Started to put the finishing touches to the cannons and found it a little fiddly in places, especially with fixing the eyelets. So much so one of the eyelets went pinging across the dining room floor never to be seen again... didn't want to see that happen again so my solution was to thread bright red thread through the eyelet, tie it off and pin the other end of the thread to the board, that way if it went ping then it couldn't fly off too far.... it worked, saving me from crawling around the floor some more. Also noticed, on Mr T's official build he shows the cannon with only 2 eyelets yet the magazine shows 3. Not being a naval historian am not sure which is correct. Have decided to go with Mr T and if necessary can add the 3rd eyelet at a later date. Images of my cannons and anchor will be posted very soon..
Gus W wrote:I am liking that GD. Thanks Gus, all comments, tips and of course criticisms welcome..
So here are the first attempts at my cannons..... close up photo's do show up the flaws.... gives me areas I need to improve on.... All in all I am not too disappointed with how they turned out... As for the anchor, that is disappointing and have gone back to doing some work on it.... the binding I applied looks a little untidy for my liking.... Gandale attached the following image(s):
 Rank: Super-Elite      Groups: Registered
Joined: 24/04/2010 Posts: 5,787 Points: 17,662 Location: Stafford, United Kingdom
Hi GD your build is very good  I will be building the anchor soon I will use black computor card instead of rope to form the braces  Regards Mike MWG BUILD DIARIES: HMS VICTORY, SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS, SAN FRANCISCO II, HMS HOOD, HMS ENDEAVOUR LONGBOAT, HMS VICTORY X-SECTION, 007 DB5, NISSAN GTR, CUTTY SARK, RB7, AKAGI, BARK HMS ENDEAVOUR, HUMMER H1, MITSUBISHI ZERO.
MWG wrote:Hi GD your build is very good  I will be building the anchor soon I will use black computor card instead of rope to form the braces  Regards Mike Thanks Mike, think I will have a look at what your are doing before I go any further with the anchor.... appreciate you sharing..
 Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
Gandale wrote:Started to put the finishing touches to the cannons and found it a little fiddly in places, especially with fixing the eyelets. So much so one of the eyelets went pinging across the dining room floor never to be seen again... didn't want to see that happen again so my solution was to thread bright red thread through the eyelet, tie it off and pin the other end of the thread to the board, that way if it went ping then it couldn't fly off too far.... it worked, saving me from crawling around the floor some more. Also noticed, on Mr T's official build he shows the cannon with only 2 eyelets yet the magazine shows 3. Not being a naval historian am not sure which is correct. Have decided to go with Mr T and if necessary can add the 3rd eyelet at a later date. Images of my cannons and anchor will be posted very soon.. Well spotted, indeed it should show three eyebolts, I missed updating the image, but the later image where blocks are added to the carriage in issue 6, shows it has 3 eyebolts.
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Joined: 04/04/2010 Posts: 3,955 Points: 11,809 Location: uk
hi gandale,it would pay you to check some of the victory build,at the same stage we are at with the sots.the anchor is well covered particularly son of bulwarks build,well worth a look. Current builds: SotS, USS Consitution, San Felipe, D51 loco, HMS Surprise, RB7, Arab Dhow, Jotika HMS Victory Completed builds: HMS Pickel, Thermopylae, Mississipi river boat, Mary Rose, Cutty Sark, San Francisco II, HMS Victory x5, Titanic Lifeboat, Panart HMS Victory Launch, Hachette Titanic, Virginia Schooner, Endeavour Longboat. http://www.model-space.com/gb/
karl1113 wrote:hi gandale,it would pay you to check some of the victory build,at the same stage we are at with the sots.the anchor is well covered particularly son of bulwarks build,well worth a look. Thanks Karl.... I am having a good look at all the members builds out there and am amazed at the amount of tips, advice and help there is out there. I am having a good look at HMS Victory too as I have also subscribed to that build.... As I am completely new to this kind of modelling I will be quite happy taking small but hopefully successful steps, gaining experience all the way through... appreciate any advice and assistance you can give... Am also following your build with interest.....
Thought I would have a go at wiring up the cannnon blocks and must admit I found this particular task pretty difficult... not because the task itself was hard but more because of the size of the parts we have to work with... took a while but perservered with it and am quite happy with the results.... Am sure there must be many different ways of tackling these... Biggest thing I learned was patience....  Here is the final product.... Gandale attached the following image(s):
 Rank: Pro   Groups: Registered
Joined: 14/12/2010 Posts: 142 Points: 425 Location: Grantham
Cannons and blocks looking really good mate...keep up the good work.
