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Stefans R2-D2 Life Size in Scale 1:1 Options
#1 Posted : 23 December 2020 19:02:31

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Hello everybody,

I've decided to build a droid, the full-size R2-D2 here. This is completely printed, files can be obtained from Thingiverse. The project will take about 2 years

The dome,

sometimes a top view, I build the R2 with all the tools it carries, such as laser sword, bad motivator, zapper and periscope,

later on here are the plates that cover the interior,

the zapper extended,

the opening mechanism for the dome flaps,

the LED logic panels, also called Teeces,

one of the movable holoprojectors that are built into the dome,

one of the two battery boxes that is mounted on the outer legs,

the power line from the battery, Wink

the components of the Omniwheels for the metatarsus,

4 mounted here, now 4 are missing, the blue side rollers are printed from TPU, it's like rubber,

here the lower part of the body, the little BigGrin is getting quite big,

here to compare the R2 from Sphero,

the inner workings of the dome, designed by Matthew Zwarts, can also be found on Thingivers.

controlled by an Arduino Mega,

and all the tools, control is already working, I'll upload a video later,

so that was it from my mega construction site BigGrin
I will be happy to keep you updated.

I wish you a nice evening and stay healthy!

Greetings Stefan Smile
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MfG Stefan
#2 Posted : 24 December 2020 07:30:56
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Ya know those guys that are SO good, they just make you want to bin everything, and start knitting? Ya. THIS guy is one of those.

Stefan, I’m just going to tell my wife that it’s your fault I’m building a Droid. Peer pressure made me do it.

Fröhliche Weihnachten!

#3 Posted : 24 December 2020 09:25:36

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admin wrote:
Ya know those guys that are SO good, they just make you want to bin everything, and start knitting? Ya. THIS guy is one of those.

Stefan, I’m just going to tell my wife that it’s your fault I’m building a Droid. Peer pressure made me do it.

Fröhliche Weihnachten!


Yes Mark I can only agree, this guy is crazy.LOL
I will visit him in Berlin on that day the R2D2 starts marching. Just madness, he does the electronics, just like we cut bread. I already talked to Stefan, when times get better, we wanted to visit you in Reno, perhaps Stefan can do some electronic gimmicks at your houseBigGrin

Merry Christmas to all of you !
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#4 Posted : 24 December 2020 11:16:14

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admin wrote:
Ya know those guys that are SO good, they just make you want to bin everything, and start knitting? Ya. THIS guy is one of those.

Stefan, I’m just going to tell my wife that it’s your fault I’m building a Droid. Peer pressure made me do it.

Fröhliche Weihnachten!


Hello Mark,

But now you have a very good excuse for your wife Wink

there is someone who is even crazier than you are. LOL LOL LOL

I also wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year. Smile
I wish that to all other model makers ThumpUp

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MfG Stefan
#5 Posted : 24 December 2020 15:23:43

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Alright, this is cool. I’m not even a big Star Wars fan, but this is really cool. Scratch building is always impressive, and this is just a whole new level!

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#6 Posted : 26 December 2020 10:12:43

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I wouldn’t know where to start with something like that. That is just insane.Love Love I’m struggling programming a board with some sound and lighting effect on.Crying
Can’t wait to see this up and running.

#7 Posted : 26 December 2020 17:12:29

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Hello everybody,

first of all, many thanks for the interest,

here are a few videos about the tests of the individual components that I have already finished BigGrin

here the omniwheels, these are built into the metatarsus and can roll sideways without any problems


One of the tools, the zapper, is driven by 2 servos, an LED is built into the tip, but that only after painting Wink


Here how the tools should come out of the dome, here I have adapted the dome to the lower ring, as the tool leaves little room for maneuver.


Here is the video of the inner workings of the dome, here I test the tools controlled by the Arduino by pressing a button, later this is controlled via the app


I hope you like the videos Smile

To be continued BigGrin

I wish you a nice evening and stay healthy.

Greetings Stefan
Alle Berichte sowie alle Fotos unterliegen dem Urheberrecht. Verwendung außerhalb dieses Forums bedürfen schriftlicher Genehmigung/Zustimmung meinerseits. © Stefan

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MfG Stefan
#8 Posted : 27 December 2020 20:03:22

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Hello everybody,

here is a little update to the R2, the body is slowly taking shape,

here you can see the drive ring for the dome,

the metatarsus will be able to extend and retract.

So that Wars from this construction site Wink

To be continued BigGrin

I wish you all a nice Sunday afternoon and stay healthy.

