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Very nice work Jess..Now you can see her shape beginning to form. Look forward to your progress on this beautiful build... Current Builds: Deagostini HMS Victory: Deagostini HMS Sovereign of the seas. Completed Builds: Del Prado: HMAS Bounty: Hachette: RMS Titanic: Del Prado: Cutty Sark...
 Rank: Super-Elite        Groups: New Members, Unapproved Joined: 11/11/2009 Posts: 3,432 Points: 10,280 Location: Colwyn bay
Off to a good start, bent keel and ribs are a nightmare sorting them out and getting it straight takes some work which shows a great craftsman to go past it and carry on.
Well done mate. Chris On the bench 1/350 Revell Tirpitz Platinum Edition (Pontos PE and Wooden deck) plus extra Eduard PE set and extra MK1 door sets.
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Packet ~ month two Took me quite a while to decide what shape I wanted the stern. The instructions show it very 'up-swept' following the shape of the vertical keel while some other modelers had it very different. I decided to follow the instructions as best I could. giant242 attached the following image(s):
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Packet ~ month three I took my time shaping the ribs and bow & stern stiffeners, then went about plating the bridgedeck. We had a big family event (wedding) so I wasn't getting the time I wanted to invest. late one night I quickly plated the center 2/3s and called it a night. 0600 I woke up with the realization I had covered the hole! :( without marking the position. I incised the plating from below and went about squaring the hole ~ miscalculated and cut a plank too far on the port side. Slapping myself upside the head I promised myself I would slow down again. I did not like the pencil on the edges so I used a 'Minwax wood finish stain marker'. Very pleased with 95% of the result. I think a couple pices of the basswood may have been more porous / absorbent and it bled just a bit, not too bad. I shaped and sanded until I was reasonably satisfied. I look at other modelers and their craftsmanship and it just reinforces the realization...... I have so much to learn and so many skills that need to be forged before I will ever be able to make something to be proud of. giant242 attached the following image(s):
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Packet ~ month four So hi guys ~ Getting a little frustrated trying to figure all these parts ~ with no parts list and no indications as to what a "number 31" is ?? I opened the packet only to find SEVEN different sizes / types of wood. I'm pretty sure one of them is the one I'm supposed to be using. I think the square piece is probably the 'support beam #45 in month 7. Where the waterways go from 8mm to 10mm with a 2mm overhang is unclear so I looked ahead and in month 7 there is a picture that shows nothing like what I interpret it to say. So it's liable to be a while before I figure things out and post more photos. have fun, jess giant242 attached the following image(s):
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Jess That is all coming along very nicely. I keep reading good things about that minwax product and from various builds i have read up on it looks a great finishing.staining product. Having searched over here in the uk it does not seem to be available with just internet site i found listing it but must be coming direct from the USA looking at the postage. Not having a parts list must be very trying. As a suggestion have you tried emailing artisania direct as they are usually very good at supplying info like this via an emailed pdf file. Might be worth a try. There is a "contact us" link in the following https://www.artesanialat.../en/104-model-ship-kits
Hope it all continues well. Happy Modelling
BUILDING: Hachette Spitfire Mk 1A, Constructo Mayflower SUBSCRIPTION COMPLETE (Awaiting building): USS Constitution, Sovereign of the Seas, 1:200 Bismarck (Hachette) COMPLETED: Porsche 911, E-Type Jaguar, Lam Countach
Hi Jess, very nice work to date.. well done....  As for the parts list, I'm looking into this problem and will get back to you.... Regards Alan
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Hey Jess, Your doing a great job. I plan on doing this one myself as well as the USS Constitution. Like you, I am new to the wooden ship builds. I am building the Scottish Maid. My build is here: http://forum.us.model-sp...spx?g=posts&t=23415 if you want to take a peek. I know the trials and tribulations you are going through also. I decided on this model to test my skills at ship building and see if I can move on to something more complicated. So far, I am very happy with my progress and the guys here are great with helping out and answering questions. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to seeing the rest of your build. Best Regards, Ron
On the bench: DeAgostini '67 Ford Shelby Mustang, Hachette Space Battleship Yamato 2202, Agora Models T-800 Terminator Finished builds: DeAgostini Toyota 2000GT In the Stash: Losing count...
