Plymouth57 wrote:Looking great Alan! She's really starting to look like a ship of war now her 'teeth' are going in!  Even with the rope and tackle those hybrid gun carriages must have been a swine to haul around. You're right about those backward facing guns, I would imagine they'd be loaded with grapeshot to sweep the waist area if it got boarded and over run. Would still make a right mess of the fixtures and fittings though!! Keep up the great work! Robin Thanks Robin, giving this lady her teeth is proving to be very time consuming but believe it is worth all the effort....  .. I agree the grapeshot would have made a mess of the fixtures and fitting but rather that than lose the ship....  .. Thanks again for looking in and commenting.... Regards Alan
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Amazing work you have the patience of a saint sir. Ken's the name modeling's the game.
kpnuts wrote:Amazing work you have the patience of a saint sir. Thanks for the kind comments KP, appreciated... The patience is being tested right now but I refuse to rush the task just to get it finished....  Thanks again... Regards Alan
Well I finally finished fitting and rigging all the cannons....  .. A long tedious job and although enjoyable at time I must say I am pleased to be moving onto doing something differnt.... Am pleased with how the cannons all turned out and feel the effort was all worthwhile...  . Tomorrow onto some deck fitting so till then happy building all..... Regards Alan Gandale attached the following image(s):
 Top work as always and looking good Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .
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Lovely work Alan, those cannons really do look like they were fiddly
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Joined: 05/04/2013 Posts: 26 Points: 78 Location: South Africa
Well done Alan, top notch work and a real inspiration to us just starting out at model building. I often refer to your log if I get stuck.
Regards Hendrik
arpurchase wrote: Top work as always and looking good Thanks Andy, appreciate you looking in and commenting as always... Regards Alan
davetwin wrote:Lovely work Alan, those cannons really do look like they were fiddly Thanks Dave, they were fiddly to say the least but at the same time challenging and enjoyable....  .. Still, am happy to be moving onto something else.... Regards Alan
Sandman wrote:Well done Alan, top notch work and a real inspiration to us just starting out at model building. I often refer to your log if I get stuck.
Regards Hendrik Thank you for those very nice comments Hendrik, very much appreciated....  .. Am so pleased you are referring to my diary and hope you find it useful in helping you along with your own build....  .. Thanks again... Regards Alan
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Beautiful work there Alan, well done, an inspiration to all. Rgds, Hans "It's okay to make mistakes. mistakes are our teachers - they help us to to learn, even if it is painfully" Current Build: Endeavour Cross section,D51 Completed: HMS Victory Under the bench: Endeavour x 2,Sovereign of the Seas, Akagi and The Black Pearl!HMS Victory Cross Section
Hans wrote:Beautiful work there Alan, well done, an inspiration to all. Thanks Hans, appreciate the kind words and you taking time to look in.... Regards Alan
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Beautiful work Alan, the guns look amazing - did they seriously used to fire those things from those angles, I mean the forward facing stern cannons and stern facing bow cannons - surprised they never shot the masts off Steve
Hi everyone, tonight was a pleasure to be working on something different.... This started with constructing the stairway railings. Although the template is used to make these up it is likely some minor adjustments will be needed when fitting, mainly due to each build being slightly different....  . A delicate task but it all worked out in the end... Moved on to making up railings to go around the hatch on the quarterdeck... didn't want my little sailors stepping backwards and falling down the hatch....  .. This is not something the instructions say to add but something I felt was needed.... Finally tonight, cut 3 6x22mm sapele strips to make up the doorway on the maindeck bulkhead. Drew a line down the centre to give the impression of two doors...  .. Added the four hinges and noticed the instructions say nothing about fitting door handles.. a door without handles is like a ladder without rungs  .... created the handles from two tiny etch eyelets....  .. Finally I felt the doorway was still missing something so decided to frame the door using some spare 1x1mm strip painted gold.... Gave the door a coat of silk varnish to finish off.....  .. Am happy with the progress tonight so tomorrow it's adding the railings around the forward hatch and then perhaps moving onto dressing the bowsprit....  .. Then again may just add a few of my own personal touches and do a little touching up here and there.... Happy build all Regards Alan Gandale attached the following image(s):
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nicely done alan,looking the biz. Current builds: SotS, USS Consitution, San Felipe, D51 loco, HMS Surprise, RB7, Arab Dhow, Jotika HMS Victory Completed builds: HMS Pickel, Thermopylae, Mississipi river boat, Mary Rose, Cutty Sark, San Francisco II, HMS Victory x5, Titanic Lifeboat, Panart HMS Victory Launch, Hachette Titanic, Virginia Schooner, Endeavour Longboat. http://www.model-space.com/gb/
stevie_o wrote:Beautiful work Alan, the guns look amazing - did they seriously used to fire those things from those angles, I mean the forward facing stern cannons and stern facing bow cannons - surprised they never shot the masts off Steve Thanks once again for you kind comments Stevie...  ..  Think the cannons in question would have caused a lot of damage to decks and fittings, including masts if fired using traditional cannon balls and would also imagine they would create many fatalities or at least serious injuries to both enemy and crew fighting on any of the decks....  .. It may also be possible they would have fired these in an attempt to scuttle the ship rather than see it fall into enemy hands when defeat looked certain... Robin also pointed out that perhaps they may have fired other materials such as rocksalt, would still have made a heck of a mess.... Drastic measures to defend the ship I feel and would think they would have been used as a last resort.....  .. Will see if I can get definitive answers to this in some of the reading material I have.....  .. Thanks again Stevie.... Regards Alan
karl1113 wrote:nicely done alan,looking the biz. Thanks Karl, really appreciate you looking in and for your kind comments.... Regards Alan
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Hi Alan, Detail coming on great and the quality up to the usual A1 standard. Keep it coming. Regards delboy271155 (Derek) COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
delboy271155 wrote:Hi Alan, Detail coming on great and the quality up to the usual A1 standard. Keep it coming. Regards delboy271155 (Derek) Thanks Derek, always appreciate you looking in and your kind comments... Regards Alan
Looking at the deck bulkheads I decided it needed just a little more in the way of definition.... Returned to my trusty cocktail sticks, cut to length and gave them a couple of coats of gold paint...  .. Glued into position acting as round support posts... Please with how it turned out....  .. Finished off with adding the rails to the forward hatch.... Work now starts on the bowsprit tomorrow.... Happy building all.. Regards Alan Gandale attached the following image(s):
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