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Love the detail your adding
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Joined: 24/02/2013 Posts: 212 Points: 632 Location: denmark
Hi All I make som pic of the karsting .the mold ar cut from aluminium plate and then karsted in tin . The metod is sand karsting her som eksplaning pic.  you make 1 sandkake and press your moll haf down into the sand . and then giv a laer of talcum to make sur it splits right  Then you sambels the 2 rings and fild op sand and then press it . then oppens the form ....  Remuv the alu. moll and make tunnel thru by drilling and then vith a nife make a indlet then you make koppel air - eskape hulds to the top  then you melt the tin and put it in the indlet .  Then it always is interesting to open and see if all fin or you haw to du it al ower again .  The sand gos bak in the box and kan bee yoused for manny times and if it drys out you ad littel oile to it .  you can also be a little kreative vith your mole and make it from defrent parts.   All for now Regards All SAMSON.
 Hi Samson You are using the cast iron sand method to cast your parts I have always wondered if it was viable for minature parts and you have proved it right with the right preparation. Well done and more soon please regards Andy Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .
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Joined: 24/02/2013 Posts: 212 Points: 632 Location: denmark
Very nice work indeed Samson, very impressive... Regards  Alan
 Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
Amazing work Samson  This really is taking things to the next level. Kind Regards Nigel
Looks fantastic painted up. Impressed “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” -Mark Twain
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Joined: 24/02/2013 Posts: 212 Points: 632 Location: denmark
Thanks for the kompliments prisiet it .
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Joined: 24/02/2013 Posts: 212 Points: 632 Location: denmark
Hi All must admit i not get fines my build from artesania . so i just starting on the next projekt. I hawe got hands on a wery old billing boats Cutty sark proberly more than 30 years old . but i got it chip and i hawe plans building it artesania latina way . so i wery happy it not laser cut . i deside hwere to cut    I wil make a fals keel in teak - about 4 mm i think , it make it look more slim and autentisk .   The rails vil be cut of , but so it can be put in plase for hven schaping the rail .  the rails cut of . hwen dek is on it kan be mounted for schaping the railes. the freams is not yet glued op . all for now . regards SAMSON.
 Hi Samson Another challenging build there and look forward to your diary Andy Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .
 Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
It's nice to see an old Billings kit being built.For some reason I have a soft spot for these kits.Looking at the artwork on the fittings box,this kit is well in excess of thirty years old.Hope you enjoy building her Kind Regards Nigel
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Joined: 24/02/2013 Posts: 212 Points: 632 Location: denmark
Hi all Thanks for your komments Andy and Nigel, and yes Nigel i think it can bee ewen older than 30 years.- it make oun think it shal bee ekstra good the job oun doo - now it a kaind of antike issue. Ben lining up the frams and fix and glued . it sems ther will be a finising job to due before laing the dek. it sems it ben cut by hand the top hwend the outher fraim sems masin cut. - no woris i can fix it.  10-09-2013 Regards and chirs all. SAMSON.
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Hi i just spend som houres to buil som indsaids - the idear is it shal look like tee . the model vil bee vitout sail and schowe a haber situation on - of loading the wessel.     14-09-13 Regards all SAMSON
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Joined: 24/02/2013 Posts: 212 Points: 632 Location: denmark
Hi All I am still on the indseide in front kargo room , hwer i hope hwen finish man can see a littel of the indseid by lokking down the hatches .. The frame woark is not autentik but give a idea of how the houl look indseid .     i hawe koncidtert to put in a light for lightin op hven finish . hwen it then properly will bee to dark to se ennything els in the wery bottom of the model. all for nou cheers all SAMSON.
 Hi Samson I agree you will need light to show off the detail so far as your going another way would be to do cut aways of the hull to show the same but i think this may need lighting too. keep the updates coming regards Andy Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .
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Hi All stil warking on the indside , and hawe put on 5 smale light - ( car instrument light ) problem the need 12 W to give klear light .   Afther being on the jouleri kursus i hawe opend my ieis fore other materials than wood for model build . so now i got the idea to youse aluminium for the parts ther in real life is iron . ... I have not tryed this before so i hope it will woark .    All for now - vill bee back soone with more news. SAMSON.
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This build looks really interesting, look forward to seeing more Steve
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Joined: 24/02/2013 Posts: 212 Points: 632 Location: denmark
Thanks for your possetiw featback Stevie pressiate it . I kom to the conklusion i migt make the dek before put the sid vall on . the opstanding molls dont seams to du enny difrens ennyway . So back to Artesania Latinas Cutty Sark manual and du the dekking first . Cheers SAMSON alias Jens
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Joined: 06/05/2010 Posts: 233 Points: 708 Location: Leigh on Sea
I think the use of other material is a great idea ...it has given me some ideas for a project I'm working on at the moment...Your Cutty Sark build looks interesting . Jeg tror, at brugen af andet materiale er en rigtig god idé ... det har givet mig nogle ideer til et projekt, jeg arbejder på i øjeblikket ... Din Cutty Sark build ser interessant H.M.S Victory H.M.S Victory X Section H.M.S Surprise under the bench D-51
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Joined: 24/02/2013 Posts: 212 Points: 632 Location: denmark
hi Trotsky thanks for your comment . pressiate it . also a nice thing with the traslasion . i also kut need yousing a tranlasions pogram for my poore englis .  . ennyway - ben building all day on the dek and is about 1/2 way.  regards- cheers SAMSON