Rank: Administration        Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,302 Points: 23,994 Location: East midlands
Hi All,
Well, its been a while since the initial pack of the Enterprise "D" arrived, but Pack 2 has arrived. This pack covers issues 3 - 6 and this update for issue 3 will come in two parts (A + B) to save some picture scrolling.
In this part we will construct the battery box, which will be used in part B to test the LED`s.
All parts supplied.....Pic 1.
Place the nut 03K into its position in the battery box 03H, as shown in Pic 2. Then cover the nut with the bracket 03J and fix that in place using 2 x BP screws, Pic 3.
Next insert 3 x AAA batteries into the box, making sure the batteries are orientated as shown in Pic 4.
Now position the end cover of the box 03I, so that the tabs at the bottom engage in the slots in the box, Pic 5. Then gently press the top of end cover toward the box and fix it with the screw 03L into the captive nut, Pic 6. NOTE: The end cover does not fit inside the battery box as you may think, but sits proud of it. So do not try and force it in further.
That`s all for part A of this update, so will see you very soon for part B.
Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admindelboy271155 attached the following image(s): COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
Rank: Administration        Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,302 Points: 23,994 Location: East midlands
Hi All,
This is a little later than I thought it would be. Had this mad idea that I would do a bit toward Issue 4 and then post this. Issue 4 is a lot bigger than I thought, then dinner got in the way, (issue 4 is still ongoing as lots of pics to sort) but here`s the part B of Issue 3 to be getting on with.
In part A we built the battery box, now we move onto the Main Deflector Dish and some LED testing.
Parts are those left over from part A, but you will also need the battery box from part A and the Main Command Bridge from pack 1, (for testing purposes only).
Part B:
We start with the construction of the Main Deflector Dish support. Place the two parts 03D and 03E together and fix them together using a BP screw, Pic 1.
Now place the deflector dish inner 03C inside the main dish 03B, Pic 2 and fix it in place from the rear, using 2 x BP screws, Pic 3. Whilst at the rear of the Deflector Dish, position the support (made previously) onto the dish and fix that in place using 2 x BP screws, Pic 4.
Take the cable 03G and place the led (wired yellow/green) in place as shown in Pic 5. Place one of the holders 03F over the led and secure it in place using a BP screw, Pic 6. Now replicate those steps and fit the second led as shown in Pic 7.
You now need the Deflector Dish (just assembled) the Battery Box from part A and the circuit board 03M supplied in this issue.
Please Note: The plugs and sockets of these parts will only fit one way round. Get it wrong and serious damage will occur. The pins and their sockets are not central, so look closely as to which way they join.
Test 1: Plug the Deflector Dish lead into socket "D" on the circuit board. Then plug the Battery Box lead into socket "F". The two led`s in the Deflector dish should now light up, Pic 8. Disconnect the leads carefully and proceed to the second test.
Test 2: Take the three leads from the Main Bridge section (Pack 1) and plug them into the circuit board. A to A, B to B and C to C, then plug the Battery Box into position F as before, Pic 9. All the lights on the Bridge Section should now illuminate, Pic 10. Disconnect the leads as before and store all the parts used/unused until required at a later date.
That`s all for this update, so I`ll see you soon for Issue 4. TIP: A pair of tweezers will be more use than pork sausage fingers. I can vouch for that.
Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admindelboy271155 attached the following image(s): COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
Rank: Administration        Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,302 Points: 23,994 Location: East midlands
Hi All,
Here we go with the update for Issue 4 of the Enterprise D.
This update will also come in two parts (A+B), as there`s a lot of parts to get on with.
Parts supplied.....Pic 1, you will also need the the battery pack and circuit board from the last update in Part B. NOTE: In Pic 1, I have added information as to how many multiples of some parts you should have received.
As this model is of such a size, I have taken a screen shot of where the panels we are about to construct will go, Pic 2.
The first panel is 04B and there are 36 pieces to add from the inner side of the panel. I found it a lot easier to fit the 30 windows (04D +04E) by using a pair of pointed tweezers. On the six escape pods 04F you will see I have marked a red line. This is where the red line would be on the visible side, when the panel is complete, Pic 3.
