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Gibbo wrote:I would to give a big big thank you to Tenderfoot who cut and sent me all the way from Chicago the ribs i needed for my SOTS build. Hats off to Tenderfoot. Looks like he's made a very nice job of the ribs. Chris
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goddo wrote:Gibbo wrote:I would to give a big big thank you to Tenderfoot who cut and sent me all the way from Chicago the ribs i needed for my SOTS build. Hats off to Tenderfoot. Looks like he's made a very nice job of the ribs. Chris
Actually Chris he made the patterns and sent me his originals  . Building: DelPrado HMS Victory. Building: DeAgostini Sovereign Of The Seas.
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Gibbo wrote:goddo wrote:Gibbo wrote:I would to give a big big thank you to Tenderfoot who cut and sent me all the way from Chicago the ribs i needed for my SOTS build. Hats off to Tenderfoot. Looks like he's made a very nice job of the ribs. Chris
Actually Chris he made the patterns and sent me his originals  .  Result
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Thank you very much for all the great comments it's much appreciated, thought i'd come away from the teeny tiny Victory for a bit and deal with some big stuff, i started out by marking the outside of the ribs with a big black sharpie so that when i come to fairing it should make it a bit easier, then the deck was dry fitted and i found the i had to take off a couple of mm here and there so that it wasn't force fitted, the ribs i know are square to the keel so i didn't want to push any of them out of line, the deck was then marked out along each rib and pilot holes drilled for planking pins, it was then glued and secured with pins from bow to stern and left to cure overnight. Gibbo attached the following image(s): Building: DelPrado HMS Victory. Building: DeAgostini Sovereign Of The Seas.
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My SOTS is looking more like an upside down freighter i know, but i got such a great deal on balsa wood, rather than spend a ton of time cutting strips or just lining the outside of the ribs and cutting angles bit by bit as i've seen in others builds i just blocked it all, i measured between the ribs and cut the blocks on my 'ol mans table saw, the next step is to cut off the excess with a Reciprocating saw / multi tool so there shouldn't be too much wastage. Gibbo attached the following image(s): Building: DelPrado HMS Victory. Building: DeAgostini Sovereign Of The Seas.
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Ooh, i forgot to mention i cut the balsa so the grain was running fore and aft so it will be easier to plane and sand down to the final finish. Building: DelPrado HMS Victory. Building: DeAgostini Sovereign Of The Seas.
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Just wondering if you are continuing to fill balsa to the edge of the formers, I did the same with my Victory with a pleasing result. Regards Trev Work in progress: Tombstone (Scratch) - San Francisco 2. -The Mayflower ( scratch by plan).
OcCre- Santa-Maria (Kit).
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tf64 wrote: Just wondering if you are continuing to fill balsa to the edge of the formers, I did the same with my Victory with a pleasing result.
Yes Trev indeed i am, that's where all the off cuts are going, just put in the big blocks so far, i want it as smooth as a babies bum before i start planking. Building: DelPrado HMS Victory. Building: DeAgostini Sovereign Of The Seas.
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Sorry for the extend hiatus and meant to reply sooner. Work has been crazy busy. Gibbo wrote:Actually Chris he made the patterns and sent me his originals  . Yes, sent the originals..I wish I could hand scroll something that nicely. It has been frigid cold in the Chicago area the past month or so and I do not have a heated work space where my scroll saw is mounted. Since the ribs needed are mirror copies of the bits on the opposing side of the keel I figured I could simple replicate them when I am ready to build this thing and when the weather is warmer. I will have a build diary going on it when I start and will be sure to share my triumph...or more likely, acceptable results recreating these. COMPLETED:• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby. • HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN PROGRESS:• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN NEED OF MY LOVE AND ATTENTION:• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.
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You work is immaculate and the build is coming along very nicely. Really enjoying following your progress. COMPLETED:• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby. • HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN PROGRESS:• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN NEED OF MY LOVE AND ATTENTION:• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.
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Joined: 26/05/2014 Posts: 912 Points: 2,773 Location: East Sussex UK
Thank you Troy it's because of you i am able to get cracking with this, i hope things warm up for you soon in Bears country and you can cut yours of which i am sure you'll make a great job of. So it was quite handy, one of my neighbours had a new washing machine delivered recently and left the polystyrene packaging in their front garden and they were very happy for me to take it away, so it was chopped up and put inbetween the ribs to protect them while i finished off blocking the frames below the first deck, i shall get rid of most of it before i continue filling the bow and stern just to get the shape of it before final finishing. Gibbo attached the following image(s): Building: DelPrado HMS Victory. Building: DeAgostini Sovereign Of The Seas.
