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My first ever build - SOTS Options
#1 Posted : 22 September 2012 22:37:09

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Have decided to take the plunge and try keeping a build diary for this first ever build.... will have to find out how to publish photo's and get some put on here for comment (or ridicule) whatever the case may be... Wish me luck...!!

Have edited this post much later in my build with the idea of putting together an index, this is to try to help readers who want to refer to specific area's of my build find the topic they are looking for, whether it will work out that way time will tell... The index will take time to compile initially so I ask for your patience....

...1........Bow section including balsa infills and fitting first of ribs 5, 6 and 7. Building of the dry dock.
...2........First of the cannons and rigging blocks.... Identified problem with rib 13... Completed issue 4...
...3........First rubbish attempt at the anchor (scrapped)... Shaped the balsa infills on the bow.... Started on issue 5...
...4........Second attempt at the anchor.. Fitting additional ribs up to issue 7... Start balsa infills main hull... Levelling and squaring ribs and keel...
...5........Start of the ships launch... Continuation of balsa infills on the hull...
...6........More balsa infilling and rough shaping of the hull.. Added final ribs to the stern (issue 9)...
...7........Rough shaping and fairing of the hull..
...8........Fairing the hull of the ships launch. Start of planking the ships launch...
...9........Dry fitting of the lower deck...
..10........Planking the ships launch..... Fitting of the lower deck..
..11........Fitting the dummy gun supports on lower deck... Fitting deck support spars plus reinforcing the spars
..12........Adding wale strips to launch, removed launch from jig and tidied the rib tops. Fitted the keel on the launch.
..13........Started fitting the 2nd deck. Added rubbing strips to the launch.. Cut slots for the oars... Added thwart support strips.
..14........Finished fitting 2nd deck.. Painted the lower dummy gun supports... Started painting the ships launch.
..15........Construction of the ships gallery framework.
..16........More painting of the ships launch... Started planking the 2nd deck as a practice for future decks.
..17........More deck planking. Fitting of the gallery framework to the hull.
..18........Unimat 1 as a xmas present... More deck planking.
..19........More deck planking.. Planked the stern section.
..20........Started planking the main hull.
..21........Fitting the garboard planks.... more hull planking...
..22........Continuation of hull planking.
..23........More hull planking... Continued painting the ships launch.. Construction and fitting of the duck boards for the launch.
..24........Launch accessories, anchor, oars and bucket.
..25........Fitting the blackened mesh to the launch... Continued with hull planking.
.26-27......Continued with hull planking.
..28........Fitting bracing pieces at the base of the transom.
..29........Hull planking - transitioning around the transom base.
..30........Hull planking. Fitting thwards and stern supports to the ships launch.
..31........Concluded the first layer of planking. Fitted bow and stern bracing pieces to the ships launch.
.32-33........Correcting the disasterous attempt at staining the planked lower deck..
..34........Started fitting the ships Gallery. Fitted and painted dummy gun supports on the 1st deck..
.35-38......First planking layer on the upper hull.
..39........Sanding and smoothing the hull.
..40........Final sanding of the hull. Marking out the bullwark heights and the gun ports.
.41-46......Cutting and shaping the gun ports, adjusting the bullwark heights.
..47........Started the second planking layer on the upper hull (Sapele planking).
.48-53......Upper hull Sapele planking including treenailing.
..54........Started 2nd planking layer on lower hull using walnut, includes use of droppers/stealers.
.55-56......2nd planking layer of the lower hull including the transition up the transom.
.58-59......2nd planking of the lower hull showing caulking.