Greetings Stefan
Alle Berichte sowie alle Fotos unterliegen dem Urheberrecht. Verwendung außerhalb dieses Forums bedürfen schriftlicher Genehmigung/Zustimmung meinerseits. © Stefan

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MfG Stefan
#9 Posted : 27 December 2020 21:11:32

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Looking really good, love the videos.Love Love

#10 Posted : 17 January 2021 16:58:44

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Hello everybody,

Update on my R2 Smile

The panel for the back wall is ready,

here the lock for the rear wall,

Then I started the mechanics for the metatarsus,

here the mount for the connecting axis of the outer feet

unfortunately the holder for the dome motor has to be renewed, as well as the slip ring holder, but more on that later Wink

here the inserted 60mm plastic pipe, fits in with suction ThumpUp

here with the left flange plate, if the complete mechanics is mounted, this is the connection to the axes of rotation of the outer feet,

this one. Electric windows for the lifting mechanism of the metatarsus,

and the base plate on which the motor is mounted,

So that Wars again from the R2,
I wish you all a nice Sunday and stay healthy Smile
Alle Berichte sowie alle Fotos unterliegen dem Urheberrecht. Verwendung außerhalb dieses Forums bedürfen schriftlicher Genehmigung/Zustimmung meinerseits. © Stefan

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MfG Stefan
#11 Posted : 17 January 2021 17:35:04

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Looking very impressive.Love Love There are some hours going into this project.

#12 Posted : 31 January 2021 16:07:24

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Markwarren wrote:
Looking very impressive.Love Love There are some hours going into this project.


Hello Mark,

Yes, there are a few hours going by

I've been printing since October, about 16 hours a day Blink

It's slowly moving towards electronics and remote control.

Greetings Stefan
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MfG Stefan
#13 Posted : 31 January 2021 16:24:19

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Hello everybody,

the R2 continued, the shaft mounted in the R2,

the finished lifting mechanism of the metatarsus,

the lifting arm, I am currently waiting for the aluminum rods, which I then have to process and bend,

the housing for the mechanics,

and here the complete mechanics with limit switch, slip ring holder and servos for the tools of R2 (gripper arm), I had to rework the slip ring holder because I bought a narrower one. The slip ring is there so that the dome of the R2 can rotate 360 degrees endlessly and the cables do not twist,

The metatarsus is mounted down here and then slides up and down over 2 tubes.

I also started with the shoes,

here the left one with the battery case Smile

The right drive unit,

this is where the 150W e-scooter motor comes in, Cool

take a photo of the inside, there is still room BigGrin

the drive unit for one of the outer legs to move it into the driving position and back,

and the R2 completely from the outside,

The WARS for today BigGrin

To be continued ThumpUp

I wish you all a nice Sunday and stay healthy Smile
Alle Berichte sowie alle Fotos unterliegen dem Urheberrecht. Verwendung außerhalb dieses Forums bedürfen schriftlicher Genehmigung/Zustimmung meinerseits. © Stefan

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MfG Stefan
#14 Posted : 31 January 2021 16:42:12

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That is a lot of work gone into that and many hours. Looking fabulous.Love Love Drool

#15 Posted : 03 February 2021 22:53:04

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My Gast is suitably flabbered!

The 3D printing I can get my head around, but I will always be in awe of those that can work out the electronics necessary for a project such as this and who also have the necessary Engineering bent to fix it all together. The way this is coming together, any future Star Wars film would be lucky to have him!
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#16 Posted : 07 February 2021 11:44:48

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Good Morning all,

small update to the R2,
Meanwhile I got the sound system,
Consists of a Bluetooth amplifier and 2 speakers with a diameter of 10cm,

I also printed out the electronics panel,

here still pictures of the left drive,

Parts of the left leg,

here parts of a modified drive, I have decided to print and build this somewhat more up-to-date drive with gears.

So, the wars from this construction site. [Wink]

To be continued BigGrin

I wish you all a nice Sunday and stay healthy Smile

Greetings Stefan
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MfG Stefan
#17 Posted : 15 February 2021 09:48:42

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Great work Stefan, but can’t see any pictures on this post.BigGrin

#18 Posted : 08 March 2021 11:23:17

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Moin Moin together,

somehow the pictures from my last post are no longer there, hmmm will update them soon,
but it went on

My receiver for the R2, 14 channels + app control should be enough Cool

The legs are also ready so far,

here the connection cables for the battery boxes in their raw state,

and one thing, what it looks like in the end,

the connection to the battery box,

The slip ring, connection between the body and the dome, so that the dome can rotate 360 degrees, Wink

The bracket for the electronics, with MP3 trigger (sound), the Sabertooth and the syren for the motor control, 2 DC-DC converters, because I need different voltages, the master control unit with WLAN and body control and a fuse block for the individual Current paths are secured and protected BigGrin

So that's it from this construction site Wink

To be continued BigGrin

I wish you a nice Monday and stay healthy Smile
Alle Berichte sowie alle Fotos unterliegen dem Urheberrecht. Verwendung außerhalb dieses Forums bedürfen schriftlicher Genehmigung/Zustimmung meinerseits. © Stefan

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MfG Stefan
#19 Posted : 08 March 2021 18:58:31
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WOW, that`s looking seriously impressive.

Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool

I don`t understand all the electronic bits, but as long as you do that`s all that counts. LOL LOL

My understanding or not, you keep on building and posting as I`m enjoying the experience of following your diary. ThumpUp ThumpUp ThumpUp


#20 Posted : 08 March 2021 21:38:27

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I see you’ve connected the circuit thingamabob to the thingymajig. Nope, no idea what your doing, but it does look extremely impressive.Love Love Drool
Looking forward to the day this comes alive....and takes over the world by the looks of things.LOL

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