 Rank: Super-Elite       Groups: Registered
Joined: 16/08/2010 Posts: 2,771 Points: 8,344 Location: Brighton
Hi Gandale. Looking realy good. keep up the good work. Ian Current builds.Hachettes build the bismark,HMS Victory, HMS Hood. Finished Builds Corel HMS Victory cross section.
Blackspear wrote:Cannons and blocks looking really good mate...keep up the good work.
Craig Thanks Craig, appreciate the encouragement.... Following your build with a great deal of interest.....
ian smith wrote:Hi Gandale. Looking realy good. keep up the good work. Ian Thanks Ian, feel I have a steep learning curve to negotiate but thoroughly enjoying it so far.....
Well, picked up issue 4 from the newsagents today and am ready to tackle the next few tasks.... Was a little concerned to see the parts board broken in 2  but close inspection of the parts themselves showed there was no damage... phew!!!!  Here are the parts in this issue.... Happy building friends.... Gandale attached the following image(s):
Folks, there is a problem with rib 13a, placed both 13a and 13b together and the pics below clearly show where the problems are..... don't believe the problem is too severe but not sure what affect it will have later in the build if any.... this is where I look for advice from the more experienced builders..... Gandale attached the following image(s):
 Rank: Master       Groups: Registered
Joined: 05/09/2012 Posts: 1,400 Points: 4,690 Location: Beaminster, Dorset
Nice work so far Gandale, just read your post on issue 4, excellent photos which illustrate the problem perfectly. I was hoping issues 4&5 would turn up tomorrow, now I'm not so sure
court orchard wrote:Nice work so far Gandale, just read your post on issue 4, excellent photos which illustrate the problem perfectly. I was hoping issues 4&5 would turn up tomorrow, now I'm not so sure Thanks Andy, posted the problem to make everyone aware they should check the parts carefully and also in the hope the more experienced modellers can give us assurance and recommendations as to the best way to continue...... Do wish I had done the same check on the other ribs..
 Rank: Super-Elite        Groups: Registered
Joined: 04/04/2010 Posts: 3,955 Points: 11,809 Location: uk
gandale,you have Identified the prob.now fix it  yes we were lucky,reduce the rib so it is the same as (b)prob solved,when I said lucky it meant that if the part rib was smaller then we would have added by filling in,I know some you will say send it back,and it should not have been like that in the first place,but we are all human,machines don't make mistakes,only the humans who operate them.this is not a problem,I have checked for alignment all is ok.this is what the forum is for,solving problems and fixing them.good luck.what i did was to file off the top edge of the joint on 13a. and when I fitted 13b. I pushed it into the top of the joint as my flange on 13 b was was slightly too small for the joint,and pushed a piece of scrap into the joint. Current builds: SotS, USS Consitution, San Felipe, D51 loco, HMS Surprise, RB7, Arab Dhow, Jotika HMS Victory Completed builds: HMS Pickel, Thermopylae, Mississipi river boat, Mary Rose, Cutty Sark, San Francisco II, HMS Victory x5, Titanic Lifeboat, Panart HMS Victory Launch, Hachette Titanic, Virginia Schooner, Endeavour Longboat. http://www.model-space.com/gb/
karl1113 wrote:gandale,you have Identified the prob.now fix it  yes we were lucky,reduce the rib so it is the same as (b)prob solved,when I said lucky it meant that if the part rib was smaller then we would have added by filling in,I know some you will say send it back,and it should not have been like that in the first place,but we are all human,machines don't make mistakes,only the humans who operate them.this is not a problem,I have checked for alignment all is ok.this is what the forum is for,solving problems and fixing them.good luck. Thanks for the comments Karl and I agree with you, everything is in alignment and therefore believe it is easily fixed.. now going to file the lower part of the lug on 13a until it fits.. filing the top edge of the lug would throw everything out of alignment. ok so the top of the rib may in fact be 1mm shorter but this can be taken care of later in the build..... Do think however it is good to highlight issues such as this just in case something gets missed or overlooked..... Thanks again....
 Rank: Master       Groups: Registered
Joined: 05/09/2012 Posts: 1,400 Points: 4,690 Location: Beaminster, Dorset
OK, that doesn't sound too much of a problem, although I don't have the actual bits yet. Thanks Karl & Gandale, I shall sleep easy now
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