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Official Standart Build Diary - Pack 11 Options
#1 Posted : 30 August 2020 09:31:26

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Imperial Yacht Standart, Pack 11, Stages 100-109.

Stage 100 Contents: Etch Parts Fret

Remove the two small stairways, a wheel and the large frame from the two etch frets supplied with stages 97 and 100, remove any burrs. Bend the side of the stairs up, then paint the central section with metal primer. When dry, apply a coat of brown paint to the steps.

Take the thread supplied with stage 98 and cut two lengths to fit through the lower and upper holes in the stanchions on the foredeck. Follow the same process detailed in step 98. When the glue has dried, cut off the excess thread. Glue the two stairs between the fore and main decks, up against the stanchions. Now separate two stanchions from one of the previously supplied frets and glue them to the foredeck up against the stairs. Then glue lengths of thread between them, cutting off any excess thread when the glue has dried.

Retrieve the davit supplied with stage 98 and apply a coat of metal primer. When dry, paint the davit white to match the others. Take the davit and mark the two points where the posts touch the starboard side of the hull, 4mm aft of the porthole. Drill a 1.5mm hole in the hull at each of the marked points. Glue the posts of the davit into the holes.

Retrieve the 1mm brass wire from stage 84 and cut two 40mm lengths. Create two brackets in the same way as done with the others. Take the brackets and test-fit them under the davit, creating holes in the bulwark for the ends. Glue the two brackets into position.

Drill a hole in the raised section inside the bulwark, in line with the davit, using a drill bit that matches the diameter of a nail. Insert a nail through the centre of the wheel and test-fit it in the hole. Shorten the nail so that it extends by 3mm out of the wall, then glue the parts into place.

Paint the frame with metal primer and when dry, apply a coat of matt black paint. Glue the frame to the bulwark, aft of the last davit and placed centrally between the two portholes as shown in step 13 of the instructions.

Stage complete.

Store any unused parts in a labelled bag for future use.
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#2 Posted : 01 September 2020 11:34:31

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Joined: 08/09/2012
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Location: Aberdeen
Stage 101 Contents: Thread, Davit and Aft Starboard Decoration

Take the aft starboard decoration and carefully bend it to fit around the stern quarter in the same way as you did for the port decoration. Sand the decoration smooth and paint with metal primer. When dry, paint the piece matt black then dry brush the relief gold. Glue the decoration into place.

Take the thread supplied with this stage and apply a little glue to the end to make it stiff. Pass the thread through the upper holes of the stanchions along the deco of the aft superstructure. Pull the thread taut and fix into place with a little glue. When the glue has dried, cut away the thread between the stanchions spanning the gap in the outer superstructure frame.

Now pass thread through the upper holes of the stanchions along the lower deck of the bridge superstructure. Pull the thread taut and apply a little glue to secure it. Make a small hole in the towers, the same height as the upper stanchion holes and cut off any excess thread that extends past this point. Glue the ends of the thread into the holes. Pass another length of thread through the upper holes of the stanchion of the upper deck and secure the thread with a little glue. Once the glue has dried, cut away the thread from between the stanchions where the stairs will be fitted.

Carefully paint all the rails made from the thread with brass coloured paint. Paint the rails of the aft superstructure with brass as well.

Separate the grating from the fret supplied with stage 56 and remove any burrs. Retrieve the binnacle from stage 29, the helm from stage 64 and the engine order telegraph from stage 71, Glue these, along with the grating to the top deck of the forward superstructure in the positions shown in step 13 of the instructions. You can choose to paint the grating brown.

Stage complete.

Store any unused parts in a labelled bag for future use.
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#3 Posted : 03 September 2020 22:20:39

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Joined: 08/09/2012
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Location: Aberdeen
Stage 102 Contents: Davit, Bollards and Eyebolts

Take the davit and give it a coat of metal primer. When dry, paint it matt white. Place the davit against the starboard side of the hull, 49mm aft of the davit fitted in stage 100. Mark the two points where the posts on the davit touch the hull, then drill a 1.5mm hole in the hull at each of these points. Glue the davit posts into the holes just drilled.

