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George1 Build Options
#441 Posted : 17 August 2014 09:25:57

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Gandale wrote:
John Passmore wrote:
G'day George

Finally got hold of some blackeninig fluid from a gun shop in Maddington. Sure enough it's called Gun Blue but actually leaves a nice smooth satiny finish as described by Stevie-o, black or bluey tinge depending on how light shines on it...BigGrin

Got Issue 23 this week (not the missing Issue 21)...Huh The newsagent doesn't know how long before we see issue 21 so I'll just have to use issue 23 and rely on Mr T's narrative from issue 21, hope there will be enough planks if it transpires issue 21 is a permanent non-shower...Huh


Hi George/John,

Hope issue 21 shows up for you soon.. I can say however, that on completion of the first layer of planking I had a stack of bamboo planks left over, so even if 21 is a no show you should still have enough to complete the hull, providing of course you are not wastefull with the strips..... Hope this puts your mind at ease.... Cool Cool



Hi Alan. BigGrin

Regarding planks left over re say issues 21-25. I think that what planking you were given in issues in the UK earlier in the piece was a lot more in contents re planks than what we are getting in the Aussie Issues by the sounds of it. This may have come about when UK members posted how many planks they had left over re the bamboo planks in the early issues? So Supplier may have cut down a bit.Confused

It's not through wastage unless 3-5 cm lengths are wasted? I use some of the shorts for wedges as well. BigGrin

I'm out of planks again right now and just got issue 23 already used up. There's only enough planks for about 3.5 to 4 rows at most and that is if all planks are usable. Mellow BigGrin

Will post pics of where I'm up to shortly. I'm doing that tricky bit at the stern so it slowed me down a bit waiting on glues to dry before proceeding each time. BigGrin

Many Regards

Building HMS SOTS
#442 Posted : 17 August 2014 14:59:40

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Where I am to date, Issue 23 used. I'm a little in front of issues re planking.BigGrin

Pics below.BigGrin

Tricky little area at the stern. I followed both Alan's and Tomick's builds this area best I could. BigGrin

Last plank laid only to rib 21 as run out of planks again. Last two pointed wedges and last plank laid needs to be cut off level with back of supports along with other planks when laid when I get more issues with planks in them.BigGrin


Building HMS SOTS
#443 Posted : 17 August 2014 15:03:24

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Hi George, it is a tricky area but I think you have covered it extremely well..... Very well done, she is coming along a treat.....Cool Cool


#444 Posted : 17 August 2014 16:03:38

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Gandale wrote:
Hi George, it is a tricky area but I think you have covered it extremely well..... Very well done, she is coming along a treat.....Cool Cool



Hi Alan. BigGrin

Thanks for your kind comments they are appreciated as always. Cool Cool

If you do look in again shortly I have a query re planking.

I'm pretty sure that rows 13 and 14 on hull are pointed strakes that help to straighten up the gap between hull planking and bow to stern planking. Could you kindly tell me where they start re rib numbers. With the slight curvature now in the hull planking they look as if they should start at around ribs 20 and 21 and then on to the bow only. Is this correct? Confused BigGrin

I can't tell from pics showing these tapered strakes. BigGrin


Building HMS SOTS
#445 Posted : 17 August 2014 17:00:41

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Top class job on that stern planking. It's turned out a real treat.

Happy modelling

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#446 Posted : 17 August 2014 17:31:47

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Hi George,
Superb job on your plankingBigGrin
I haven't started mine yet, and looking in on all these builds is helping to build my confidence when I start mine.
Building - DeAgostini HMS Victory, McLaren MP4-23, Suzuki GSX1300R Hayabusa, Harley Davidson Fat Boy, Lamborghini Countach
#447 Posted : 18 August 2014 00:14:03

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Hi George, I hope I understand your query correctly if not then some pics would go a great deal to help. Tapered strakes are necessary depending on where your next plank wants to lie without the need to force into position.... Where the plank wants to overlap the previous plank is where the taper would start, the taper would continue to the end of the plank.... Every build will be slightly different so it is difficult to say for certain where a tapered plank would start... You are correct though, you are now at the point where you will start to straighten out the curve to make the closing of gap a little easier and to avoid the appearance of the bow and stern planks looking cramped.... The magazine does cover how to close the gap very well however, if you need further clarity or if I have misunderstood your query then please get back to me..... Also don't forget, the planking your a applying just now will not be seen so use this phase to perfect your technique and by the time you get to the stage of applying the second layer you will already have a better understanding of the tricky area's and how to tackle them...... Hope this helps....