..60........2nd planking and treenailing the lower hull
.61-64......2nd planking of the lower hull - concluded.
..65........Finished treenailing the lower hull. Hull sanded ready for protective coating. Additional work on the gallery.
..66........Gallery stern panel added. Conluded Sapele planking on upper rear hull. Rectified a problem with the fitting of the stern post.
..67........Fitting the stern post.. Masking off the hull ready for painting.
..68........Painting the upper hull black and painting the red hull stripe.
..69........Planking the transom using Sapele.
..70........Fitting the keel and the stern post. Cladding the prow with walnut sheet.
.71-72......Fitting the prow.
..73........Fitting the painted wales.
.74-75......Fitting the gun port linings.
..76........Started fitting the gallery side panels including fitting the window mesh, planking the walkways and scratch building doors.
..77........Fitting the box section under the stern gallery. Fitting and planking the bow deck.
..78........Planked the underside of the side gallery panels. Planked and painted the bow bulkhead. Planked the prow frame and fitting of gratings.
..79........Painted the underside of the side gallery panels. Finished and fitted the prow framing. Leveled and painted the prow.
..80........Painted the gallery. Fitted and painted the prow side panels. Planked the inner prow side panels. Starting fixing height of main deck.
..81........Fitting of the main deck. Fitting the dummy gun supports for the main deck. Fitting the deck supports for the main deck.
..82........Finished fitting the main deck. Started planking the main deck.
..83........Finished planking the main deck.
..84........Treenailed the main deck. Dry fitting of the forecastle.
.85-86......Fitted gratings on the main deck.
..87........Dry fitted the quarterdeck. Fitting of the quarterdeck forward framing, dummy gun supports and deck supports.
..88........Fitting of the forecastle deck support and dummy gun supports. Identified and fixed problem with width of forecastle. Forecastle fitted.
..89........Forecastle & quarterdecks fitted. Planked the forward bulkheads. Planked the inner bullworks and fitted waterways on main deck.
.90&91........Varnishing and protecting the lower hull and keel.
..92........Finished protecting lower hull. Made the cannonball racks. Painted forward bulkheads on the forecastle and quarterdecks.
..93........Stained and fitted the cannonball racks. Started painting stern ornamentation. Started construction of the bell tower.
.94-95......More painting of ornmentation plus construction of the bell tower.
..96........Bell tower plus planking of the inner bulkheads on the forecastle and quarterdecks.
..97..........Starting fitting the stern ornamentation. Started deck planking the forecastle.
..98..........More stern ornamentation... Planking the forward bulkheads on quarterdeck and forecastle
..99..........More stern ornamentation... laying the decks on the forecastle and quarterdeck.
..100.........Preparing and fitting of the stern lantern.. Look at the supplied figurines..
..101.........Applying brass etch to the ships launch.. Started fitting ornamentation to the gallery sides.
..102.........Fitting ornamentation on Starboard stern section...
..103.........Portside ornamentation on stern section..
..104.........Rigging block Jig and ships buckets..
..105.........Stern canopies and first attempt at figurine painting...
..106.........More on the stern canopies and the fitting of accessories onto the ships launch..
.107-108....Fitting the bow steps, statues, doors and other ornamentation..
..109.........Started fitting the main deck railings..
..110.........Fitting of the poop deck and bulkhead...
..111.........Planking the poop deck.
..112.........Cutting the round gun ports in the deck bulkheads.
..113.........Fitting the quarterdeck railings...
..114.........Fitting the upper quarterdeck, fitting the railings on poop and upper quarterdeck.
..115.........Fitting the closed hatch on the poop deck. Fitted gratings and stairways on quarterdeck and forecastle. Eyelets and rings along the hull.
..116.........Fitting the rudder.

