I am a little late to the party with this one. It has been sitting in the stash as I worked on other things. I am not going to do a full build, but just hit the highlights of what I am fixing and modifying.
Transmission has 3 large glaring problems with it

Made some dowels to fit the shape of the holes

I sanded the dowels down until they sat just below the surface and filled with CA glue

Lots of sanding and shaping later: no more holes. When I filled the hole toward the rear of the gear box it left a dome shape. I liked it so, I left it.

Shocks were not sitting in the springs as neatly as I wanted them to.

Had to turn small ID washers into large ID washers

Simple jig I made to hold the washers as I bored them out.

I still don't like how the shock absorbers sit. When they flex from weight they are peeling the paint off the inner shaft. I will need to have a think about it.

Just used some Tamiya flat black to fill in the space.

There is supposed to be a pattern on the smaller cooling radiator. I just used some pieces of a screen door repair kit to make something interesting. Not great, but better then nothing.

Used Roy's decals for the dash. I hated the gold toggle switches they used for this model so I painted them gloss black and chrome. If I had a 3D printer I would have made some proper ones.

I sanded off the fuse bodies and replaced them with some fiber optic I had lying around from my Yamato kit to simulate the glass tubes they used back then and painted the ends copper.

Finished dashboard.
Red brake calipers for a little bit of color.

That is it for this update.
Best Regards,
On the bench: DeAgostini '67 Ford Shelby Mustang, Hachette Space Battleship Yamato 2202, Agora Models T-800 Terminator
Finished builds: DeAgostini Toyota 2000GT
In the Stash: Losing count...