POINTS TO NOTE: You will have some spare windows 04D and 04E at the end of this update, keep them safe as you may need them later. The same goes for the escape pods 04F. For this Official Build I will be following the window patterns in the instructions, but you are at liberty to make up the window patterns to your own liking.
Now take the reflector plate 04I and insert the led`s from one of the leads 04J as shown in Pic 4.
Finally, whilst keeping the led`s in place, invert the panel and place it over the panel 04B with all the windows/escape pods in and secure them together using 3 x BP screws, Pic 5.
That`s all for this first half of Issue 4. The second half will be coming up ASAP.
Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admindelboy271155 attached the following image(s): COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
Rank: Administration        Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,302 Points: 23,994 Location: East midlands
Hi All,
I`m back to share part B of Issue 4.
I`ve been in tech overload for the last few days, with a new phone and now these bionic type hearing aids, so a slight delay for which I apologise. Enough of my probs, lets get on with this update.
We left the first part (A) having built the first panel 04B. We will now make up the second panel 04A and the third panel 04C. Then connect 04A to 04C and test the lighting.
Parts are those left over from part A and you will also need the battery pack, the circuit board and the panel 04B built before.
Take part 04A and position the windows and escape pods as shown in Pic 1. Note: the windows shown are set up as per the instructions (which you are free to alter) and the red lines on the escape pods only indicate where the red markings should be on the visible side.
Keep panel 04A to one side for the moment and bring the reflector panel 04H and the remaining two leads 04J to the table. Position the led`s as shown in Pic 2, then turn the panel over onto 04A (the one produced previously) and secure them using 3 x BP screws, Pic 3. Complete this panel for now, by positioning the fourth led as shown in Pic 4.
Now take part 04C, then remove the backing strip from part 04G (the transporter emitter pad) and position it in place onto panel 04C, Pic 5. Then take five more escape pods 04F and place them into the panel 04C, Pic 6.
Turn panel 04C upside down, then place the panel 04A (making sure the fourth led is still in place) over the panel 04C, shown in Pic 7. Now secure the two panels together using 2 x DM screws, Pic 8.
TEST: Plug the led leads into ports A,C and D of the circuit board, then plug the battery pack into port F, Pic 9. All the led`s should light up and the clear windows show light. Note: The windows in panel B will not be as bright as the others as light will bleed through the open end. This should change when the panel is fully connected.
Unplug the leads carefully and store the parts for future use.
I`ll see you soon for the update of Issue 5.
Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admindelboy271155 attached the following image(s): COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
Rank: Administration        Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,302 Points: 23,994 Location: East midlands
Hi All,
I`m back onto the Enterprise "D", with the update for Issue 5. In this issue, we will extend the main bridge that we built in Pack 1.
Parts supplied.....Pic 1. You will also need the main bridge section, that we built in Pack 1 and tested in issue 3 of this pack.
Start by positioning the shuttle bay door 05D, into the main bridge and secure it using 2 x BM screws, Pics 2 and 3.
Now position the deck front base 05A and fix it using 4 x EM screws, Pic 4. Then place and fix the right deck base 05B, using 2 x BM screws and the left deck base 05C using another 2 x BM screws, Pics 5 and 6.
That`s it for this update, but the two sides of the main deck are shown in Pics 7 and 8.
See you soon for the last update of the pack with issue 6.
Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admin delboy271155 attached the following image(s): COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
Rank: Administration        Groups: Registered, Forum Support Team, Administrators, Global Forum Support Team, Moderator, Official Builds Joined: 09/11/2012 Posts: 8,302 Points: 23,994 Location: East midlands
Hi All,
It`s the last update for pack 2 of the Enterprise D, Issue 6. In this update we will start construction of the first frame piece that will form the skeleton of the model.
Parts supplied.....Pic 1.
Start with the frame 06A and the support 06B, positioning the support as shown in Pic 2 and secure it from the other side of the frame using 2 x BM screws, Pic 3.
Now position the second support 06C, Pic 4 and fix that in place using 2 x BM screws, Pic 5.
That`s all for this update and pack, so I`ll see you when the next pack arrives.
Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Admin.delboy271155 attached the following image(s): COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"