Rank: Administration  Groups: Administrator, Administrators, Forum Support Team, Global Forum Support, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 1,928 Points: 5,796 Location: UK
Hi All,
The idea for the inception of this new sub-forum occurred to me the other day, as I was looking at Sticky Wicket’s stunning U-boat build. The total views of his 3 segments is over 1,000,000!!!
In point of fact, we have quite a few build logs that are well in excess of 1 million views. This is truly a testament to the talent of the builders, and at how well they explain, clarify, exhibit, and support other builders. And, I find it stunning that segments of these forums are popular enough to be considered “viral.”
This sub-forum will highlight these builds, with an ongoing “pride of place” and will not be rotated out as we do with the Build of the Month.
My deepest thanks to all of you who have contributed to these forums in this incredibly substantial manner!