#2 Posted : 23 September 2012 00:30:28

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Have managed to download two photos, quality is not great but will work to improve on that. Now trying to see how to display images as a post rather than a download... learning all the time..

Am quite happy with the way this has turned out so far but realise there is still a long way to go....
Gandale attached the following image(s):
PIC01 23-9-2012.JPG
#3 Posted : 23 September 2012 09:23:59

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Gandale wrote:
Have managed to download two photos, quality is not great but will work to improve on that. Now trying to see how to display images as a post rather than a download... learning all the time..

Am quite happy with the way this has turned out so far but realise there is still a long way to go....

Looking pretty good mate...As for the pictures...Have you tried Photobucket for posting your pictures? Keep up the great work...
Wink ThumpUp
Current Builds: Deagostini HMS Victory: Deagostini HMS Sovereign of the seas. Completed Builds: Del Prado: HMAS Bounty: Hachette: RMS Titanic: Del Prado: Cutty Sark...
#4 Posted : 23 September 2012 10:31:18

Rank: Super-Elite

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jonny7england wrote:
Gandale wrote:
Have managed to download two photos, quality is not great but will work to improve on that. Now trying to see how to display images as a post rather than a download... learning all the time..

Am quite happy with the way this has turned out so far but realise there is still a long way to go....

Looking pretty good mate...As for the pictures...Have you tried Photobucket for posting your pictures? Keep up the great work...
Wink ThumpUp

Thanks mate, all encouragement greatly appreciated...
Gus W
#5 Posted : 23 September 2012 10:41:35

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I had this problem at first with the photos. If you resize them to 600 x 400, before you attach, they should then appear as pictures

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Eaglemoss HMB Endeavour
De Agostini Sovereign of the Seas
#6 Posted : 23 September 2012 11:19:52

Rank: Super-Elite

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Hi Gandale
pictures i dont use photobucket, i download direct to my pc ,resize to 600 by 400 and load directly from pc to post, i find this much easyer and your build is comming along nicely
Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .

#7 Posted : 23 September 2012 11:33:30

Rank: Super-Elite

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Thanks for the tip guys, did as you suggested by re-sizing... My first image worked so will now look to see what other photo's I can post....
Ger C
#8 Posted : 23 September 2012 11:42:07

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Great tip, I always wondered why some pics appear as a download and others appear within the treadBlushing
#9 Posted : 23 September 2012 15:27:42

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Ok, now that I have a better idea of how all this works the build diary now starts in earnest. First problem I encountered was the belief that the keel was flat and true yet whenever it was placed in the dry dock it looked warped... everything was checked and couldn't find anything wrong until I looked at the dry dock itself... Base board had a very slight bow in it that wasn't easily apparant. New dry dock had to be constructed..

Have also used the keel support provided in issue 3 and now I know everthing is lining up as it should...
Gandale attached the following image(s):
#10 Posted : 23 September 2012 15:39:27

Rank: Super-Elite

Publisher Medal: Featured Build of the MonthActive Service Medal: 500 post active service MedalPurple Medal: Super active service medal for 1000 postsTurquoise Medal: Turquoise Medal for model making know-how contributionOutstanding Build: An award for an outstanding buildBuild-Diary Medal: Build-Diary Medal of HonourRed Medal: Red Medal
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Balsa has been packed in between the bow formers, roughly cut and glued in place. Intention is to pack as much as the hull as possible with balsa to give it additional strength and to make the business of shaping and planking a lot easier.

That's it for now, now that I am confident the keel is set correctly am about to glue in place some more ribs....
#11 Posted : 23 September 2012 16:04:39

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Looking great!! Glad you got your pictures sorted out!! ThumpUp
Current Builds: Deagostini HMS Victory: Deagostini HMS Sovereign of the seas. Completed Builds: Del Prado: HMAS Bounty: Hachette: RMS Titanic: Del Prado: Cutty Sark...
mark 2
#12 Posted : 23 September 2012 19:15:25

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Hi Gandale.
You have made a great start BigGrin .
I look forward to see your build progress.
Best regards.
#13 Posted : 23 September 2012 20:17:28

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jonny7england wrote:
Looking great!! Glad you got your pictures sorted out!! ThumpUp

Thanks Jonny, have gotten a few things sorted out and now feel I know what I am doing.... your tip about warped components made me take a closer look hence the reason for making a new dry dock..... much better than the last one...
#14 Posted : 23 September 2012 20:20:29

Rank: Super-Elite

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mark 2 wrote:
Hi Gandale.
You have made a great start BigGrin .
I look forward to see your build progress.
Best regards.

Thanks for the nice comment Mark...what is still to come looks rather daunting but seriously looking forward to the challenge.... intend to post progress throughout for judgement, help and constructive criticism....
Ger C
#15 Posted : 23 September 2012 22:20:31

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Looking great
#16 Posted : 24 September 2012 00:00:23

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Ger C wrote:
Looking great

Thanks Ger... appreciate the comment...
#17 Posted : 24 September 2012 00:10:44

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Continued to attach the ribs, first lightly sanding all the loose black ash off, glued in place with PVA ensuring everything was square on all planes.. Have to wait now for issue 4 to continue with the ribs so in the meantime will continue to work on the cannons and anchor, hopefully publishing results soon....
Gandale attached the following image(s):
#18 Posted : 24 September 2012 03:52:29

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Hi GD, Looking goodBigGrin Regards Mike

#19 Posted : 24 September 2012 09:16:27

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MWG wrote:
Hi GD, Looking goodBigGrin Regards Mike

Thanks Mike, from you that means something. Enjoying your build diary...Cool
Gus W
#20 Posted : 24 September 2012 09:19:42

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I am liking that GD. Cool
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De Agostini Sovereign of the Seas
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