 Rank: Vice-Master     Groups: Registered
Joined: 20/01/2011 Posts: 606 Points: 1,747 Location: Canberra, Australia
I thought I had an intro on here, but since I can't find it, I am posting another one.
Well I am Anthony and have been model building since too long ago to remember, these days I am on a disability pension, but I am still managing to get things built.
As far as the above named forum goes, (we have had hosilities in the distant past between us, which is why I stopped posting on here for a long time), but I think it is time we well and truly buried the hatchet and brought an end to things and started an era of friendship. :)
 Rank: Super-Elite        Groups: Official Builds, Administrators, Moderator, Global Forum Support, Registered Joined: 04/06/2011 Posts: 4,559 Points: 13,837 Location: ipswich
Hello there. Welcome back to the mad house. You'll find the whole attitude here has now changed from a few years ago. No more 'do as you're told' but rather, post your builds or news but above all, have fun. A whole new team on board so we all look forward to seeing your builds. Roy.
 Rank: Master       Groups: Registered
Joined: 25/11/2018 Posts: 1,284 Points: 3,878 Location: Southeast UK
Welcome back to the fold Anthony. As has been said, things have changed and this forum is now a much more accepting and friendly place to be, with some good modellers and interesting builds from many genres. With a new team now in charge and an upgraded forum on the way, it can only get better, so stick around - I for one am following your truck build and looking forward to seeing more from you.
All the best,
Kev.Per Ardua Ad Astra
Rank: Administration  Groups: Administrator, Administrators, Forum Support Team, Global Forum Support, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 1,928 Points: 5,796 Location: UK
Hi Skyfire!
Welcome in! You might remember me as "Experten" over on The Partwork Forums. Mark Wakelin and I agreed quite a while ago that the hatchet needed to be buried, and that we complemented each other more than we were different.
I am delighted you have looked in, and I hope to see builds and commentary from you.
I do try to run a very open ship, but I do have a couple of hard and fast rules: NO sales, unless they are through a third party, and ABSOLUTELY ZERO belittling or negative comments towards other members, their builds, or commentary. I am VERY proud of the FST we have, and you'll find that each has their own area of specialty, and that we all overlap to some degree or another. (I am mostly "back stage" and I address the CS issues, insofar as I am able)
Again, welcome in, and please do not hesitate to PM me with questions, comments, or problems!
Stay Well!
Great to see you back with us again... The forum is a totally different place now with a team that supports its members in a much more positive and friendly manner.... Look forward to seeing more of your work..... Regards Alan