 I just looked for the bounty in the ship page and it's been discontinued along with all the other ships as well. A little bit annoyed as I was in the process of getting the bounty  .Will this be on sale again or has Deag given up on them Martyn Building ? Completed. Soliei Royal . Sovereign of the Seas . Virginia . Scotland . San Felipe . Corel vasa , Santisima Trinadad X section , Vasa Next Build ? When sailors have good wine, They think themselves in heaven for the time. John Baltharpe
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Martyn Ingram wrote: I just looked for the bounty in the ship page and it's been discontinued along with all the other ships as well. A little bit annoyed as I was in the process of getting the bounty  .Will this be on sale again or has Deag given up on them Martyn Hi Martyn, At this moment in time I don`t know of any in the pipe line, but I will contact the people I deal with and ask the question. Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admin COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
Thanks for the reply Del  looking forward to see what they say. Hopefully they will return Martyn Building ? Completed. Soliei Royal . Sovereign of the Seas . Virginia . Scotland . San Felipe . Corel vasa , Santisima Trinadad X section , Vasa Next Build ? When sailors have good wine, They think themselves in heaven for the time. John Baltharpe
Rank: Administration        Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,302 Points: 23,994 Location: East midlands
Martyn Ingram wrote:Thanks for the reply Del  looking forward to see what they say. Hopefully they will return Martyn Hi Martyn,
I have finally received a response from the people I speak too and I`m afraid its not the answer I think you were hoping for.
They basically stated that there was nothing in the pipeline (for ships), but if I could prove there was enough interest, they would push it to marketing, to see what they said.
Unfortunately I don`t think the two of us will be enough for that to happen.
Sorry, but that`s how it is.
Regards delboy271155 (Derek) AdminCOME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
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Joined: 21/04/2011 Posts: 1,079 Points: 3,266 Location: Buckinghamshire
Derek, Martyn.
It's a very sad state of affairs that ships have disappeared from the DeAg range of models.
But a totally understandable decision by them from a business point of view
I am not a particular fan of plastic models or Sci Fi so sadly, I will be going elsewhere for my kits in the future.
On the slightly brighter side, I am still "work in progress" with my Santisima Trinidad kit and will continue to post as and when.
Good luck to all those ship builders that still exist.
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goddo wrote:Derek, Martyn.
It's a very sad state of affairs that ships have disappeared from the DeAg range of models.
But a totally understandable decision by them from a business point of view
I am not a particular fan of plastic models or Sci Fi so sadly, I will be going elsewhere for my kits in the future.
On the slightly brighter side, I am still "work in progress" with my Santisima Trinidad kit and will continue to post as and when.
Good luck to all those ship builders that still exist.
Chris. Hi All, especially Chris,
Chris has hit several nails right on the head.
A sad day that ship building has disappeared from the Deag range.
Producing any kit comes at an amazing cost before the first kit is ordered and these costs are ever rising. So people say "I can`t afford that", so orders decline and you hit that never ending circle. No company in the world is going to produce a product that will only lose them money. So ships have obviously not been selling at a profitable rate so have been removed.
I am forever thankful to anyone still posting ship building threads and will be there to give whatever support I can.
I wish I had that magic wand, but alas not to be.
Regards delboy271155 (Derek) AdminCOME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
 very sad news Del but like Chris says l will also be going somewhere else for my kit's.Im not into bolt together models and cars. But there is a new model from vanguard that's on my list  . Thanks again for the information Del Martyn Building ? Completed. Soliei Royal . Sovereign of the Seas . Virginia . Scotland . San Felipe . Corel vasa , Santisima Trinadad X section , Vasa Next Build ? When sailors have good wine, They think themselves in heaven for the time. John Baltharpe
 Rank: Master       Groups: Registered
Joined: 21/04/2011 Posts: 1,079 Points: 3,266 Location: Buckinghamshire
Morning all,
It seems that the only way to keep the ship building section of the forum going is to purchase from elsewhere and as long as Admin are prepared to accept builds by competitors, I will do my part to keep us going.
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goddo wrote:Morning all,
It seems that the only way to keep the ship building section of the forum going is to purchase from elsewhere and as long as Admin are prepared to accept builds by competitors, I will do my part to keep us going.