#448 Posted : 18 August 2014 01:30:39

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birdaj2 wrote:

Top class job on that stern planking. It's turned out a real treat.

Happy modelling


Hi Birdaj2. BigGrin

Thanks for looking in and your kind comments. Very much appreciated. Cool Cool

I'm pleased to have had success with that section. BigGrin


Building HMS SOTS
#449 Posted : 18 August 2014 01:33:37

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Ponty wrote:
Hi George,
Superb job on your plankingBigGrin
I haven't started mine yet, and looking in on all these builds is helping to build my confidence when I start mine.

Hi Ponty. BigGrin

Thanks mate for the nice comments. They are always appreciated. Cool Cool

It's good you will have picked up all the tips and possible pitfalls when you are ready to start your build. BigGrin


Building HMS SOTS
#450 Posted : 18 August 2014 01:39:15

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Gandale wrote:
Hi George, I hope I understand your query correctly if not then some pics would go a great deal to help. Tapered strakes are necessary depending on where your next plank wants to lie without the need to force into position.... Where the plank wants to overlap the previous plank is where the taper would start, the taper would continue to the end of the plank.... Every build will be slightly different so it is difficult to say for certain where a tapered plank would start... You are correct though, you are now at the point where you will start to straighten out the curve to make the closing of gap a little easier and to avoid the appearance of the bow and stern planks looking cramped.... The magazine does cover how to close the gap very well however, if you need further clarity or if I have misunderstood your query then please get back to me..... Also don't forget, the planking your a applying just now will not be seen so use this phase to perfect your technique and by the time you get to the stage of applying the second layer you will already have a better understanding of the tricky area's and how to tackle them...... Hope this helps....



Hi Alan. BigGrin

Thanks for your input on my query. It is really appreciated. Cool Cool

From what you have described I get a pretty clear picture and can see the curvature that needs to be straightened to make it easier for planks to lay without being forced so will go it that way when the next lot of planks arrive. I've got one more row to reach where I really need to taper a couple of rows or the curvature will get bigger.BigGrin


Building HMS SOTS
John Passmore
#451 Posted : 18 August 2014 02:25:54

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George1 wrote:
Where I am to date, Issue 23 used. I'm a little in front of issues re planking.BigGrin

Pics below.BigGrin

Tricky little area at the stern. I followed both Alan's and Tomick's builds this area best I could. BigGrin

Last plank laid only to rib 21 as run out of planks again. Last two pointed wedges and last plank laid needs to be cut off level with back of supports along with other planks when laid when I get more issues with planks in them.BigGrin



G'day George

I've got a little query. Should the first wedge piece (the one at the edge of the false keel} be flush with the false keel edge, or extend beyond it by the plank thickness 2mm? The keel is going to be laid along this edge at some stage and would perhaps need that slight rebate to sit in...Confused

Your stern planking is looking terrific - glad you're ahead of me so I can get some good pointers...BigGrin BigGrin


John Passmore
#452 Posted : 18 August 2014 04:28:41

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Hello again George,

Re my previous query; I have just read issue 23 step 19 which gives the answer.

Cheers mate

#453 Posted : 18 August 2014 05:29:05

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John Passmore wrote:
Hello again George,

Re my previous query; I have just read issue 23 step 19 which gives the answer.

Cheers mate


Hi John. BigGrin

You need rather to look at Tomick's Official Build 31-35 post 4 pic 7 down and you will see clearly where the very thin pointed strake on the stern support piece and the wedge next to it and all the other planks on that stern support are cut level with the rear of the support and do not extend to the stern 2 mm overhang. You'll have to look closely to see that first very thin pointed strake as only just visible in the pic however it has been cut off level with the rest. BigGrin

By the way what I have shown in my pic is ahead of issue 23 which was our last recent issue and is issue 24 and into issue 25 but ran out of planks again.Laugh BigGrin


Building HMS SOTS
John Passmore
#454 Posted : 18 August 2014 06:34:30

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George1 wrote:
John Passmore wrote:
Hello again George,

Re my previous query; I have just read issue 23 step 19 which gives the answer.

