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Megazord Official Build - Issues 9 to 19 Options
#1 Posted : 03 March 2025 18:37:50
Rank: Administration

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Hi All, BigGrin

Here we go with the next pack of Megazord, covering issues 9 - 19.

Here`s issue 9.

Parts supplied.....Pic 1, you will also need the assembly from the end of issue 8.

Start by pressing the spindle 9.9 into the paw joint 9.8 in the orientation shown in Pic 2. Take the resulting assembly and slot it into the left paw 9.6, as shown in Pic 3. Now place the paw base 9.7 into position and fix it using a 9.10 PB screw, Pic 4.

Bring in the assembly from issue 8 and fit the inner part of the leg 9.2, as in Pic 5. Now fit the paw constructed earlier, as shown in Pic 6. Keep the parts in this position and add the outer leg 9.1, securing it with 2 x 9.10 PB screws, shown in Pic 7.

To finish, press the two trim covers 9.3 and 9.4 into position as shown in Pics 8 and 9. That`s all for this update, Pic 10. Keep the part 9.5 safe for later use.

(Derek) Admin
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#2 Posted : 05 March 2025 22:05:17
Rank: Administration

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Hi All, BigGrin

Now on with the update for Issue 10.

Parts supplied.....Pic 1.

Press the spindle 10.6 into the upper part of the right leg 10.3 as shown in Pic 2. Place the previous assembly onto the articulated joint 10.1 and fix them together using 2 x 10.7 PB screws, Pic 3.

Place parts 10.4 and 10.5 together and position them into the recess in the articulated joint 10.1, Pic 4. Hold the parts together and fix them in place using a 10.7 PB screw, as in Pic 5.

Finally, fit the joint cover 10.2 in position and fix it using 4 x 10.7 PB screws. Shown in Pic 6.

That`s all for this update, Pic 7. Lots more coming soon.

(Derek) Admin
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#3 Posted : 06 March 2025 17:05:08
Rank: Administration

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Hi All, BigGrin

I`m back with Megazord and issue 11, where we complete the right front leg of Sabertooth.

Parts supplied.....Pic 1, you will also need the assembly from the previous issue.

Start with the paw joint 11.8 and press the larger end of the spindle 11.9 into position, as shown in Pic 2. Now place the hooked end of the paw joint into the paw 11.6, Pic 3. Then place the paw base 11.7 as in Pic 4, securing it with an 11.10 PB screw.

Bring the issue 10 final assembly to the table and connect it to the foot (just assembled) with the leg part 11.2, Pic 5. Turn the assembly over and add the second side of the leg 11.1, fixing the leg sides together with 2 x 11.10 PB screws. All shown in Pic 6.

Finally, press fit the screw trim covers 11.3 and 11.4 as shown in Pic 7. That`s all for this update, with the final assembly shown in Pic 8. Keep the unused part 11.5 safely, for later use.

(Derek) Admin
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#4 Posted : 06 March 2025 18:47:56
Rank: Administration

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Hi All, Blink

Yep, already. LOL

With the next pack on its way and me being delayed with recent issues, I`m in catch up mode. So here comes the update for Issue 12. Bring on Mastodon. Cool

Parts supplied.....Pic 1.

Start with the face 12.1 and the top of the head 12.2 on the table. fix them together with 2 x 12.11 PB screws as in Pic 2. Now put the head plate badge 12.5, inside the holder 12.6 and position them into the front of the head, Pic 3. Hold the parts in place and fix them from inside the head, using a 12.11 PB screw as shown in Pic 4.

Place the screen 12.7 onto the locating posts inside the head as shown in Pic 5, followed by the circuit board 12.10 and fix the parts into position with 2 x 12.11 PB screws, Pic 6.

Now position the left eye 12.8 inside the head as shown in Pic 7, add the cover 12.4 and fix the parts with 2 x 12.11 PB screws, all shown in Pic 8. Duplicate the process with the right eye parts as in Pics 9 and 10. Completed assembly for this issue shown in Pic 11.

(Derek) Admin
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#5 Posted : 07 March 2025 14:35:09
Rank: Administration

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Hi All, BigGrin

Time to make Mastodon a bit more recognisable by adding his ears.

This is the update for issue 13.

Parts supplied.....Pic 1, you will also need the front of the head from the previous stage.

Start by fitting the left ear 13.1 and fixing it in place using 2 x 13.9 PB screws, then repeat for the right ear 13.5 with two more screws. All shown in Pic 2.

With the head assembly face up, carefully press the top left ear detail 13.2 into place as shown in Pic 3. Now add the other details of the left ear, 13.3 and 13.4 as shown in Pics 4 and 5. Repeat this with the right ear, using (from the top down) parts 13.6, 13.7 and 13.8. All shown in Pic 6.

See you soon for issue 14.

(Derek) Admin
delboy271155 attached the following image(s):
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#6 Posted : 08 March 2025 12:52:53
Rank: Administration

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Hi All, BigGrin

Here`s the next update for the Mastodon (Issue 14), where we assemble and fit the trunk.

Parts supplied.....Pic 1, you will also need the head assembly from the previous update.

Start with parts 14.1 and 14.2 (the first trunk joints) and fix them together with a sprung metal tube 14.15 as in Pic 2, but note the tube is not fully inserted at this point (for illustretion purposes only). Repeat the previous operation with trunk part 14.3 and another metal tube 14.15 as in Pic 3. Repeat again with part 14.4 and the last tube 14.15, Pic 4.

