Issue 39
Picture 1 shows the parts for this issue.
Assembling the Right Thigh Place the outer hip cover (39E) onto the top of the outer thigh (39A), pictures 2 and 3.
Connect the upper right thigh hinge “A” (39B) to the upper right thigh hinge “B” (39D), with an SM screw, picture 4. Connect the thigh hinge to the top of the outer right thigh, (39A), and secure it with an AP screw, pictures 5 and 6. Connect the assembly to the rear outer thigh (39A) with an AP screw, pictures 7 and 8.
Pictures 9 shows the complete assembly for this issue.
Markwarren attached the following image(s):
Issue 40
Picture 1 shows the parts for this issue.
Assembling the Right Thigh Place the right lower hinge “A” (40B) over hinge “B” (40C) and secure them with an SM screw, picture 2.
Connect the hinge assembly to the lower right outer thigh (40A) as shown in picture 3, securing it with a BP screw.
Connect the final assembly from issue 39 to this assembly, by securing it with 2 x BP screws, picture 4.
Pictures 5 shows the complete assembly for this issue.Markwarren attached the following image(s):
Issue 41
Picture 1 shows the parts for this issue.
Assembling the Right Thigh Take the assembly from issue 40, picture 2, and connect it to the right thigh rear plate (41A), picture 3, using 3 x BP screws. Connect the right thigh inner plate (41C) to the inside of the assembly by pressing the parts together, pictures 4 and 5.
Attach the spring (41D) to the rear hinge “B” (41E) fitting the two loops on the spring over the posts on the hinge, picture 6. Put the assembly into hinge “A” (41B) and secure it with a TM screw a shown in picture 7.
Fit the base of the hinge assembly inside the thigh assembly and secure it with 2 x BP screws, picture 8.
Now take this assembly along with the assembly from issue 38, picture 9, and connect the hinge to the hole in the assembly from issue 38, picture 10.
Pictures 11 shows the complete assembly for this issue.
Markwarren attached the following image(s):
Issue 42
Picture 1 shows the parts for this issue.
Assembling the Right Thigh Place the thigh compartment rail (42B) on the back of the right thigh compartment (42A), picture 2. Turn the assembly over and secure it with a BP screw, picture 3.
Pictures 4 shows the complete assembly for this issue.Markwarren attached the following image(s):