Cheers mate


Hi John. BigGrin

You need rather to look at Tomick's Official Build 31-35 post 4 pic 7 down and you will see clearly where the very thin pointed strake on the stern support piece and the wedge next to it and all the other planks on that stern support are cut level with the rear of the support and do not extend to the stern 2 mm overhang. You'll have to look closely to see that first very thin pointed strake as only just visible in the pic however it has been cut off level with the rest. BigGrin

By the way what I have shown in my pic is ahead of issue 23 which was our last recent issue and is issue 24 and into issue 25 but ran out of planks again.Laugh BigGrin



Hi George

Sorry mate, you misunderstood me. The area I'm talking about is right at the bottom of the false keel. Refer to Mr T's Official Build Issue 23 post 4 pic 4 clearly shows the stern infill wedges, but doesn't mention if the first wedge is beyond the edge of the false keel so as to form a little channel for the keel plate to sit in.Huh Huh

Mr T's got a little skinny wedge on top and the second one is a bit broader but I can't tell if it protrudes above the edge of the false keel as shown in issue 23 item 19 and 20, which says to sand down level with the keel...BigGrin BigGrin


#455 Posted : 18 August 2014 08:57:01

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John Passmore wrote:
George1 wrote:
John Passmore wrote:
Hello again George,

Re my previous query; I have just read issue 23 step 19 which gives the answer.

Cheers mate


Hi John. BigGrin

You need rather to look at Tomick's Official Build 31-35 post 4 pic 7 down and you will see clearly where the very thin pointed strake on the stern support piece and the wedge next to it and all the other planks on that stern support are cut level with the rear of the support and do not extend to the stern 2 mm overhang. You'll have to look closely to see that first very thin pointed strake as only just visible in the pic however it has been cut off level with the rest. BigGrin

By the way what I have shown in my pic is ahead of issue 23 which was our last recent issue and is issue 24 and into issue 25 but ran out of planks again.Laugh BigGrin



Hi George

Sorry mate, you misunderstood me. The area I'm talking about is right at the bottom of the false keel. Refer to Mr T's Official Build Issue 23 post 4 pic 4 clearly shows the stern infill wedges, but doesn't mention if the first wedge is beyond the edge of the false keel so as to form a little channel for the keel plate to sit in.Huh Huh

Mr T's got a little skinny wedge on top and the second one is a bit broader but I can't tell if it protrudes above the edge of the false keel as shown in issue 23 item 19 and 20, which says to sand down level with the keel...BigGrin BigGrin


Hi John. BigGrin

Understand what you mean now. Laugh

I leveled mine (sanded down) after doing in reverse with fat wedge top and skinny wedge under. It doesn't matter much which way it's done. In this area it didn't say to leave as groove on top of keel bottom. Only groove being that 2mm left as overhang down back of keel for stern post to go into later so I can't really help there as no one has picked up on mine being wrong re not having the groove you imagine should perhaps be there. I do understand what you mean and can see the sense in leaving a groove.BigGrin

I think on this one we'll have to wait till Alan or other experienced guys look in and can clarify. I don''t want to lead you astray. BigGrin


Building HMS SOTS
#456 Posted : 18 August 2014 10:15:44

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George1 wrote:
John Passmore wrote:
George1 wrote:
John Passmore wrote:
Hello again George,

Re my previous query; I have just read issue 23 step 19 which gives the answer.

