 Rank: Semipro Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 08/02/2021 Posts: 65 Points: 195 Location: Spain
Finally I had the time to paint, weather and add fiber optics to my hold console. Yup! My console has pre drilled holes, more than 80, for fiber optics!

You can get it in my 308 Bits Shapeways shop.
308 Bits Shapeways shop YT1300 DeAgo Hall Navigation ConsoleTonyRR ModelKitsUpgradesHigly detailed 3D printed aftermarket parts for scifi kits
 Rank: Semipro Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 08/02/2021 Posts: 65 Points: 195 Location: Spain
I've just painted a couch for a commission, that I've properly weathered. And I've added too some fiber optics. The result is very nice!

You can get my hold couch for the DeAgo Falcon in my 308 Bits Shapeways shop.
308 Bits Shapeways shop YT1300 DeAgo Hall Couch TonyRR ModelKitsUpgradesHigly detailed 3D printed aftermarket parts for scifi kits
 Rank: Semipro Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 08/02/2021 Posts: 65 Points: 195 Location: Spain
I've printed a new Dejarik Table because I've been comissioned to paint and install fiber optics on it. And here is it in the process. Just painted and installing the fibers.

You can get my Dejarik Table for the DeAgo Falcon in my 308 Bits Shapeways shop.
308 Bits Shapeways shop YT1300 DeAgo Dejarikk TableTonyRR ModelKitsUpgradesHigly detailed 3D printed aftermarket parts for scifi kits
 Rank: Semipro Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 08/02/2021 Posts: 65 Points: 195 Location: Spain
Another upgrade for your De Agostini Millennium Falcon, the center of the docking rings, more accurate than the stock parts. In this case I've made a detachable center too, like on the real filming miniature.

You can get my YT1300 DeAgo Docking Ring Plates Detachable Center in my 308 Bits Shapeways shop.
308 Bits Shapeways shop YT1300 DeAgo Docking Ring Plates Detachable CenterTonyRR ModelKitsUpgradesHigly detailed 3D printed aftermarket parts for scifi kits
 Rank: Semipro Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 08/02/2021 Posts: 65 Points: 195 Location: Spain
If you like to add figurines to your DeAgo Falcon, I've created a set of Luke, Obi Wan and Han for the Falcon hold. I've created the scene when Obi Wan is teaching Luke on the Force.

You can buy my Han, Luke and Obi Wan figures set in my 308 Bits Shapeways shop.
308 Bits Shapeways shop YT1300 DeAgo Hall FiguresTonyRR ModelKitsUpgradesHigly detailed 3D printed aftermarket parts for scifi kits
 Rank: Semipro Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 08/02/2021 Posts: 65 Points: 195 Location: Spain
The gun port of the DeAgo Falcon needs Luke, so I've designed a gun port chair with Luke on it. I've tried to make it really close despite his tiny size.

You can get it in my 308 Bits Shapeways shop.
308 Bits Shapeways shop YT1300 DeAgo Turret Well Seat with Gunner kidTonyRR ModelKitsUpgradesHigly detailed 3D printed aftermarket parts for scifi kits
 Rank: Semipro Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 08/02/2021 Posts: 65 Points: 195 Location: Spain
The turret well or gun port can be upgraded with my 3D printed part. I've designed it with more details, raised details, and a new gunner seat. And it fits perfectly like the stock part, so no mods, no hassles to install it. And it comes with 30 predrilled holes for fiber optics!!

You can get it in my 308 Bits Shapeways shop.
308 Bits Shapeways shop YT1300 DeAgo Turret Well Stock with SeatTonyRR ModelKitsUpgradesHigly detailed 3D printed aftermarket parts for scifi kits
 Rank: Semipro Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 08/02/2021 Posts: 65 Points: 195 Location: Spain
I've updated my cockpit parts upgrade with a new backwall and upperwall, with some extra details. Of course, they have pre drilled holes for 0.25 mm fiber optics, about 300, and I've tried to make them screen accurate.

