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Joined: 13/10/2020 Posts: 171 Points: 522 Location: Hampshire, UK
Hello everyone,
In 1996 I visited England for the first time for a 2 week long language course organised by my school back in Germany. We had to go to school here and therefore did not see a great deal of the country apart from a few landmarks. Apart from spending a whole in London in pouring rain - surprise surprise -, visiting Stonehenge one thing blew me away the most; going to Portsmouth onboard the H.M.S. Victory...
To get to the point, as soon as I stepped of that magnificent vessel I wanted to build it as a wooden model and now, only 25 years later, it's finally here.
I'm already addicted to the member building diaries of the Victory and am amazed about the collective knowledge and support with tips and tricks.
I'm looking forward being part of your community and hope to post my first few bits of progress in the diaries section.
See you soon,
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Welcome to the forum Odo. Look forward to seeing your progress on the build. Regards delboy271155 (Derek) COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
Rank: Administration  Groups: Administrator, Administrators, Forum Support Team, Global Forum Support, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 1,928 Points: 5,796 Location: UK
Welcome in, Odo!
I’ve been on the Victory twice; once in 1991, and the second time in 2017. Both time, she didn’t have her masts or rigging. The second tour was amazing, as the ship was essentially 100% open, and we got to see everything.
You’ll enjoy the DeAgostini Victory build. There is an incredible amount of information on here, and the only dumb question is one that you do not ask.
Stay well
Welcome to the forum Odo. I look forward to seeing your progress. She is a wonderful ship and I had the privilege back in 1977, the silver jubilee year and the Royal fleet review to spend a couple of days to help out as tour guide on her during the public Navy days week. Mark
 Rank: Super-Elite        Groups: Official Builds, Administrators, Moderator, Global Forum Support, Registered Joined: 04/06/2011 Posts: 4,559 Points: 13,837 Location: ipswich
Welcome to the mad-house Odo. You'll find lots of information, friendly chat and the occasional bit of daftness here. Looking forward to seeing your build.
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Joined: 25/03/2011 Posts: 1,027 Points: 3,075 Location: Lincolnshire
roymattblack wrote:Welcome to the mad-house Odo. You'll find lots of information, friendly chat and the occasional bit of daftness here. Looking forward to seeing your build.
Roy. Totally second that Roy, welcome Odo, you’ll really like it here. Everyone is friendly and we’re all mad about modelling. Looking forward to seeing your first build. Glenn
Welcome aboard Odo, always good to see another ship builder join our merry band.... Victory is a superb kit to build and I'm sure you'll enjoy the experience. As well as the multitude of build diaries you may like to refer to the Official Video Build as well. https://www.youtube.com/...pjUDnPzoDagw3u2T7tQIBv4
Look forward to following your progress.... Regards Alan
 Rank: Pro   Groups: Registered
Joined: 13/10/2020 Posts: 171 Points: 522 Location: Hampshire, UK
Thanks everyone for making me feel very welcome here! I think I feel quite at home already I've now started posting my first bit of progress in the members build section of the Victory. Cheers, Odo