Cheers mate


Hi John. BigGrin

You need rather to look at Tomick's Official Build 31-35 post 4 pic 7 down and you will see clearly where the very thin pointed strake on the stern support piece and the wedge next to it and all the other planks on that stern support are cut level with the rear of the support and do not extend to the stern 2 mm overhang. You'll have to look closely to see that first very thin pointed strake as only just visible in the pic however it has been cut off level with the rest. BigGrin

By the way what I have shown in my pic is ahead of issue 23 which was our last recent issue and is issue 24 and into issue 25 but ran out of planks again.Laugh BigGrin



Hi George

Sorry mate, you misunderstood me. The area I'm talking about is right at the bottom of the false keel. Refer to Mr T's Official Build Issue 23 post 4 pic 4 clearly shows the stern infill wedges, but doesn't mention if the first wedge is beyond the edge of the false keel so as to form a little channel for the keel plate to sit in.Huh Huh

Mr T's got a little skinny wedge on top and the second one is a bit broader but I can't tell if it protrudes above the edge of the false keel as shown in issue 23 item 19 and 20, which says to sand down level with the keel...BigGrin BigGrin


Hi John. BigGrin

Understand what you mean now. Laugh

I leveled mine (sanded down) after doing in reverse with fat wedge top and skinny wedge under. It doesn't matter much which way it's done. In this area it didn't say to leave as groove on top of keel bottom. Only groove being that 2mm left as overhang down back of keel for stern post to go into later so I can't really help there as no one has picked up on mine being wrong re not having the groove you imagine should perhaps be there. I do understand what you mean and can see the sense in leaving a groove.BigGrin

I think on this one we'll have to wait till Alan or other experienced guys look in and can clarify. I don''t want to lead you astray. BigGrin



Hi George/John, the wedge pieces you are talking about at the edge of the false keel should be level with the false keel or slightly above... Does not matter which wedge goes first, important thing you are after is to ensure a nice smooth line along the top of the false keel ready for when the keel is actually fitted and a nice transition between the planking and the actual keel.... What you don't want to see however is any joint line between the keel and the false keel..... Hope this makes sense..... Should you need any more clarity then please get back to me..... Cool Cool

She's looking good George.....Cool Cool


John Passmore
#457 Posted : 18 August 2014 11:27:24

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Gandale wrote:
George1 wrote:
John Passmore wrote:
George1 wrote:
John Passmore wrote:
Hello again George,

Re my previous query; I have just read issue 23 step 19 which gives the answer.

Cheers mate


Hi John. BigGrin

You need rather to look at Tomick's Official Build 31-35 post 4 pic 7 down and you will see clearly where the very thin pointed strake on the stern support piece and the wedge next to it and all the other planks on that stern support are cut level with the rear of the support and do not extend to the stern 2 mm overhang. You'll have to look closely to see that first very thin pointed strake as only just visible in the pic however it has been cut off level with the rest. BigGrin

By the way what I have shown in my pic is ahead of issue 23 which was our last recent issue and is issue 24 and into issue 25 but ran out of planks again.Laugh BigGrin



Hi George

Sorry mate, you misunderstood me. The area I'm talking about is right at the bottom of the false keel. Refer to Mr T's Official Build Issue 23 post 4 pic 4 clearly shows the stern infill wedges, but doesn't mention if the first wedge is beyond the edge of the false keel so as to form a little channel for the keel plate to sit in.Huh Huh

Mr T's got a little skinny wedge on top and the second one is a bit broader but I can't tell if it protrudes above the edge of the false keel as shown in issue 23 item 19 and 20, which says to sand down level with the keel...BigGrin BigGrin


Hi John. BigGrin

Understand what you mean now. Laugh

I leveled mine (sanded down) after doing in reverse with fat wedge top and skinny wedge under. It doesn't matter much which way it's done. In this area it didn't say to leave as groove on top of keel bottom. Only groove being that 2mm left as overhang down back of keel for stern post to go into later so I can't really help there as no one has picked up on mine being wrong re not having the groove you imagine should perhaps be there. I do understand what you mean and can see the sense in leaving a groove.BigGrin

I think on this one we'll have to wait till Alan or other experienced guys look in and can clarify. I don''t want to lead you astray. BigGrin



Hi George/John, the wedge pieces you are talking about at the edge of the false keel should be level with the false keel or slightly above... Does not matter which wedge goes first, important thing you are after is to ensure a nice smooth line along the top of the false keel ready for when the keel is actually fitted and a nice transition between the planking and the actual keel.... What you don't want to see however is any joint line between the keel and the false keel..... Hope this makes sense..... Should you need any more clarity then please get back to me..... Cool Cool

She's looking good George.....Cool Cool



Hi George and Alan

Thanks for both your responses and excellent clarification from Alan. I'm pretty right now. The only reason I asked is that as there is a 2mm deep channel formed by the garboard planks each side of the hull all the way to the bows, I thought the same configuration may have to continue through to the stern post...BigGrin BigGrin
Thanks guys.