Retrieve the 1mm brass wire from stage 84 and cut two 40mm lengths. Shape the lengths of wire to make up two brackets in the same way as you did previously. Take the brackets and test-fit them under the davit, creating holes in the bulwark for the ends. Glue the two brackets into position.

Remove one of the wheels from the etch fret supplied with stage 100 and remove any burrs. Drill a hole in the raised section inside the bulwark, in line with the davit. Insert a nail through the centre of the wheel and test-fit it in the hole just made. Shorten the nail so that it extends by mm out of the wall, then glue the parts into place.

Paint the bollards supplied with this stage, with metal primer and mahogany paint when dry. Apply brass paint to the tops of the bollards. Glue the bollards to either side of the deck, they should be aligned with the openings in the deck, as shown in step 10 of the instructions.

Retrieve the plastic sheet supplied with stage 88. Cut two 9x17mm pieces ‘A’ and two 10x17mm pieces ‘B’. Glue the two ‘A’ pieces to the inside of the windows in the rear section of the forward superstructure. Glue the two ‘B’ pieces to the inside of the windows in the side structures. Now cut three 17mm wide strips of transparent plastic to cover the windows on the inside of the central structure and glue the pieces into place.

Stage complete.

Store any unused parts in a labelled bag for future use.
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#4 Posted : 09 September 2020 17:37:47

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Joined: 08/09/2012
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Location: Aberdeen
Stage 103 Contents: Etch Parts Fret

Separate the ladder and light box from the etch parts fret and remove any burrs. Bend the sides of the ladder upwards, as you did with the stairs. Bend the two sides of the navigation light box up. Paint both pieces with metal primer, then paint the light box black.

Glue the navigation light box onto the starboard side of the forward superstructure upper deck. Apply a coat of metallic grey paint to the ladder, then glue a 1mm length of 1mm brass wire across the end step on the flat side of the ladder. Fix the ladder to the starboard side of the hull, between the sixth and seventh portholes, with the length of brass wire at the bottom.

Take the four short and eight tall vents and paint with metal primer. When the primer has dried apply pale yellow paint to them. Once dry, paint the bottom sections of the vents matt black and the inside of the vents red. Glue two of the short vents into the two central holes of one of the boiler rooms, fore and aft of the funnel, both facing forward. Now glue four tall vents to the outer holes of the boiler room. Repeat the process on the other boiler room. Do not glue the funnels in place yet.

Stage complete.

Store any unused parts in a labelled bag for future use.
Gandale attached the following image(s):
#5 Posted : 11 September 2020 16:56:08

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Joined: 08/09/2012
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Location: Aberdeen
Stage 104 Contents: Etch Parts Fret, Wooden Dowel and Navigation Lights

If you intend fitting the lighting kit, then carry out steps 1 to 5 of the instructions. As the lighting kit has not been issued to me then it is my intention to omit this part of the build, continuing from step 6 of the instructions.

Temporarily fit the aft superstructure into place. Take one of the vents supplied with stage 73 and pass it through one of the holes at the side of the aft superstructure and mark the end of the vent on the main deck. Repeat this for the other three holes in the superstructure. Now remove the aft superstructure and drill four 0.75mm holes where the marks have been made. Test-fit the vents, enlarging the holes if necessary.

Separate the two uprights and the corner seat from the etch fret supplied with this stage and remove any burrs. Gently bend the sides of the seat to right-angles to create the back of the seat. Glue the tow uprights vertically under the seat. Now glue the aft superstructure into place and then glue the seat into position under the rear section.

Take the two navigation lights supplied with this stage and paint one red and one green. Glue the green (starboard) navigation light into the light box on the starboard side of the forward superstructure.

Stage complete.

Store any unused parts in a labelled bag for future use.
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#6 Posted : 14 September 2020 11:08:42

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Joined: 08/09/2012
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Location: Aberdeen
Stage 105 Contents: Wooden Dowels and Vents

Take one of the wooden dowels supplied with this stage and use sandpaper to taper one end down to 3mm in diameter. Pass the sandpaper along the dowel while rotating it to achieve a smooth taper, trying to keep an even taper along the full length of the dowel. You can of course use a lathe if you have one. Gently go over the dowel with fine sandpaper. Repeat the process with the second dowel supplied with this stage and the dowel supplied in stage 104.