Chris Hi Chris and all ship builders, I have no problem with any ship builds being put on this forum, including competitors models. We have an "other ship and submersible" area already on the forum, so feel free to post there. Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admin
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I already have my Titanic build on here, so no problem with ships from elsewhere.
Update maybe coming soon...
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skyfire wrote:I already have my Titanic build on here, so no problem with ships from elsewhere.
Update maybe coming soon... Hi Skyfire, I for one love your Titanic build, so please keep it coming with the updates. Like I said, I just wish I had a magic wand, but as I don`t it will need members intervention to rebuild the interest in ship building. Words like "maybe" need to be replaced with "will be" (not criticism). I will do my upmost to boost the ship building here on the forum, but even in my position as Admin it needs a lot more member input. Please keep this convo going and lets see if we can get ships back on the boards regularly. Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admin COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
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Joined: 10/10/2010 Posts: 689 Points: 2,130 Location: Dorset
I have built a number of OcCre kits. Their quality is good and their customer service is excellent. If you are looking for a ship kits have a look at their web site Current Build:- [color=blue]Stash Avro Lancaster (Full Kit)plus some extra issues I picked up at a good price [color=blue]Built:- Norman Catapult by Mantua,Roman Catapult by Mantua,HMS Victory,HMS Victory XSection,Focker DB1,Bismark,English Carronade Titanic Lifeboat,American Civil War Gatling,Hummer,Sopwith Camel F1,Occre Jupiter ,OcCre Wagon, Latina Arab Dhow, Eaglemass Orrery OcCre Rogers 119 [color=red][color=red]RB7,OcCre Missippi River Boat, Model Airways Fokker DR1 OcCre London L>C>C 106 Ugears Scrambler, Ugears Hexapod Explorer UGears Off-Road Vehicle
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Joined: 20/01/2011 Posts: 606 Points: 1,747 Location: Canberra, Australia
delboy271155 wrote:skyfire wrote:I already have my Titanic build on here, so no problem with ships from elsewhere.
Update maybe coming soon... Hi Skyfire, I for one love your Titanic build, so please keep it coming with the updates. Like I said, I just wish I had a magic wand, but as I don`t it will need members intervention to rebuild the interest in ship building. Words like "maybe" need to be replaced with "will be" (not criticism). I will do my upmost to boost the ship building here on the forum, but even in my position as Admin it needs a lot more member input. Please keep this convo going and lets see if we can get ships back on the boards regularly. Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admin I get the next issue tommorrow so will update after I have done it. Had a bit of chaos yesterday with some electrical work taking longer than planned thanks to 36.5 year old wiring and missing earth wires.
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GilShapley wrote:I have built a number of OcCre kits. Their quality is good and their customer service is excellent.
If you are looking for a ship kits have a look at their web site
Hi Gil, They do some very nice kits, the most impressive is the limited edition Victory that I would love to tackle, but at 6000+ parts and near £1200 I`d have to give up everything else that I do and SWMBO would most probably take a sudden interest in "Cricket Bats" OUCH!!! and that may involve a visit to A+E Still good kits and thanks for your input. Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admin COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
Rank: Administration        Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,302 Points: 23,994 Location: East midlands
skyfire wrote:delboy271155 wrote:skyfire wrote:I already have my Titanic build on here, so no problem with ships from elsewhere.
Update maybe coming soon... Hi Skyfire, I for one love your Titanic build, so please keep it coming with the updates. Like I said, I just wish I had a magic wand, but as I don`t it will need members intervention to rebuild the interest in ship building. Words like "maybe" need to be replaced with "will be" (not criticism). I will do my upmost to boost the ship building here on the forum, but even in my position as Admin it needs a lot more member input. Please keep this convo going and lets see if we can get ships back on the boards regularly. Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admin I get the next issue tommorrow so will update after I have done it. Had a bit of chaos yesterday with some electrical work taking longer than planned thanks to 36.5 year old wiring and missing earth wires. Hi Skyfire,  Good to hear the Titanic is still arriving. Just take care with that old wiring. Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admin COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"