#458 Posted : 18 August 2014 11:35:44

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John Passmore wrote:
Gandale wrote:
George1 wrote:
John Passmore wrote:
George1 wrote:
John Passmore wrote:
Hello again George,

Re my previous query; I have just read issue 23 step 19 which gives the answer.

Cheers mate


Hi John. BigGrin

You need rather to look at Tomick's Official Build 31-35 post 4 pic 7 down and you will see clearly where the very thin pointed strake on the stern support piece and the wedge next to it and all the other planks on that stern support are cut level with the rear of the support and do not extend to the stern 2 mm overhang. You'll have to look closely to see that first very thin pointed strake as only just visible in the pic however it has been cut off level with the rest. BigGrin

By the way what I have shown in my pic is ahead of issue 23 which was our last recent issue and is issue 24 and into issue 25 but ran out of planks again.Laugh BigGrin



Hi George

Sorry mate, you misunderstood me. The area I'm talking about is right at the bottom of the false keel. Refer to Mr T's Official Build Issue 23 post 4 pic 4 clearly shows the stern infill wedges, but doesn't mention if the first wedge is beyond the edge of the false keel so as to form a little channel for the keel plate to sit in.Huh Huh

Mr T's got a little skinny wedge on top and the second one is a bit broader but I can't tell if it protrudes above the edge of the false keel as shown in issue 23 item 19 and 20, which says to sand down level with the keel...BigGrin BigGrin


Hi John. BigGrin

Understand what you mean now. Laugh

I leveled mine (sanded down) after doing in reverse with fat wedge top and skinny wedge under. It doesn't matter much which way it's done. In this area it didn't say to leave as groove on top of keel bottom. Only groove being that 2mm left as overhang down back of keel for stern post to go into later so I can't really help there as no one has picked up on mine being wrong re not having the groove you imagine should perhaps be there. I do understand what you mean and can see the sense in leaving a groove.BigGrin

I think on this one we'll have to wait till Alan or other experienced guys look in and can clarify. I don''t want to lead you astray. BigGrin



Hi George/John, the wedge pieces you are talking about at the edge of the false keel should be level with the false keel or slightly above... Does not matter which wedge goes first, important thing you are after is to ensure a nice smooth line along the top of the false keel ready for when the keel is actually fitted and a nice transition between the planking and the actual keel.... What you don't want to see however is any joint line between the keel and the false keel..... Hope this makes sense..... Should you need any more clarity then please get back to me..... Cool Cool

She's looking good George.....Cool Cool



Hi George and Alan

Thanks for both your responses and excellent clarification from Alan. I'm pretty right now. The only reason I asked is that as there is a 2mm deep channel formed by the garboard planks each side of the hull all the way to the bows, I thought the same configuration may have to continue through to the stern post...BigGrin BigGrin
Thanks guys.


Hi gents, it would do no harm to have the wedge piece 2mm above the false keel as long as you have that smooth straight line along the full length of the keel... can always shape and trim back later when needed...


#459 Posted : 19 August 2014 02:54:21

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Hi Alan and John. BigGrin

Thanks for clearing that up Alan. Cool Cool

I could see where John's concern was and fully understood it seeing the detail in my mind for the query, but preferred answer from someone like yourself as I could have been wrong.BigGrin

Sorry I didn't use "Quote" for this post referring to details as getting too large.BigGrin


Building HMS SOTS
#460 Posted : 23 August 2014 09:02:39

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Issue 24 all used up. I'm equal to issue 25 just be starting 26 when I get issue 25. BigGrin

Where I am to date.BigGrin

Pics showing straightening up slight curvatures with pointed strakes to make fill in easier.BigGrin

A wedge needs to go in re stern prior to next plank laid there.BigGrin

Hopefully next issue with planks will finish off hull. BigGrin


Building HMS SOTS
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