Take the three dowels and cut 7mm from one, 25mm from another and 45mm from the last one, at the 6mm ends. These are the foremast, the main mast, and the mizzenmast. Test-fit the three masts into their corresponding holes in the decks. Do not glue into position yet.

Take the four vents supplied with stages 57, 62 and 73, plus the two vents supplied with this stage. Apply a coat of metal primer to all the vents then leave to dry. When dry, paint the inside of the vents red and the outside with pale yellow. When dry, take the four longer vents and wrap masking tape around them 22mm from the bottom, then paint the bottom of the vents matt black. When dry, remove the tape.

Now glue the four long vents into the holes made on the deck in stage 104, passing them down through the overhang of the lower deck of the aft superstructure. The vent openings should face towards the bow.

Drill two 0.75mm holes in the corners of the central superstructure, 3mm in from either edge as shown in step 12 of the instructions. Glue the two short vents into the holes in the corners of the central superstructure, positioning them in the same way as that shown in step 13 of the instructions.

Stage complete.

Store any unused parts in a labelled bag for future use.
Gandale attached the following image(s):
#7 Posted : 15 September 2020 23:32:06

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Joined: 08/09/2012
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Location: Aberdeen
Stage 106 Contents: Wooden Dowels and Etch Parts Fret

Separate two of the uprights and the corner seat from the fret supplied with this stage and remove any burrs. Also retrieve the etch fret supplied with stage 104. Gently bend the sides of the corner seat to right-angles, then glue the two uprights onto the seat. Glue the seat onto the main deck inside the aft superstructure.

Separate one of the straight seats and two uprights from either of the etch parts frets and remove any burrs. Take the seat and bend it along the central beam, then curve the ends around slightly so that it matches the profile of the uprights. Test-fit then glue the uprights onto the underside of the seat. Assemble five more seats in the same way, then apply a coat of metal primer to the uprights. When the primer is dry, paint the uprights brown

Glue three of the assembled seats along the port side of the aft superstructure at the distances shown in step 8 of the instructions. Glue the remaining three seats onto the starboard side of the aft superstructure, matching the positions of the port side.

Taper one of the 4mm dowels supplied with this stage to a diameter of 2mm. Then gently sand the dowel smooth. Cut a 100mm length of the dowel from the tapered end, paint it with a clear varnish. This is the bowsprit.

Take the bowsprit and test-fit it into the hole at the bow. If it doesn’t fit, sand the sider end thinner until it does. Then, glue into place, aligned centrally with the hull, between the two eagles’ heads.

Stage complete.

Store any unused parts in a labelled bag for future use.

Gandale attached the following image(s):
#8 Posted : 18 September 2020 20:42:17

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Joined: 08/09/2012
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Location: Aberdeen
Stage 107 Contents: Etch Parts Fret

Separate the ladder and the navigation light box from the etch parts fret supplied with this stage and remove any burrs. Bend the sides of the ladder and the two sides of the navigation light box up and paint both pieces with metal primer. Paint the navigation light box matt black. When dry, glue the light box to the port side of the upper deck of the forward superstructure, then glue the port navigation light from stage 104 inside the corner of the box.

Apply a coat of grey metallic paint to the ladder. Glue a 5mm length of 1mm brass wire from stage 88, across the end stop on the flat side of the ladder. Fix the ladder to the port side of the hull, between the sixth and seventh portholes and with the length of brass wire at the bottom.

Retrieve the stairs from stage 54 and paint the steps with metal primer. When dry, paint the steps brown. Glue the stairs into position on the forward superstructure, between the upper and lower decks.

Take a 2x5mm wooden strip and cut a 2x2mm length from it. Then cut the 2x2mm length into six pieces 7mm long. Retrieve the foremast prepared in stage 105 and glue two of the 7mm pieces on either side of the mast, 110mm from the top. Glue the four remining 7mm lengths to either side of the foremast and mizzen mast, 120 and 105mm from the top respectively.

