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looks great.Nice work on the photoetched parts
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Thanks for looking in and your great comments Mark and Carl, very much appreciated as always. The model is very intricate but it does have a certain strength and integrity when all of the components are combined.
Another update coming very soon. 
Kev.Per Ardua Ad Astra
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Joined: 25/11/2018 Posts: 1,284 Points: 3,878 Location: Southeast UK
Hello all,
Next update!
I finished adding the remaining details to the science boom. On the top of the boom between the 'Cosmic Ray Detector' and the various cameras at the end of the boom, lies the 'Plasma Observation System'. This is the shallow pyramidal item in the photos below, which I modified slightly by cutting off a couple of solidly cast brackets and replacing them with small lengths of black stretched sprue to make a more realistic supporting framework. I also added a PE brass part from the Eduard set which adds a bit more refinement:

That PE part comes as a three sided piece which you are supposed to fold into a shallow pyramid, but it isn't the same size as the plastic kit part, so I had to separate the three sides from each other and glue them on as separate plates, though the angles are also out slightly, but it shouldn't really be obvious under paint. I also had to add a small box, scratchbuilt from plastic sheet, inside the brass boom which sits beneath the 'Plasma Observation System' which meant carefully removing a small brace in one of the sections of the PE brass boom. This box is quite obvious on the real probe but was missing in the kit as it wouldn't be visible inside the solid plastic boom as supplied. The last real parts to add to this boom were a small bracket underneath the boom, just behind the 'Low Energy Charged Particle Detector' and a small piece of white plastic card to help the boom support rod in keeping things level:

Next job was to replace the two rather thick (and fragile) plastic rods that are supplied in the kit as the 'Planetary Radio Astronomy and Plasma Wave Antennae':

I cut off the fixing brackets and the small round end caps then micro-drilled them to accept lengths of floristry wire, which was more of a scale thickness and helpfully coated in a green plastic which would also help with paint adhesion later. They will be glued in place right at the end of the build:

I then assembled the various parts of the 'High Gain Antenna' dish, added the various PE brass parts supplied in the Eduard set and a couple of wires that are also supplied as PE brass but they were flat and 2D, I wanted something more realistic so used some thin fuse wire instead:

The photos below show how the Antenna dish looks when it is temporarily joined to the main 'Electronics Bus Housing'. Starting to look like a probe now!:

Then came what I thought would be the most difficult part of this build, which was bending and assembling the very long PE brass replacement for the solid plastic 'Magnetometer Boom'. In reality this boom is approximately 13 metres in length, which still makes it quite long in 1:48 scale! The very fragile PE parts were removed from their frames on the PE sheet and carefully cleaned up so that the edges could fold neatly. This boom was supplied in the sheet as two equal lengths and would have to be joined BUT with very little surface to glue them together and still maintain any kind of rigidity! I decided to use the same system that I devised for the smaller 'Science Boom' which involved gluing 0.2mm diameter brass tubing inside the corners. However I only glued the tube as a full length piece in the corner where the triangular frame has it's open edges coming together and then added shorter length in the other two corners to act as supporting rods at the central joint. When this was all glued together using thin CA glue, it was actually quite strong and fairly difficult to see the central joint! I let that set for a few minutes then very carefully twisted the boom so that one end was rotated 120 degrees along it's length as per the real thing - that was a bit of a sweaty moment! With that successfully accomplished I then added a couple of small scratchbuilt magnetometers out of white plastic card and rod, one right on the end of the boom and the other part way along it's length. The whole sequence for building this PE boom is shown in the photos below. See if you can spot the central joint in the fifth photo!:

Below are a few shots of this very long boom temporarily attached to the probe. Counting the 1cm squares on my cutting mat should give you an idea of how long this boom is!:

