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Joined: 16/08/2010 Posts: 2,771 Points: 8,344 Location: Brighton
Hi Alan. Cannons look realy good, know the feeling on gun rigging took me four hours to make up 10 gun tackles on my victory tyhe other night still got ten to make. look forward to seeing your progress ian Current builds.Hachettes build the bismark,HMS Victory, HMS Hood. Finished Builds Corel HMS Victory cross section.
ian smith wrote:Hi Alan. Cannons look realy good, know the feeling on gun rigging took me four hours to make up 10 gun tackles on my victory tyhe other night still got ten to make. look forward to seeing your progress ian Thanks Ian, appreciated.... Pleased the cannon fitting is over but low and behold, still masses of blocks to make up yet....  .. I'll be dreaming of blocks very soon at this rate..... Regards Alan
 Stunning work on the cannons Alan . I still have to do the ones on the top decks hay ho Bril work m8 happy building rgd Martyn Building ? Completed. Soliei Royal . Sovereign of the Seas . Virginia . Scotland . San Felipe . Corel vasa , Santisima Trinadad X section , Vasa Next Build ? When sailors have good wine, They think themselves in heaven for the time. John Baltharpe
Martyn Ingram wrote: Stunning work on the cannons Alan . I still have to do the ones on the top decks hay ho Bril work m8 happy building rgd Martyn Thanks for the kind comments Martyn....  .. Am sure you will enjoy fitting all the cannons as much as I did but be prepared for a lengthy job especially if you are going down the full rigging route....  .. Thanks again.. Regards Alan
 Rank: Elite        Groups: registriert, Registered Joined: 20/03/2011 Posts: 2,356 Points: 7,122 Location: UK
Top work as usual Alan and a joy to see this build come together Spencer
Warthog wrote:Top work as usual Alan and a joy to see this build come together Spencer Thanks Spencer and a joy to put together.... Glad you're enjoying the build....  .. Working on the bowsprit just now so hopefully will be posting again soon... Regards Alan
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Joined: 13/02/2011 Posts: 2,238 Points: 6,834 Location: East Sussex
Hi Alan, Cannons look the part, how are your eyes after that rigging, and what a great idea with the cocktail sticks, thank you for posting. regards Trev. Work in progress: Tombstone (Scratch) - San Francisco 2. -The Mayflower ( scratch by plan).
OcCre- Santa-Maria (Kit).
tf64 wrote:Hi Alan, Cannons look the part, how are your eyes after that rigging, and what a great idea with the cocktail sticks, thank you for posting.
regards Trev. Thanks Trev, eyeballs are fine thank but only due to frequent breaks and the use of a good set of optivisors.... at my age I couldn't work without them....  .. Thanks again... Regards Alan
 Hi Alen Very nice work, the cocktail sticks certainly enhance those bulkheads and simplicity itself to do. regards Andy Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .
arpurchase wrote: Hi Alen Very nice work, the cocktail sticks certainly enhance those bulkheads and simplicity itself to do. regards Andy Thanks Andy, just felt the bulkheads needed a little more definition and was happy with the results....  .. Thanks again.. Regards Alan
Hi everyone, issue 113 is finally finished today... will say however, now I'm heading towards the final few issues of this build I am noticing a marked increase in the amount of work to be done on each issue.... Issue 113 has probably had the most work required to date with the final part being the making up of the bowsprit... This started with applying the bindings as per the mast plan, moving on to fitting all the eyelets and blocks... Must point out here I made up all the blocks and attached them to eyelets prior to fitting, thought this would be easier than trying to fit them when the bowsprit and mast section was completed...  . Next task was to fit the rigging blocks to the fighting top again as per the mast plan... Next job was to start making up the forward mast sections of the bowsprit, found here the larger of the mast holes on the upper mast supports was slightly to big for the mast, solved this by inserting slivers of sapele strips into the mast holes and painting black leaving me with a snug fit. Assembled the mast sections together and then attached all the eyelets and rigging blocks drilling through the mast supports and into the mast themselves... Final part was to fit the fighting top onto the bowsprit and inserting the completed mast sections, ensuring the fighting top was level and the forward mast section lined up with the bowsprit.... An enjoyable part of the build now concluded with the bowsprit sitting in position, this has not been glued as yet, that will be done further down the line.....  .. Happy building all.... Regards Alan Gandale attached the following image(s):
 Lovely work on the Bowsprit Alan looking forward to seeing more  Rgd Martym Building ? Completed. Soliei Royal . Sovereign of the Seas . Virginia . Scotland . San Felipe . Corel vasa , Santisima Trinadad X section , Vasa Next Build ? When sailors have good wine, They think themselves in heaven for the time. John Baltharpe
 Rank: Super-Elite       Groups: Registered
Joined: 16/08/2010 Posts: 2,771 Points: 8,344 Location: Brighton
Hi Alan. Bow sprit looks very nice. Looks like your progress will be upwards from noe on. look forward to seeing your masts going on. Ian Current builds.Hachettes build the bismark,HMS Victory, HMS Hood. Finished Builds Corel HMS Victory cross section.