Apply masking tape 3mm above and 2mm below the strips just fitted on all masts. Now paint the section between the masking tape white. When dry, remove the tape the paint the rest of the masts with clear matt varnish.

Drill a 1mm hole through the masts, parallel to the 7mm pieces and 20mm above them (towards the tapered end). Now drill 1mm holes in the centre of the tops of the masts, to a depth of 5mm. Cut three 15mm lengths of 1mm brass wire. Glue these three lengths into the holes in the top of the masts. The wire should protrude by 10mm. File the ends of the wire smooth.

Stage complete.

Store any unused parts in a labelled bag for future use.
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#9 Posted : 21 September 2020 12:13:20

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Joined: 08/09/2012
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Location: Aberdeen
Stage 108 Contents: Etch Parts Fret, Thread and a Vent

Retrieve one of the 3mm dowels and one of the 4mm dowels supplied with stage 106. Taper the dowels to 1.5mm and 2mm respectfully, then cut 90mm from the 3mm dowel and 120mm from the 4mm dowel, at the tapered ends. Drill a 1mm holes, 5mm deep in the thicker ends of the tapered dowel sections. Then take two eyebolts, cut the shaft of each to a length of 4mm and glue them into the holes at the ends of the dowels. Cut the shafts of two more eyebolts to 3mm and loop the eyes through the eyebolts fitted to the dowels.

Retrieve the mizzen mast. Drill a 1mm hole, 3mm deep in the mast, 10mm below the two wooden strips stuck to the sides. Drill another 3x1mm hole in the mast 99mm below the hole just drilled, both holes should be parallel to each other. Now glue the eyebolts attached to the booms you have just prepared, to the two holes just drilled. The thinner boom should be attached to the upper hole and the thicker boom into the lower hole.

Wrap some 1.5mm brass wire around the lower end of the mizzen mast. Cut the wire to create a ring the same width as the mast. Slide the ring up the mast towards the lower boom. Now glue the mizzen mast into place, with the booms pointing aft. Then slide the brass ring down and glue it to the deck.

Take the etch parts fret supplied with this stage and apply a coat of metal primer to both sides. When dry, paint the embossed side matt white. Separate the porthole cover from the fret, then glue the covers inside the portholes along the port side starting at the stern, with the white side facing in.

Take the vent and paint it with metal primer. Paint the vent pale yellow and when dry, paint the inside red. Drill a hole in the corner of the central superstructure, 3mm in from either edge. Glue the prepared vent into the hole, facing the same direction as the others.

Stage complete.

Store any unused parts in a labelled bag for future use.
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#10 Posted : 23 September 2020 17:46:24

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Joined: 08/09/2012
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Location: Aberdeen
Stage 109 Contents: Etch Parts Fret and Davits

Paint both side of the etch parts fret with metal primer, then paint the embossed side matt white. When dry, separate the porthole covers from the fret. Glue the porthole covers into the portholes along the starboard side, starting from the stern and with the white sides facing in.

Paint the davits with metal primer. When dry, paint the white to match the other davits. Drill two sets of 1.5mm holes to fit the davits on the starboard side of the hull, the first 33mm aft of the davit fitted in stage 102 and the second 50mm aft of that. Glue the two davits into place in the holes just drilled.

Cut four 40mm lengths of 1mm brass wire. Bend the lengths of wire to match those prepared and fitted on the previous davits. Shape two of each shape. Take the brackets and test-fit them under the davits, creating holes in the bulwark for the ends. Glue the two sets of brackets into position.

Separate two of the wheels from the fret supplied with stage 100 and remove any burrs. Drill two holes in the raised section inside the bulwark, in line with the davits. Take two nails and shorten them so that the extend 3mm out of the wall. Insert the nails through the centres of the wheels, then glue the parts into place.

Retrieve the skylights from stage 42 and 47. Cut two 45mm lengths of 1.5mm brass wire, paint the wire with metal primer then matt black paint. Glue the lengths of wire along the centre of the two skylights. Now glue both skylights over the two openings forward of the aft superstructure.

Stage complete.

Store any unused parts in a labelled bag for future use.

This completes Pack 11
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