Finished painting the fuelling station, just need some “Danger” signs to be placed on it. As you can see, I connected the other two units and I tested it with the power supply to see if it all worked. The last picture shows some fuel pigment I splattered over the model in places. This is great stuff and dries hard but still looks wet. I also added some grime as well. Don’t want it looking new, do we!!!!Markwarren attached the following image(s):
These pictures show it placed with the Falcon, whilst testing the Falcon’s lighting via the fuel station.Markwarren attached the following image(s):
Now onto the landing legs. The landing bay doors have now had two coats of oils, so far, and I’ve also painted the hydraulics. They are now ready to fit to the landing gear and then further detailed painting can be applied once in place. As you can see in these picture, I have almost completed the first two landing legs, which happen to be the double rear ones. You can also see I have marked the top of the legs, so I know which leg goes where. It also took me a while to work out which flaps matched with each other and where they go and on which leg, as I had mixed them all up whilst painting them. That was not as easy as you think. Markwarren attached the following image(s):
Finished the two back landing legs with flaps now glued in place and weathered. I have also attached the hydraulic pipes and painted them. The last picture is the last three landing legs, pre-weathered and ready for the feet to be attached once dry. Then the flaps will be pained and glued into place as they are temporarily attached only, and marked so not to mix them up. Markwarren attached the following image(s):
Here, you can see I have a Han Solo figure, which will be fitted next to the fuelling console as shown in the last pictures. The figure has been altered considerably from the original one I had. I had two figures that were in a sitting position. After cutting the legs, so they are in a standing mode and a little bit of a magician’s trick, I then cut the bodies of two figures and swapped them around. I then placed one of the upper bodies to the lower standing legs and placed it in a bit of a twisted motion with the head looking down. Finally, I fine sanded the figure and filled with plastic cement. This took plenty of patience, a lot of time, but was pleased with the final result.Markwarren attached the following image(s):
A little more on the landing gear. As you can see in the first picture, I have glued some magnets onto the top of the leg section and used the spare rear section to test fit the magnets. This will give me the option of removing them should I decide to in the future. The next pictures show the legs in place. I have almost finished the single legs, just the hydraulic hoses to put on, finish off the landing flaps and glue in place. All the feet have been weathered and matt varnished.Markwarren attached the following image(s):
I have also finished off Han Solo. The plan is to fix him to the base of the fuel pod computer that has not been attached yet. As you can see in the first picture, I used the large Han Solo figure for colour reference. I had to paint a lot of the detailing on the figure i.e. the belt and holster. The next picture show how small he is and then the last few are him in his rightful position.Markwarren attached the following image(s):
Finished off the landing legs, all weathered and hydraulics in place. I have test fitted the parts in place to make sure the supplied landing lights all work okay. I have yet to fit the magnets in place, these will be fitted over the next few days. I have still some little bits to fit, e.g. some wiring and pipework on the inner hull, where the cutaway section is. I also need to add a little bit of detailing in the hold part and Han to be fixed in place on the base of the fuel computer console. I have moved him so many times to see where he is best placed, the pictures of him standing now is where he will be fixed. So, almost complete. The next update will be the last I’m afraid. Yes, it will be all complete and I will be taking lots of final pictures to show. Here are a few pictures of the landing legs finished and some with them in place with the landing lights on. So, until next time, Merry Christmas to you all and thanks for looking.Markwarren attached the following image(s):