Issue 67
Picture 1 shows the parts for this issue.
The Left Elbow Fit the joint (67A) to the lower joint (67B) and secure them using an EP screw, pictures 2 and 3. Turn the assembly over and place the nut (67H) into the joint, picture 4. Secure the nut with the bracket using 2 x KP screws, picture 5. Turn over the assembly again and place the spring (67F) inside the joint, picture 6. Fit the gear (67E) with the tooth part facing outwards.
Connect the upper joint to the lower joint, picture 7, and secure the two joints using 2 x EP screws and circled in red, picture 8.
Turn the assembly over and place the bolt (67I), into the hole as shown in picture 9. Tighten up the screw, checking the movement of the joint, which should have some resistance to hold the position.
Pictures 10 and 11 show both sides of the assembly complete.
Markwarren attached the following image(s):
Issue 68
Picture 1 shows the parts for this issue.
The Left Elbow Take the elbow joint sleeve (68B) and the assembly from the previous issue and slide the assembly into the sleeve as shown in picture 2. Fit the upper arm outer plate (68A) onto the sleeve of the elbow. The pins on the inside of 68A fit into the holes of 68b, picture 3.
Secure with 2 x EM screws an indicated by red circles in picture 4.
That completes the assembly for this issue.Markwarren attached the following image(s):
Issue 69
Picture 1 shows the parts for this issue.
The Left Shoulder Fit the part (69B) onto the inside of the outer left shoulder cover (69A), pictures 2 and 3.
Fit the shoulder pad assembly into the assembly from the previous issue as shown in picture 4. Secure it in place using 2 x CM screws as circled in picture 5.
Picture 6 shows the complete assembly for this issue.
Markwarren attached the following image(s):
Issue 70
Picture 1 shows the parts for this issue.
The Left Arm Fit the left arm front cover (70B) onto the side of the left arm inner cover (70A), picture 2. Place the assembly onto the left arm assembly, aligning the pins and holes, and secured with an EP screw as shown in picture 3.
Picture 4 shows the complete assembly for this issue.Markwarren attached the following image(s):
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