Martyn Ingram wrote: Lovely work on the Bowsprit Alan looking forward to seeing more  Rgd Martym Thanks Martyn, getting closer to getting started on the rigging.... sure there will lots of fun to come working my way through that.... Regards Alan
ian smith wrote:Hi Alan. Bow sprit looks very nice. Looks like your progress will be upwards from noe on. look forward to seeing your masts going on. Ian Thanks Ian, we just keep plodding along until there is nothing left to do.....  Thanks again... Regards Alan
 Rank: Super-Elite        Groups: Registered
Joined: 30/01/2013 Posts: 4,604 Points: 13,607 Location: Monmouthshire UK
Looks fantastic Alan  You got to have eyes everywhere once that bowsprit get glued in, unbelievable how many times you forget it's there and catch something on it  ...or is that just me! Steve
stevie_o wrote:Looks fantastic Alan  You got to have eyes everywhere once that bowsprit get glued in, unbelievable how many times you forget it's there and catch something on it  ...or is that just me! Steve Thanks Stevie, thanks for the warning, will have to be extra careful as more and more of the mast fittings are put in place,,,  .. Thanks again.. Regards Alan
Beautiful work there Alan, and Stevie's right, it's so easy to forget that thing's sticking out so far (nearly doubles the turning radius when the hull is on a turntable too!  ) Many years ago when I helped Dad to build our extension we fitted in the wooden full length open door frame months ahead of putting in the glass - then eventually after weeks of stepping through the empty frame we added the glass - guess what happened next! And well done in fixing the loose mast, banging in big wooden wedges is just how they did it for real as well! Keep them coming! Robin First wooden ship: The Grimsby 12 Gun 'Frigate' by Constructo Second: Bounty DelPrado Part Works Third: HMS Victory DelPrado Part Works 1/100 scale Diorama of the Battle of the Brandywine from the American Revolutionary War Diorama of the Battle of New Falkland (unfinished sci-fi), Great War Centenary Diorama of the Messines Ridge Assault Index for the Victory diary is on page 1
 Rank: Pro   Groups: Registered
Joined: 24/02/2013 Posts: 212 Points: 632 Location: denmark
Hi Alan So finly Riggin  . looking amasing  . Cheers Jens
Plymouth57 wrote:Beautiful work there Alan, and Stevie's right, it's so easy to forget that thing's sticking out so far (nearly doubles the turning radius when the hull is on a turntable too!  ) Many years ago when I helped Dad to build our extension we fitted in the wooden full length open door frame months ahead of putting in the glass - then eventually after weeks of stepping through the empty frame we added the glass - guess what happened next! And well done in fixing the loose mast, banging in big wooden wedges is just how they did it for real as well! Keep them coming! Robin Thanks Robin for those kind words...  .. A turntable is something I need to invest in and am on the lookout for one that will be strong and large enough to do the job....  .. The idea of snagging things and ending up with breakages is something I will have to try and be very careful with.....  ..Thanks again... Regards Alan
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