Hi All,
Well its been a little while due to other things to do, but I can now give you the first update.
The thing you have to realise is that I`m doing this mod on a shoe string budget, but I will point out where a better alternative option is available. Which financial line you take is up to you.
First thing to note: is that I will be making a small hole through the outer casing of the base. This is to accommodate the route of the cable outside of the base and it will be in a position to allow the remote to see the receiver. That`s the non technical terminology.
First thing to do was remove and disconnect the plates from the underside of the base that hold the LED strips. Take care when removing the plugs from the circuit board.
Having removed the base plates, I put the upper part of the base (right way up) onto a large thick piece of corrugated cardboard. (Told you this was the cheapy version
) Then marked around the circular outside edge with a pencil. Then cut out the circular piece I needed. (Don`t think you need a pic of a circular piece of cardboard EH!
So, here`s your first choice:
I intend to use the cardboard disc so accuracy can be a couple of mm out with no issue as the cardboard will flex a bit. Should you wish to go more expensive then a Perspex/Plastic disc will need to be more accurate.
At this point all I have is a cardboard disc.
So I placed the disc inside the base from below and pressed it into place. The higher internal posts and the centre disc left indentations in the cardboard, cut out the indentations and you have your internal plate. Pic 1.
Note: I did not make a hole for the shorter internal post as I want to use this as a support in its own right. Another thing to note is that the side of the disc indented by the short post is also the side you need to fix the LED`s to. Pic 2.
Well that`s where I`m at for now. My next task being to define where the LED`s go on the disc to get the best lighting effects.
See you soon "HOPEFULLY" for the next update.
delboy271155 attached the following image(s):