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Joined: 05/04/2016 Posts: 708 Points: 2,127 Location: Ferrara
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Joined: 05/04/2016 Posts: 708 Points: 2,127 Location: Ferrara
Having temporarily archived the work on the engine and suspension unit, I started another part of this 911 which will not be simple at all: the interior. I mounted the floor....and the pedal area and the passenger foot area are too minimalist respect the 1:1 By dry-assembling the internal floor, it was understood that between it and the steering box there is all the space (unused) to place a speaker and control unit for lights and sounds. Having eliminated all the electrical system and looking for as many photos as possible I started thinking about how to try to improve this area. Being constrained for assembling of the dashboard (and in order not to alter the assembly dimensions), I welded the structural points with cyano glue and bicarbonate and then opened the area that I will redesign and print in 3D. In addition to this (and I figured it out on my own....but I will also need it for the RSR) it will be mandatory to redo the pedals cluster from scratch which is practically non-existent on this Porsche.         Collection active: Lotus 97T, Audi Quattro A2, Vw Maggiolino '60
Work in progress: Porsche 911 RS Turbo
Completed model: Delta WRC Martini, Mclaren MP4/4, Golf GTI 1/8 Tuned
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Joined: 21/04/2011 Posts: 1,079 Points: 3,266 Location: Buckinghamshire
Brilliant stuff. I'm speechless (that's a blessing, some might say)  Chris
 Rank: Vice-Master      Groups: Registered
Joined: 05/04/2016 Posts: 708 Points: 2,127 Location: Ferrara
goddo wrote:Brilliant stuff. I'm speechless (that's a blessing, some might say)  Chris Many thank Goddo....i'm very glad of your follow and to enjoy your watch. Collection active: Lotus 97T, Audi Quattro A2, Vw Maggiolino '60
Work in progress: Porsche 911 RS Turbo
Completed model: Delta WRC Martini, Mclaren MP4/4, Golf GTI 1/8 Tuned
 Rank: Vice-Master      Groups: Registered
Joined: 05/04/2016 Posts: 708 Points: 2,127 Location: Ferrara
I started with the first part of the rebuilding of the new front bulkhead. After importing the profile of the original and minimal bulkhead from the kit, I designed and printed the new one trying to follow/resemble that of the 1:1 which is quite complicated with multiple shape. After a couple of adjustments I fixed the new bulkhead. Now I can continue with the reconstruction of the side corners where there are the warm air ducts coming from the engine. Furthermore, I have to study whether I can already fix the base of the dashboard without complicating my life with future assemblies to be able to add other missing parts of this area of ​​the passenger compartment.      Collection active: Lotus 97T, Audi Quattro A2, Vw Maggiolino '60
Work in progress: Porsche 911 RS Turbo
Completed model: Delta WRC Martini, Mclaren MP4/4, Golf GTI 1/8 Tuned
 Rank: Vice-Master      Groups: Registered
Joined: 05/04/2016 Posts: 708 Points: 2,127 Location: Ferrara
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Joined: 05/04/2016 Posts: 708 Points: 2,127 Location: Ferrara
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Joined: 05/04/2016 Posts: 708 Points: 2,127 Location: Ferrara
Once the front bulkhead has now a little bit more decent, I moved on to the floor area. Between minimalism, incorrect shapes, unlikely assembly and missing details I try to make sense of this very poor floor. I started by reproducing the brackets welded to the floor that are used to fix the seats. In addition to these, I reproduced seeing various 911s online, the raised central tunnel to have the gearbox turret in a higher position. Once everything was fixed, I placed the seat of the M-Tech (which is a tk producer for this 911) to start thinking about the future subframe that I will have to make and the inclination that I will have to give. Now we will have to work on the door sills which are incorrect in shape and to harmonize the presence of the new seat brackets Finally I started to close all the fixing holes of the rear seats, as the floor will remain bare and visible.             Collection active: Lotus 97T, Audi Quattro A2, Vw Maggiolino '60
Work in progress: Porsche 911 RS Turbo
Completed model: Delta WRC Martini, Mclaren MP4/4, Golf GTI 1/8 Tuned
 Rank: Vice-Master      Groups: Registered
Joined: 05/04/2016 Posts: 708 Points: 2,127 Location: Ferrara
Trying to make a job as close to reality as possible I would have had to saw/cut half the internal platform. The internal floor of the 1:1 is very deep and the door sills are very high. In the models (as usual) the chassis floor is divided from the interior floor and therefore as usual it is higher in height, the greater height is recovered in the model by "cheating" and distorting other elements such as tunnels, door sills and fixings of the seats If I wanted to replicate the 1:1 I would have had to: - erase the entire floor including tunnels - fix the gearbox tunnel directly to the floor/chassis - redesign the entire firewall - fix and secure the dashboard frame (as on the real one) - redesign part of the floor in the rear seat area Practically I would have cut half the model with the almost certain unknown of losing references for assembly and I would have created difficulties in assembling other elements. I therefore mimicked this part to make more similar to its real counterpart. I designed the new door sills which are much bulkier than the kit. I discovered, studing the real 911, that inside the door sills have internally channeled ducts/pipes which carry hot air from the exhaust heat exchangers to the heater unit located in the front trunk. The first version that I printed as a fixing looked good but once mounted it appeared too wide... a width that appears even more excessive once the body is fitted... so wide that it seems like the entry door sills of a 917k.           Collection active: Lotus 97T, Audi Quattro A2, Vw Maggiolino '60
