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Nav cockpit seat screen accurate and highly detailedYou can buy it at Shapeways : https://www.shapeways.co...d=55961597&li=shops
TonyRR attached the following image(s): TonyRR ModelKitsUpgradesHigly detailed 3D printed aftermarket parts for scifi kits
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Is there a link for this on Ebay, or an on-line shop? If not it will be removed. No direct selling allowed I'm afraid.
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Sorry!! As a newbie I'm not familiar with the rules. I've posted a Shapeways link. I hope this is allowed. Thanks!!! TonyRR ModelKitsUpgradesHigly detailed 3D printed aftermarket parts for scifi kits
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That's great. The seat looks excellent BTW...
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Many thanks!! Another upgrade for the DeAgo Falcon... The Dejarik table, with pre drilled holes for fiber optics. 308 Bits Dejarik table with predrilled holes for fiber opticsTonyRR ModelKitsUpgradesHigly detailed 3D printed aftermarket parts for scifi kits
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Another great upgrade, the cockpit main console, screen accurate at the max, with more than 60 pre drilled holes for 0.25 mm fiber optics. There's a version with 160 pre drilled holes. 308 Bits DeAgo Cockpit consoleTonyRR attached the following image(s): TonyRR ModelKitsUpgradesHigly detailed 3D printed aftermarket parts for scifi kits
Rank: Administration  Groups: Administrator, Administrators, Forum Support Team, Global Forum Support, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 1,928 Points: 5,796 Location: UK
For those of you wondering, I invited Antonio to post here. His Falcon upgrades are second to none, and I can personally vouch for their ease of use, especially for those thinking of fiber optic additions. His parts make adding fiber so easy, you could teach a shaved chimp how to use them.
Stay well,
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admin wrote:For those of you wondering, I invited Antonio to post here. His Falcon upgrades are second to none, and I can personally vouch for their ease of use, especially for those thinking of fiber optic additions. His parts make adding fiber so easy, you could teach a shaved chimp how to use them.
Stay well,
Mark Many thanks for your kind words Mark!!! TonyRR ModelKitsUpgradesHigly detailed 3D printed aftermarket parts for scifi kits
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I am not a sci-fi fan but it doesn't matter what genre is involved, a great model is still a great model regardless of what it is!
That is a seriously cool bit of modelling Antonio, you are obviously very skilled and I love the last photo with the instrument panel fully lit up, that is just amazing work!
Very well done. 
Kev.Per Ardua Ad Astra
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Kev the Modeller wrote:I am not a sci-fi fan but it doesn't matter what genre is involved, a great model is still a great model regardless of what it is!
That is a seriously cool bit of modelling Antonio, you are obviously very skilled and I love the last photo with the instrument panel fully lit up, that is just amazing work!
Very well done. 
Kev. Many thabnks for your kind comments Kev!! Just trying to create the best I can. Thanks!! TonyRR ModelKitsUpgradesHigly detailed 3D printed aftermarket parts for scifi kits
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Another interesting 3D printed upgrade, the turret well gunner seat... You can get it here!!! 308 Bits Shapeways shop - Turret well gunner seatTonyRR ModelKitsUpgradesHigly detailed 3D printed aftermarket parts for scifi kits
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TonyRR wrote:Another great upgrade, the cockpit main console, screen accurate at the max, with more than 60 pre drilled holes for 0.25 mm fiber optics. There's a version with 160 pre drilled holes. 308 Bits DeAgo Cockpit console Wow! Loving this, what a cockpit, and those lights, superb. I never cease to be humbled by the amount of model making talent there is in this forum.
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Silent_Running wrote:TonyRR wrote:Another great upgrade, the cockpit main console, screen accurate at the max, with more than 60 pre drilled holes for 0.25 mm fiber optics. There's a version with 160 pre drilled holes. 308 Bits DeAgo Cockpit console Wow! Loving this, what a cockpit, and those lights, superb. I never cease to be humbled by the amount of model making talent there is in this forum. Many thanks for your compliments!! TonyRR ModelKitsUpgradesHigly detailed 3D printed aftermarket parts for scifi kits
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I'm offering too a big variety of bits, boxes and barrels for the DeAgo Falcon hold. As example... You can buy this set of barrels and boxes here.
308 Bits Shapeways shop DeAgo Falcon Hall Bits SetTonyRR ModelKitsUpgradesHigly detailed 3D printed aftermarket parts for scifi kits
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This would be also a great addition to your DeAgo Falcon hold... Two stools with a toolbox, one of the A New Hope and a second one from The Empire Strikes Back. You can buy it here 308 Bits Shapeways shop DeAgo Falcon Hold stools and toolboxTonyRR ModelKitsUpgradesHigly detailed 3D printed aftermarket parts for scifi kits
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Another great upgrade for your hold, the nav station, with 80 pre drilled holes for fiber optics and totally screen accurate.

You can buy it in my 308 Bits Shapeways shop. 308 Bits DeAgo Falcon Hold Nav ConsoleYou won't be disappointed!!!TonyRR ModelKitsUpgradesHigly detailed 3D printed aftermarket parts for scifi kits
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More and more 3D printed upgrades for the DeAgo Falcon. What about a real 3D hold grille?

You can get it here
308 Bits Shapeways shop DeAgo Falcon Hall Grille ExtendedTonyRR ModelKitsUpgradesHigly detailed 3D printed aftermarket parts for scifi kits
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Joined: 08/02/2021 Posts: 65 Points: 195 Location: Spain
This is my latest 3D print, the cabin hallway. I'm offering it in my 308 Bits Shapeways shop but I can print it too in my home hi-res resin printer.

You can get it here:
308 Bits Shapeways shop DeAgo Cabin ConeTonyRR attached the following image(s): TonyRR ModelKitsUpgradesHigly detailed 3D printed aftermarket parts for scifi kits
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To complete the cabin you can add my cabin hallway, a part that simply doesn't exists in the DeAgo Falcon kit. It's a two parts upgrade, floor and walls, and you can light it as the floor has light holes and you can light up the wall sconces too.

You can buy it here:
308 Bits Shapeways shop DeAgo Cabin HallwayTonyRR ModelKitsUpgradesHigly detailed 3D printed aftermarket parts for scifi kits
 Rank: Semipro Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 08/02/2021 Posts: 65 Points: 195 Location: Spain
Another part that's wrong on the DeAgo Falcon, the hold couch. In the live studio model the couch has two separate parts. In the DeAgo is a single piece. Wrong!!!!

You can get it here 308 Bits Shapeways shop DeAgo Hall CouchTonyRR ModelKitsUpgradesHigly detailed 3D printed aftermarket parts for scifi kits