You can get it in my 308 Bits Shapeways shop.
308 Bits Shapeways shop YT1300 Deago Cabin WallsTonyRR ModelKitsUpgradesHigly detailed 3D printed aftermarket parts for scifi kits
Rank: Administration  Groups: Administrator, Administrators, Forum Support Team, Global Forum Support, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 1,928 Points: 5,796 Location: UK
Hi Tony,
I have sent you a PM, please respond.
Regards Derek ADMIN
 Rank: Semipro Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 08/02/2021 Posts: 65 Points: 195 Location: Spain
Another part that can be improved is the cockpit backwall. I've designed a complete cockpit with floor, seats, consoles, upperwall and backwall. Today I'm showing you the backwall. I've designed it with pre drilled holes for 0.25 and 0.50 mm fiber optics. And this backwall you can see here is totally painted and weathered, no decals here!

You can buy it in my 308 Bits Shapeways shop.
308 Bits Shapeways shop YT1300 DeAgo Cabin BackwallTonyRR ModelKitsUpgradesHigly detailed 3D printed aftermarket parts for scifi kits
 Rank: Semipro Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 08/02/2021 Posts: 65 Points: 195 Location: Spain
On my latest post I've told you about my aftermarket backwall to improve the DeAgo Falcon cockpit. Today I'm showing you my cockpit upperwall aftermarket part. As you can see is highly detailed and it comes with tons of pre drilled holes for fiber optics. I've painted it to show you all the detail: no decals here, all is painted!!

You can get it in my 308 Bits Shapeways shop.
308 Bits Shapeways shop YT1300 DeAgo Cabin UpperwallTonyRR ModelKitsUpgradesHigly detailed 3D printed aftermarket parts for scifi kits
 Rank: Semipro Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 08/02/2021 Posts: 65 Points: 195 Location: Spain
After showing you my DeAgo cockpit upperwall painted and weathered, now you can see it lighted with fiber optics.

If you like it you can purchase it in my 308 Bits Shapeways shop.
308 Bits Shapeways shop YT1300 DeAgo Cabin UpperwallTonyRR ModelKitsUpgradesHigly detailed 3D printed aftermarket parts for scifi kits
 Rank: Semipro Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 08/02/2021 Posts: 65 Points: 195 Location: Spain
I've refreshed the DeAgo cockpit with new improvements, like a main console with more holes for fiber optics and smaller retouches. Here is a new shot where you can see the main console lighted.