We now assemble the outer parts of the trunk, marked internally "L" left and "R" right. Fit the left side parts 14.5 to 14.8 as in Pic 5 and then the right side parts 14.9 to 14.12, shown in Pic 6. To complete the trunk add the top plate 14.13, Pic 7 and the trunk tip 14.14 as in Pic 8.

All that remains to do is fit the trunk to the head. Place the base of the trunk against the head, aligning it with the aid of the tabs and fix it into position using a 14.16 PB screw. Shown in Pic 9, with the head at this stage shown in Pic 10.

(Derek) Admin
delboy271155 attached the following image(s):
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#7 Posted : 08 March 2025 21:26:13
Rank: Administration

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Hi All, BigGrin

Here we are with issue 15 and a short update by comparison.

Parts supplied.....Pic 1, you will also need the final assembly from the last update.

Place the circuit board 15.3 onto the mounting bracket 15.1 and fix the parts together using 2 x 15.4 PB screws, as in Pic 2. Now fix the assembly inside the head on the right hand side, with 2 x 15.4 PB screws, Pic 3.

To finish, carefully fit the cable 15.2 into the sockets indicated in Pic 4.

Well that`s all for this update, Pic 5.

(Derek) Admin
delboy271155 attached the following image(s):
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#8 Posted : 09 March 2025 20:34:29
Rank: Administration

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Hi All, BigGrin

It`s another Megazord update, with Issue 16.

Parts supplied.....Pic 1. In this update we build Mastodon Dinozord`s neck.

Start with the left side 16.1 and insert a rubber tube 16.7 into its position, shown in Pic 2. Next place the head connector "1" 16.5 into the tube, indicated in Pic 3 and the connector "2" 16.6 in place as shown in Pic 4.

Now place a second rubber tube 16.7 onto the connector "1", as in Pic 5. Take the right hand side of the neck 16.2 and place it as in Pic 6, making sure all the parts engage fully. Whilst holding the parts together, secure them using 2 x 16.9 PB screws, Pic 7.

Insert the hexagonal end of a shock absorber 16.8, into the left side of the neck as in Pic 8 and follow up with the neck joint "1" part 16.3, as shown in Pic 9.

To finish, repeat the last two steps and fit the second shock absorber 16.8 and the right side neck joint "2", part 16.4 as shown in Pic 10. That`s all for this update.

(Derek) Admin
delboy271155 attached the following image(s):
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#9 Posted : 10 March 2025 17:31:25
Rank: Administration

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Hi Again, Blink

Well, I`m back with Issue 17, with two more to go. The nice parcel man turned up with the next 11 issues this morning, so I`d better crack on.

Parts supplied.....Pic 1.

Note: Right tusk main parts, marked "R" and Left "L". The tips are the same, so not marked.

Assemble the Left tusk parts 17.1 and 17.2 (marked "L") and then, using a very small amount of glue fix the tip 17.3 in place. All shown in Pic 2. Then assemble the Right tusk, parts 17.4 and 17.5 (marked "R") and fix the tip 17.3, with a small amount of glue in the same manner, Pic 3.

That`s all for this update, Pic 4. Keep the small button 17.6 safely for now.

(Derek) Admin
delboy271155 attached the following image(s):
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#10 Posted : 11 March 2025 21:53:58
Rank: Administration

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Hi All, BigGrin

This is the update for Issue 18. (Nearly there)

This is the last issue of Mastodons head.

Parts supplied.....Pic 1, you will also need the head (issue 15), the neck assembly (issue 16) and the tusks and part 17.6 from the last update, issue 17.

Start by wrapping the protective foam pad 18.4 around the rechargeable battery 18.3, Pic 2. Position the battery between the holding tabs, passing the cable under the existing one and plug it into the circuit board, all shown in Pic 3.

Carefully position the neck assembly inside the head as shown in Pic 4. Then place the left tusk assembly as in Pic 5. To keep these parts in place install the left ear part 18.1 and fix it using 3 x 18.6 PB screws, indicated in Pic 6.

Insert the left tusk into position, Pic 7. Now position the power switch 17.6 into its place in the right ear part 18.2, Pic 8. Keep the ear and switch part the same way up and lower the head into position ( watch out for the switch button it likes going walk about) and fix it in place using 3 x 18.6 PB screws, Pic 9.

Pic 10 shows the completed head of Mastodon.

(Derek) Admin
delboy271155 attached the following image(s):
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#11 Posted : 12 March 2025 17:12:58
Rank: Administration

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Hi All, BigGrin

Well, here we are with the last issue of this pack #19. This is also the first issue of the Triceratop`s build, but as the next pack arrived a couple of days ago I`ll be back soon after this one, with more of the Triceratops.

Parts supplied.....Pic 1. You will also need the left eye LED 18.5, supplied in issue 18.

Start by fixing the left eye LED 18.5, into the left eye support 19.5 and fix them together using a 19.7 PB screw. All shown in Pic 2.

Insert the left eye lens 19.6 into its position in the inner panel 19.2, Pic 3. Then place the previous assembly over the lens, fixing it in place with 2 x 19.7 PB screws, Pic 4. Now, place this assembly into the heads left side part 19.1 and fix it in place using 2 x 19.8 PWB screws, Pic 5.

Position the inner panel "3" 19.4 into position on the locating pin inside the head and fix it with a 19.8 PWB screw, as in Pic 6. Finally, fit the inner panel "2" 19.3 into position (DO NOT trap the wire underneath) and fix it using 2 x 19.8 PWB screws, Pic 7. That`s all for this update and pack, Pic 8.

(Derek) Admin
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