 Rank: Super-Elite        Groups: Official Builds, Administrators, Moderator, Global Forum Support, Registered Joined: 04/06/2011 Posts: 4,559 Points: 13,837 Location: ipswich
Well done Kev. An inspirational build.
 Rank: Super-Elite        Groups: Registered
Joined: 31/05/2010 Posts: 5,679 Points: 17,011 Location: Wiltshire
Really good Kev to see it as build of the month. I have been after this kit on and off but left it at “off” for too long and what appears on ebay is too expensive for me. On a positive note though i read that hasegawa are re-releasing this one in Feb i think it is so hoping it will have a better price attached to it. Tony Happy Modelling
BUILDING: Hachette Spitfire Mk 1A, Constructo Mayflower SUBSCRIPTION COMPLETE (Awaiting building): USS Constitution, Sovereign of the Seas, 1:200 Bismarck (Hachette) COMPLETED: Porsche 911, E-Type Jaguar, Lam Countach
 Rank: Master       Groups: Registered
Joined: 25/11/2018 Posts: 1,284 Points: 3,878 Location: Southeast UK
Thankyou for your kind comments guys, I am truly appreciative of them and the award, it means a good deal to me, so many thanks.
@ Tony - I was looking for this kit for a long time too, with most of them being only available as a Japanese import through the like of Amazon at around £50-60 just for the kit. I didn't want to pay that but one day got very very lucky when doing a general google search of UK model shops and found one in stock at the super low price of £24! I bought it there and then and also ordered the PE upgrade set on Ebay to go with it and still saved a decent amount all told. They are there to be found if you keep looking, though they aren't the most straightforward kit to build, very fiddly!
I have been battling Covid 19 since Boxing Day, starting to make a slow recovery, but definitely feeling like I'm past the worst and looking forward to getting back to some modelling, including bringing this build to a finish with my own unique display base which I think will compliment the Vovager probe very nicely.
Kev.Per Ardua Ad Astra
 Rank: Vice-Master     Groups: Registered
Joined: 20/01/2011 Posts: 606 Points: 1,747 Location: Canberra, Australia
Great looking build, well done. :)
 Rank: Master       Groups: Registered
Joined: 25/11/2018 Posts: 1,284 Points: 3,878 Location: Southeast UK
Thanks for looking in and commenting on my work Anthony, always very much appreciated. 
Kev.Per Ardua Ad Astra