If you like it you can purchase it in my 308 Bits Shapeways shop.308 Bits Shapeways shop YT1300 DeAgo CockpitTonyRR attached the following image(s): TonyRR ModelKitsUpgradesHigly detailed 3D printed aftermarket parts for scifi kits
 Rank: Semipro Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 08/02/2021 Posts: 65 Points: 195 Location: Spain
Hi all again.
This time I'm the bearer of sad and bad news... Shapeways has gone bankruptcy and after 10 years up and running my 308 Bits shop is gone. So you are no long able to purchase online my Millennium Falcon DeAgo upgrades, but if you need something just send me an email to 308bits from Gmail.com and I will see what we can do. I'm able to print my upgrades in house with my hi-res resin printers, so I can keep selling DeAgo upgrades but not delivered as fast as Shapeways. Many thanks for your support!!TonyRR ModelKitsUpgradesHigly detailed 3D printed aftermarket parts for scifi kits
Rank: Administration        Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,302 Points: 23,994 Location: East midlands
TonyRR wrote:Hi all again.
This time I'm the bearer of sad and bad news... Shapeways has gone bankruptcy and after 10 years up and running my 308 Bits shop is gone. So you are no long able to purchase online my Millennium Falcon DeAgo upgrades, but if you need something just send me an email to 308bits from Gmail.com and I will see what we can do. I'm able to print my upgrades in house with my hi-res resin printers, so I can keep selling DeAgo upgrades but not delivered as fast as Shapeways. Many thanks for your support!! Hi Tony, this is indeed a sad day.
The problem is that it is about to get a little sadder. If you advertise and sell on the forum via an email address you will be in breach of forum rules as all sales must be through a third party that covers the sale of items. The forum does not.
Tony, I have sent you a PM with suggestions on ways around this unfortunate situation.
Regards delboy271155 (Derek) AdminCOME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
Rank: Administration        Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,302 Points: 23,994 Location: East midlands
Hi All,
I have just picked up this information off the net
Yes, Shapeways has indeed encountered financial difficulties. The company recently ceased operations and filed for bankruptcy after considering various strategic alternatives1. It published a Form 8-K on July 2nd, 2024, detailing its voluntary petition for relief under Chapter 7 of the United States Bankruptcy Code. As a result, all Shapeways subsidiaries have also ceased operations and filed for bankruptcy. The company’s leadership has resigned, and a Chapter 7 trustee will be appointed to administer the bankruptcy estate and liquidate its assets. Shapeways, which began as a spin-off of Royal Philips Electronics in the Netherlands, had been a prominent marketplace and service provider for 3D printing since 2007. However, despite its growth and service offerings, it faced financial challenges that ultimately led to this outcome. It’s a somber moment for the company and its dedicated team.
Regards delboy271155 (Derek) AdminCOME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
 Rank: Semipro Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 08/02/2021 Posts: 65 Points: 195 Location: Spain
Hi Derek. Many thanks for your message! Your Inbox is full so I can't send you my message!! So i'm writing it here. I understand, no problem. I'm waiting just 2 scenarios: -The possibility that my Shapeways shop can return, but under another company. -Open my own store under Etsy maybe. So by now I won't advertise nothing in the forum until I know the final solution. My post can remain on the forum as the parts shown are very formative for the members. But don't worry, I won't put my email to sell parts, despite I'm doing exactly this now by Instagram and Facebook! Many thanks for your instructions and help. If I print more DeAgo parts I will put the shots in the forum, but without any link. It's a useful help. Best TonyRR ModelKitsUpgradesHigly detailed 3D printed aftermarket parts for scifi kits
Rank: Administration        Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,302 Points: 23,994 Location: East midlands
TonyRR wrote:Hi Derek.
Many thanks for your message! Your Inbox is full so I can't send you my message!! So i'm writing it here. I understand, no problem. I'm waiting just 2 scenarios:
-The possibility that my Shapeways shop can return, but under another company. -Open my own store under Etsy maybe.
So by now I won't advertise nothing in the forum until I know the final solution.
My post can remain on the forum as the parts shown are very formative for the members. But don't worry, I won't put my email to sell parts, despite I'm doing exactly this now by Instagram and Facebook!
Many thanks for your instructions and help.
If I print more DeAgo parts I will put the shots in the forum, but without any link. It's a useful help.
Best Hi Tony, I think the inbox full was a glitch in the system, but if a problem in the future I can be contacted by "Admin" on the PM system. I wish you luck on being able to set up another 3rd party selling point. Your additions are outstanding and I welcome the updates as you have stated. Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admin COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
TonyRR wrote:Hi Derek.
Many thanks for your message! Your Inbox is full so I can't send you my message!! So i'm writing it here. I understand, no problem. I'm waiting just 2 scenarios:
-The possibility that my Shapeways shop can return, but under another company. -Open my own store under Etsy maybe.
So by now I won't advertise nothing in the forum until I know the final solution.
My post can remain on the forum as the parts shown are very formative for the members. But don't worry, I won't put my email to sell parts, despite I'm doing exactly this now by Instagram and Facebook!
Many thanks for your instructions and help.
If I print more DeAgo parts I will put the shots in the forum, but without any link. It's a useful help.
Best Hi Tony I also used Shapeways for my 3D parts as well as having an Etsy shop. The only downside to having either an Etsy or Ebay store, is it can get expensive to deliver internationally. All the best Mark
 Rank: Semipro Level 1 Groups: Registered
Joined: 08/02/2021 Posts: 65 Points: 195 Location: Spain
Thanks for the feedback Mark!! Yes, shipping is expensive now... Cheers TonyRR ModelKitsUpgradesHigly detailed 3D printed aftermarket parts for scifi kits