Work in progress: Porsche 911 RS Turbo
Completed model: Delta WRC Martini, Mclaren MP4/4, Golf GTI 1/8 Tuned
 Rank: Vice-Master      Groups: Registered
Joined: 05/04/2016 Posts: 708 Points: 2,127 Location: Ferrara
With the inside floor in my hand and making a compromise between model assembly and adherence to reality, I redesigned the intrnal sills by doing a little slimming treatment. Now overall it appears less heavy and more similar to reality. This will be followed by fixing an filling between new sills and front base pillars I will also have to work on the door seal profile which has been completely absent on the door entry....but before I get involved I will have to assemble the door and check the space with the door trim to see the spaces/modifications that will need to be made. Upcoming macro works: - complete roll cage with door anti-intrusion bars - rear window base bulkhead with pipe holes for intercooler air induction - new seats Then perhaps as macro components I could be ok....          Collection active: Lotus 97T, Audi Quattro A2, Vw Maggiolino '60
Work in progress: Porsche 911 RS Turbo
Completed model: Delta WRC Martini, Mclaren MP4/4, Golf GTI 1/8 Tuned
 Rank: Vice-Master      Groups: Registered
Joined: 05/04/2016 Posts: 708 Points: 2,127 Location: Ferrara
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Joined: 05/04/2016 Posts: 708 Points: 2,127 Location: Ferrara
The rear bulkhead, as I imagined, is really complicated First of all, I redid the rib on the upper side of firewall by thinning its thickness and positioned it before 3d resin curing it so as to have it semi-soft allowing it a minimum of adaptation with the shapes With the measure of the original piece I redesigned the bulkhead with the link holes for the intercooler pipes. I knew it would be a first test piece on which to have references for the second version. I have to adjust the thickness, coupling with the rear panels and the rear pillars (areas circled in red).        Collection active: Lotus 97T, Audi Quattro A2, Vw Maggiolino '60
Work in progress: Porsche 911 RS Turbo
Completed model: Delta WRC Martini, Mclaren MP4/4, Golf GTI 1/8 Tuned
Wow, this is getting some serious upgrades. Truly amazing. Mark
 Rank: Vice-Master      Groups: Registered
Joined: 05/04/2016 Posts: 708 Points: 2,127 Location: Ferrara
Markwarren wrote:Wow, this is getting some serious upgrades. Truly amazing. Mark  Thanks Mark New version of Firewall is reprinted and then shaped on site. I made it integral with the bulkhead at the base of the rear window so that it comes away with the bodyshell but positioning it in such a way that it seems integral with the frame. Once I have all the dimensions for the next step, I will fix the coupling between the side panels and the inner wheel arches I will open the holes for the intercooler pipes to pass through Now I'm starting to think about the seat (sport bucket as Recaro or Sparco Evo) where I'll have little effort here as I found a very nice pair already ready on Cult 3d. Once the pair of seats has been printed and dry assembled I will have all the dimensions to start the roll cage.          Collection active: Lotus 97T, Audi Quattro A2, Vw Maggiolino '60
Work in progress: Porsche 911 RS Turbo
Completed model: Delta WRC Martini, Mclaren MP4/4, Golf GTI 1/8 Tuned
 Rank: Vice-Master      Groups: Registered
Joined: 05/04/2016 Posts: 708 Points: 2,127 Location: Ferrara
Before starting the roll bar I think it is useful to have the seats in position so as not to have unpleasant surprises with the internal volumes. I have a seat gift from a modellinng mate...but the shape is a bit too old school for my project. The seat I chose is like the Sparco Evo (seen mounted on some 911s) and in context it is the perfect seat for my project... the only flaw: the seat and bracket are always a single body... they cannot be found printable separately. I'll see how to fit the brackets to the frame In the meantime, to have some references I started printing it. First attempt.....print ok, but undersized seat Second attempt, print ok but now a little too big. On the third one (but I'm waiting for the resin to be supplied) I should have the correct seat in the right scale to be able to proceed with the dry assembly and then move the work with the rollcage.        Collection active: Lotus 97T, Audi Quattro A2, Vw Maggiolino '60
Work in progress: Porsche 911 RS Turbo
Completed model: Delta WRC Martini, Mclaren MP4/4, Golf GTI 1/8 Tuned
 Rank: Master       Groups: Registered
Joined: 21/04/2011 Posts: 1,079 Points: 3,266 Location: Buckinghamshire
Hi Francesco, Your build is just amazing. Congratulations on your skills. Chris
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