 You will be surprised how easy it is to fill the gap between the the planks Greyhawk it's the same as the San Felipe which was a dream to plank  lovely job you are making of her Rgd Martyn Building ? Completed. Soliei Royal . Sovereign of the Seas . Virginia . Scotland . San Felipe . Corel vasa , Santisima Trinadad X section , Vasa Next Build ? When sailors have good wine, They think themselves in heaven for the time. John Baltharpe
You're doing a great job of her, lovely planking....  .. Keep going as you are and you'll end up with a great looking build you can be proud of.... Look forward to seeing your next update.... Regards Alan
Just catching up on your build, she is looking very fine indeed Jason “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” -Mark Twain
 Rank: Super-Elite        Groups: Registered
Joined: 20/10/2016 Posts: 4,504 Points: 13,548 Location: Wiltshire
Just catching up with this build. She's looking really good. Nice work! Completed projects: 1/43 scale Bedford HA van / 1/43 scale MG TD sports car Current projects: 1/48 scale U-boat [U230] Future projects: 1/148 scale railway diorama / 1/50 scale R/C Volvo F89 logging truck / 1/148 scale Thunderbirds Fireflash
 Rank: Master      Groups: Registered
Joined: 19/05/2015 Posts: 1,419 Points: 4,272 Location: Darmstadt, Germany
Thanks guys. The last building sessions were a lot of fun even though the planking material for the launches wasn't very cooperative, I think the launches turned out fine in the long run. Up to building phase 65 now  Almost done with the first planking. There's a single planking session left to do.  The first launch is finished...  ... while the second awaits its completion.
 very nice work Greyhawk the ships boat looks brilliant Rgd Martyn Building ? Completed. Soliei Royal . Sovereign of the Seas . Virginia . Scotland . San Felipe . Corel vasa , Santisima Trinadad X section , Vasa Next Build ? When sailors have good wine, They think themselves in heaven for the time. John Baltharpe
 Rank: Super-Elite      Groups: Registered
Joined: 17/12/2013 Posts: 3,982 Points: 11,974 Location: NY, USA
Those launches look great greyhawk
 Rank: Master      Groups: Registered
Joined: 19/05/2015 Posts: 1,419 Points: 4,272 Location: Darmstadt, Germany
Just a short in between out of the schedule update, because I actually am quite proud of this result. Both boats are done now.  This also means I've catched up to the official build. Hope there's no surprises coming up because so far the official build has been immensely helpful in those rare "Wait a second, this doesn't make sense" moments.
Nice update the ships boats look fab jase “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” -Mark Twain
 Rank: Super-Elite        Groups: New Members, Unapproved Joined: 11/11/2009 Posts: 3,432 Points: 10,280 Location: Colwyn bay
They look great grey.. doing a top job mate. I'm well into 67 now so you should see it this week. Chris. On the bench 1/350 Revell Tirpitz Platinum Edition (Pontos PE and Wooden deck) plus extra Eduard PE set and extra MK1 door sets.
Great job on the ships boats, looks fab.... Regards Alan
 Rank: Pro    Groups: Registered
Joined: 18/08/2015 Posts: 294 Points: 897 Location: Amesbury, Wiltshire
nice work well done Rgds Terry FINISHED BUILDS---- HMS Victory--Bismarck--Battleship Yamato-D51 Steam Train--Pocher Ferrari Testarossa--Soleil Royal--Schnellboot S-100--StageCoach 1848--HMS HOOD-- Delorean (Back to the Future)
 Rank: Master      Groups: Registered
Joined: 19/05/2015 Posts: 1,419 Points: 4,272 Location: Darmstadt, Germany
magpie1832 wrote:They look great grey.. doing a top job mate. I'm well into 67 now so you should see it this week. Chris. Excellent. I just laid down the last full-width plank myself, so now I "just" have to close up the holes. Feels a bit unreal actually approaching the end of the first planking after all this time we spent on it.
 Rank: Master      Groups: Registered
Joined: 19/05/2015 Posts: 1,419 Points: 4,272 Location: Darmstadt, Germany
67: Finally finished first planking of Soleil Royal. All the holes filled up and the hull completed (from a general shape of things point of view) . This is a bit rough still, so I'll be spending the easter holidays and beyond, sanding and filling and resanding until it is all a smooth uniform surface. Then it's time to start the second planking with walnut veneer. I've started to refer to the ship as "The Pregnant Cow" when she's not listening. 
 Rank: Super-Elite        Groups: Registered
Joined: 31/05/2010 Posts: 5,679 Points: 17,011 Location: Wiltshire
Very well done getting to this point - its always a big step in the build. Hope you have a great easter break and get all done that you want Happy Modelling
BUILDING: Hachette Spitfire Mk 1A, Constructo Mayflower SUBSCRIPTION COMPLETE (Awaiting building): USS Constitution, Sovereign of the Seas, 1:200 Bismarck (Hachette) COMPLETED: Porsche 911, E-Type Jaguar, Lam Countach
Very nice progress, looks great..... Regards Alan
Looking good Jase “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” -Mark Twain
 Rank: Super-Elite      Groups: Registered
Joined: 17/12/2013 Posts: 3,982 Points: 11,974 Location: NY, USA
Great job on the planking Greyhawk.
 Rank: Master      Groups: Registered
Joined: 19/05/2015 Posts: 1,419 Points: 4,272 Location: Darmstadt, Germany
At stage 70 now and officially at the half-way point after about 9 months of work. Of course the real work load is coming in the last issues, so that's a bit self-delusional.   
Stern looks great, nicely done Jase “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” -Mark Twain
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