All of the main assemblies in the photos above are only placed together temporarily, and will next be disassembled, primed and painted before then being permanently glued back in place. I am thinking of maybe adding a few scratchbuilt cables and wires to enhance the model even further but undecided as yet. I may just leave it as it is, which is already nicely detailed.
Thanks for looking, all comments and criticisms welcomed.
Per Ardua Ad Astra
Rank: Administration        Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,302 Points: 23,994 Location: East midlands
Excellent work with the etch, especially with the length of some of those pieces. This is going to be a lot bigger than I first envisaged. WTG Regards delboy271155 (Derek) COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
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Stellar work (excuse the pun)
It's amazing to think such a flimsy looking piece of hardware is still zooming along beyond our solar system.
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Outstanding Kev  the etch is well worth it and you`ve done a great job on getting it all nice and crisp Regards Phil COMING SOON =1/72 Italeri diorama`s Battle for the Reichstag and Stalingrad battle at the tractor factory 1/16 Trumpeter King Tiger with loads of extras ON THE GO= refurbishment of 1/25 Tamiya tiger 1 , amt Star trek kits and space 1999 models
So Much to Build,But What a Hobby!
Very nice work, and the Magnetometer boom looks very sturdy.  Some very nice modelling skills. Mark
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Joined: 25/11/2018 Posts: 1,284 Points: 3,878 Location: Southeast UK
Thanks Phil and Mark for looking in and your kind comments, very much appreciated as always. The Magnetometer boom is surprisingly sturdy as you say Mark, but VERY long! Gonna need to be very careful with it when I put it in the display cabinet.
Everything has had a coat of Tamiya fine grey primer today, so hopefully I can start the painting proper tomorrow and lay down some colour. 
Kev.Per Ardua Ad Astra
 Rank: Master       Groups: Registered
Joined: 25/11/2018 Posts: 1,284 Points: 3,878 Location: Southeast UK
Hi all,
Just to say that I haven't forgotten about this build, in fact I've done more to it since my last update, but I've not been at all well for several weeks (not Covid 19), and my father died a couple of weeks ago, so my mojo has been on the floor recently.
I will get back to this and bring it to a finish just as soon as I can. I have some commissioned artwork to finish first for a customer and then need to start a couple more paintings for a local gallery as well, but hoping to find some modelling time for this between now and the New Year.
Kev.Per Ardua Ad Astra
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Joined: 31/05/2010 Posts: 5,679 Points: 17,011 Location: Wiltshire
Kev the Modeller wrote:Hi all,
Just to say that I haven't forgotten about this build, in fact I've done more to it since my last update, but I've not been at all well for several weeks (not Covid 19), and my father died a couple of weeks ago, so my mojo has been on the floor recently.
I will get back to this and bring it to a finish just as soon as I can. I have some commissioned artwork to finish first for a customer and then need to start a couple more paintings for a local gallery as well, but hoping to find some modelling time for this between now and the New Year.
Kev. Kev Really so sorry to hear your news and i wish you strength to get through a very difficult time. I have had some down time with my own builds so know what you are feeling. I will look forward to your next update as thats a cracking model you have there, but i do appreciate you need to take the the time and do what feels right for you. Wishing you well Kev. Tony Happy Modelling
BUILDING: Hachette Spitfire Mk 1A, Constructo Mayflower SUBSCRIPTION COMPLETE (Awaiting building): USS Constitution, Sovereign of the Seas, 1:200 Bismarck (Hachette) COMPLETED: Porsche 911, E-Type Jaguar, Lam Countach
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Joined: 25/11/2018 Posts: 1,284 Points: 3,878 Location: Southeast UK
Many thanks for your kind and caring words Tony, very much appreciated as always.
I am looking forward to getting back to some modelling as soon as I can with renewed motivation and I hope that you too can find the inspiration and desire to continue with your own builds which I look forward to following again? As you say, taking the time to get oneself right is the most important thing and from that everything else will flow naturally?
Take care Tony and thanks again for your sympathies. 
Kev.Per Ardua Ad Astra
Hi Kev, really sorry to hear the sad news and I know from experience just how difficult a time you're going through.... Thoughts and certainly with you.... Your Voyager build is looking superb, some great detail work being shown....  .. Look forward to seeing back up to full speed with your builds in the very near future..... Best regards Alan
Hi Kev. So sorry to here about your news, it is never easy especially around this time of year. As a valued member of the forum, I’m sure everyone will be wishing you well to get though this difficult period. All the best and we all look forward to seeing you back very soon. Mojo restored. Mark
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Joined: 25/11/2018 Posts: 1,284 Points: 3,878 Location: Southeast UK
Thankyou very much Alan and Mark for your kind thoughts and sympathies, they're very much appreciated as always.
I am sure it won't take too long to restore my mojo and it won't take long to finish the Voyager build, as it's just final painting and assembly of sub structures. I have a great idea for a bespoke base to display that one on too.
I've also just had confirmation today that a long desired Model Factory Hiro (MFH) 1:12 Grand Prix car kit is still available from Japan. It has been paid for and will be on it's way in the next few weeks though could take as long as mid-January before it arrives! A very beautiful car and a very expensive kit, but one which will bring me great joy and happiness in building it - a guaranteed mojo restorer if ever there was one!
Watch this space. 
Kev.Per Ardua Ad Astra
 Rank: Super-Elite       Groups: Registered
Joined: 28/07/2014 Posts: 4,269 Points: 12,713 Location: Scotland
so sorry to here the news Kev, hope you and your family are ok. all the best mate. Phil COMING SOON =1/72 Italeri diorama`s Battle for the Reichstag and Stalingrad battle at the tractor factory 1/16 Trumpeter King Tiger with loads of extras ON THE GO= refurbishment of 1/25 Tamiya tiger 1 , amt Star trek kits and space 1999 models
So Much to Build,But What a Hobby!
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Joined: 12/01/2017 Posts: 572 Points: 1,731 Location: Cambridgeshire
Sorry to hear the sad news about your father. I know how difficult it can be at a time like this. That said, the work you have put in on the Voyager is mighty impressive. Doubt I'd have the patience to put any of that work in these days, so seems amazing to me that you've stuck with it and done such an upgrade. Can't wait to see her painted and finished - but take your time. Nothing worse than spoiling the work you've done here just to finish it a bit quicker. Current Builds Eaglemoss: Ecto-1, BTTF Delorean [Installing Mods] Hachette: T800 Endoskeleton Agora Models Shelby Cobra 427 [Plate 031] BanDai 1:5000 Imperial Star Destroyer AMT 1991 U.S.S. Enterprise Bridge [Installing Mods & Lights]
Finished Builds Deagostini: R2-D2 [Never getting batteries]
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Joined: 13/02/2011 Posts: 2,237 Points: 6,831 Location: East Sussex
Hi Kev, that's a lot of work but what a result I think it looks very cool. Regards Trev. Work in progress: Tombstone (Scratch) - San Francisco 2. -The Mayflower ( scratch by plan).
OcCre- Santa-Maria (Kit).
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Joined: 25/11/2018 Posts: 1,284 Points: 3,878 Location: Southeast UK
Many thanks for your kind sympathies and lovely comments about my work Phil, Coser and Trev, greatly appreciated as always. 
Kev.Per Ardua Ad Astra
Rank: Administration        Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,302 Points: 23,994 Location: East midlands
Hi Kev Congrats on your "green" medal award for being the featured build of the month for January 2021. Regards delboy271155 (Derek) COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"