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Thank you Tony and Alan... Tony, funny I was just reading every word of your USS Constitution build as you were reading mine, lol. When I finish pulling out all of my hair I'll try that link, thank you. Alan, if there's a parts list out there it may be of use to many less skillful folks such as myself. I promised myself ~ No Whining! ~ my tongue is getting really sore, lol. giant242 attached the following image(s):
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Thank you Ron,
As I said, I used a simple pen on the edges of my planking, I cannot even think about the tissue paper as you and Tony have used. Some very fine work there.
have fun, jess
Hi Jess, the media team will be uploading a Parts List PDF to the website in the very near future. Have sent you a PM on this and awaiting your response.....
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Hi guys First off I'd REALLY like to thank all those that have been so encouraging. You folks are truly first rate. I apologize that I haven't addressed everyone's post. I'm just old and easily distracted, lol. Alan, No, I had not followed that link Tony had given.. I had just walked away from the build for a couple days. So having a clear head, I logged in today, saw your post, then went to Tony's post. That link ( https://www.artesanialat.../en/104-model-ship-kits ) took me out of Model Space, to the Artesania site where I found this..... https://www.artesanialat...y-sark-tea-clipper.html
It has the complete 90 page instruction booklet, including 18 pages of "parts list" in 7 languages. Also there is the video describing the boxed kit I believed I was ordering. I guess I should have known to check the manufacturers web site ~ All in my learning curve. If not for you wonderful people I would probably still be trying to glue the first pieces together ~ Thank You All ! have fun, jess
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Joined: 13/10/2017 Posts: 36 Points: 114 Location: Sacramento
oh .. also on that page is the caution
Warning: Last items in stock!
I don't know for sure but that may mean they are going to stop producing this model ???? That would be a real shame. I love the lines of this ship and the reflection of the courageous sailors that braved the oceans in her.
have fun, jess
Glad to hear your sorted now Jess with regards to a parts list.... Regards Alan
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The parts list and full instructions are here for the Model Space Cutty Sark: https://www.model-space....ark-full-kit-model.html Under the downloads tab. I am not sure if the AL parts list is the same as the Model Space one... Best Regards, Ron
On the bench: DeAgostini '67 Ford Shelby Mustang, Hachette Space Battleship Yamato 2202, Agora Models T-800 Terminator Finished builds: DeAgostini Toyota 2000GT In the Stash: Losing count...
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Joined: 13/10/2017 Posts: 36 Points: 114 Location: Sacramento
Thank you Alan.. You are superman ! Hey Ron... Sry, In error I had stated the link provided was from you. It was the link from Tony (now edited). I had been using the downloads you mention exclusively. They are not the same. The Model Space downloads are an abbreviated version that do not contain the parts list. What I was totally unsure of, now took me less than 5 seconds ~ with full confidence ~ so nice. Anyone building this model really needs the complete instructions with parts list. So now I have found the instructions ~~~~~ looking for the skills to use them, Thank you everyone. have fun, jess
Happy to help Jess. Also happy to say the complete parts list is now available on the MS Cutty Sark web page and is the one you should use....  .. https://www.model-space....-sark-complete-kit.html
Look forward to seeing more of your build... Regards Alan
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Joined: 31/05/2010 Posts: 5,679 Points: 17,011 Location: Wiltshire
Jess Glad you managed to get yourself sorted with the parts list. I think i would have been totally lost looking at that picture you pisted with all those parts as they all looked so similar. Hope the rest of your build goes along without any further issues for you. Happy Modelling
BUILDING: Hachette Spitfire Mk 1A, Constructo Mayflower SUBSCRIPTION COMPLETE (Awaiting building): USS Constitution, Sovereign of the Seas, 1:200 Bismarck (Hachette) COMPLETED: Porsche 911, E-Type Jaguar, Lam Countach
 Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
The parts list is now on the Sark download page
 Rank: Amateur Level 1  Groups: Registered
Joined: 13/10/2017 Posts: 36 Points: 114 Location: Sacramento
That's perfect Alan ~ Thank you very much. I'm sure there will be many folks in the future that won't have a clue how much they owe you. Tony ~ ikr... What really had me immobilized was that if I used the wrong ones then I messed it up ~ AND messed up what I needed in the future. Thank you. I'm running out of excuses here guys!! have fun, jess