fit; this was not easy. I then attached this to the main base by drilling holes into it and raising it with the metal stands as shown. This will allow the lighting to be placed on the bottom base for the lighting effects. The plan is to finish it off with clear red acrylic edging to give a red glow as well.
The other alteration was to move the buttons and speakers to the front of the base. I decided to make it into a Star Trek style computer console. This was made from sheets of plastic card, sanded and moulded into what you see in the picture below. The LED’s show clear but will be coloured when complete. The two slots on the top are for the data chips used in the original series. These will be made from clear acrylic card and illuminated from within the console.

More soon

Markwarren attached the following image(s):
Photo 136.jpg
Photo 140.jpg
Photo 137.jpg
Photo 141.jpg
Photo 139.jpg
#99 Posted : 14 April 2020 19:10:32

Rank: Super-Elite

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A little more to the display case done. I am making the case with ease of access to areas that may need servicing in the future. As well as having the main Enterprise model with a push fit front in order to access the wiring inside, I have also made the stand on which it fits to the base removable as well. As shown in the pictures below, I have made the base fixing in the shape of the Star Trek logo. This will be painted gold with a black rim and attached to the stand. The lower half of the fixing will be attached to the base with slots and a hole where the wiring will feed through. The second part of the fixing will be glued to the main stand and magnets on the underside holding it firmly in place, whilst giving access to take it apart should it be necessary.
I have also tweaked the computer console with some more buttons from the extra decals that came in the kit.

More soon


Markwarren attached the following image(s):
Photo 142.jpg
Photo 143.jpg
Photo 144.jpg
Photo 145.jpg
Photo 146.jpg
Photo 147.jpg
#100 Posted : 19 April 2020 14:58:32

Rank: Super-Elite

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I have finished the control panel wiring that will operate the sound effect. These range from the bridge ambiance; Enterprise computer talk and main theme music all from the original series. The stand has also been completed for the model to sit on with the cables running down. This has also been put together with magnets for ease of accessibility. Finally, the under lighting is in place which illuminates the schematics. Just waiting for some parts I have ordered, including the red edging to hide the cables and just to finish it off with a red glow.
Not long now before it all gets put together and lots of fingers crossed that it all works on the day.


Markwarren attached the following image(s):
Photo 149.jpg
Photo 150.jpg
Photo 151.jpg
Photo 153.jpg
Photo 154.jpg
Photo 154a.jpg
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