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The first stage of shaping the hull has been done with a handheld multi tool, this took around 40-45 minutes so was quite quick to do, the challenges with doing it this way is around the bow and at the stern, with the bow there is a danger of just flattening it off between the ribs so it's bit by bit and leave everything slightly proud, with the stern it is concave so is difficult to get in there with this type saw and you can't really shape it with this, i took off as much as i'd dared and the rest of the stern will be done with a large half round file, a word of advice, if you're not comfortable with large power tools then do it a different way, large power tools and small ships don't generally go hand in hand and can all go horribly wrong within the blink of an eye. Gibbo attached the following image(s): Building: DelPrado HMS Victory. Building: DeAgostini Sovereign Of The Seas.
 Rank: Pro     Groups: Official Builds, Registered Joined: 27/03/2021 Posts: 405 Points: 1,218 Location: US
That's a pretty hefty power tool to be taking to the ship. I would have been sweating it as well. I get nervous with the Dremel even though I am quite skilled with it. Things are looking fantastic mate...looking forward to the beautiful curves as you carve the hull. COMPLETED:• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby. • HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN PROGRESS:• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN NEED OF MY LOVE AND ATTENTION:• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.
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Thank you Troy, don't want to scare you too much mate but i started shaping the hull with a massive orbital sander to bring it down a bit but a little bit of that later, for the last three weeks i've had the mother of of all colds and it just totally floored me, over the last 60 years i've had a few sniffles here and there but it's never stopped me doing stuff but "wow" this was another level, anyhow, in the last few days i've been able to work on the ship so i could sit it on the keel with just a couple of brackets, or turn it upside down as when i needed to too make life easier, this was done by where i put the spacers where the nuts are in the hull to eventually display the ship, and butted the balsa up to them, this created a gap in between the keel and the balsa to slide in the supports, i'd like to say planned it this way but no, i just got lucky, so i got rid of a couple of brackets and had to move couple, i put together the stern assembly as per the magazine-ish, there was a lot of of filing and fitting and shaping because i wanted to create a chemical bond rather than a mechanical bond with the Aliphatic Resin, so could put it together in one go to make it stronger and level, my plan is to complete the balsa and start working on the planking above the first deck to give the ribs extra strength before turning it over and start working on the planking below the waterline. Gibbo attached the following image(s): Building: DelPrado HMS Victory. Building: DeAgostini Sovereign Of The Seas.
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Joined: 26/05/2014 Posts: 912 Points: 2,773 Location: East Sussex UK
Sorry i didn't think i made that very clear Gibbo attached the following image(s): Building: DelPrado HMS Victory. Building: DeAgostini Sovereign Of The Seas.
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Joined: 26/05/2014 Posts: 912 Points: 2,773 Location: East Sussex UK
Continuing with the hull the second bit of hull shaping was done with the big sander ( try not to quake too much Troy ) and a round rasp file for the stern, the third bit was done with a bow sander that i made from one of the magazines but i found this left indents in between the ribs so i ditched that and just carried on by hand, it was then filled with wood filler and final sanded, well i say final, those indents although small and unimportant are still in my eyeline so i might go back to them, next up was fitting the two lower decks as per instructions with a little of making a few of the slots a little wider, the only extras were reinforcing the deck braces along the centre line, then it was glueing and weighing it down to turn it into into the supply ship HMS Heinz. Gibbo attached the following image(s): Building: DelPrado HMS Victory. Building: DeAgostini Sovereign Of The Seas.
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Joined: 26/05/2014 Posts: 912 Points: 2,773 Location: East Sussex UK
The stern gallery plates have been attached were clamped together overnight, there's just a couple of 1/2mm lips to be sanded down and have now put on all three lower decks, i am following the magazine and official build diary but not in that order, my thinking is to strengthen the ribs as much as possible before i start planking, if anybody thinks that there is a flaw in this plan then please let me know ( especially Mr Gandale ), not that i will take it apart and start again but it might give me a heads-up down the road of what to expect and form a plan of action. Gibbo attached the following image(s): Building: DelPrado HMS Victory. Building: DeAgostini Sovereign Of The Seas.
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Hi,  That`s all looking very good, WTG.  Should you have any issues with the ribs above deck level (like I did) then to avoid undoing what`s been done the link below may help. It works on misaligned ribs and can also be used for broken ribs to strengthen repairs. https://forum.deagostini....1649234303.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none)&__utmv=-&__utmk=83542229 Regards delboy271155 (Derek) COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
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Hi Delboy Thank you for the link, a very informative post, after checking the heights of the frames i found them to be bang on so that has saved me a lot of work, there is however a slight difference between the width of a couple of the frames from port and starboard but only by a couple of mill, that can easily be rectified because they are the last two exposed stern frames and the difference is high up on the frames, i will attach a temporary plank with the right spacing to keep them in line while i work up the planking, should do the trick. Cheers mate. Regards Paul Building: DelPrado HMS Victory. Building: DeAgostini Sovereign Of The Seas.