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Beautiful work, Ken. Really enjoying this build.
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Hi Ken. I have been looking at your build and find it fascinating with a wealth of knowledge, would it be ok to pm you about the waterways overhang that you mentioned, as I am somewhat confused, being totally new to this game. I probably should have chosen a smaller project for my first real build. lol. Kind Regards Marin. "oldmart"
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Sorry for the late reply marin, you can pm me about any subject I'm happy to answer. I am fairly new to these type kits also (although I have scratch built a few ships in the past which probably helps) Ken's the name modeling's the game.
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Ps I will be back on this soon, sorry been preoccupied with other (frustrating models of late) Ken's the name modeling's the game.
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Hi looking really good,coming along well, look forward to your next update cheers mick. Builds hms victory, suzuki gsx 1300 R hayabusa, honda C B 750, lamborghini countach L P 500 S, tamiya 1/16 rc full option tiger 1 tank, built, Mclaren M P 4 - 23. Occre london tram, Stash.airfix 1/24 mosquito. Diag Virginia schooner, tamiya 1/6 honda 750, tamiya 1/35 famo, tamiya 1/35 flak 88.
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Ok so I'm back on this, first thing to sort is something that's been bugging me since I noticed it in the photos (didn't notice it on the actual thing for some reason) the cowls the anchor chains go into (sorry dont know what they're called) are not the same distances from the hold frame.  So sorted that (disguising the old hole was a pain but I dont think it notices now)   Personally I think this is a great kit (I know some people say otherwise) I dont know anything about the other kit as I've not built them but I'm not too worried about accuracy so i not too bothered about whether it's the right hull lines or too wide, whatever. They give you ample material to build her (up till now since my brother stripped the planking off and I stripped all the decking off) they give you nearly enough to build her twice, i only had to buy 10 strips of decking to finish that off and have not had to buy any of the side planking and still have loads left over the quality of the materials is top notch my only slight complaint is the instructions are quite confusing (that said they give you a full size high quality photo of the finished model so you can measure and check off that) Ken's the name modeling's the game.
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Hi Ken, From what you started with to where you are now I think you have done an amazing job, especially as this is not your normal genre of build. If at the end of your build the only slight inaccuracy is the chains being a couple of mm out, then it can be classed as a booming success. WTG and keep up the great work. Regards delboy271155 (Derek) COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
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Hi Ken, That ladder position looks mighty strange. I just done a quick search and found the picture attached below of the Cutty Sark ladders to the poop deck. Not sure if this help or add confusion to the situation. Hope it the first. Regards delboy271155 (Derek) delboy271155 attached the following image(s): COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
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Well at least they make sense there. Ken's the name modeling's the game.
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kpnuts wrote:Well at least they make sense there. Hi Ken, They certainly do make more sense in that position, but the more astonishing thing is that there are no belay pins at the top of either stairway on the real thing. I`ve had a look through my assembly manual and I can`t see anywhere that those belay`s are used anywhere for the rigging.  Unless you have seen anything different? When/if I ever get around to building this one, I think I would do a small reshape of the forecastle deck to accommodate the stairways and leave out the belays. Which ever way you decide to go I wish you happy days building the rest of this stunning ship. You have done a great job so far considering what you started with. WTG Regards delboy271155 (Derek) COME BACK GUY FAWKES "YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU"
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Thanks Derek I did consider moving them but it would require major work, the winch is far too wide (the steps should be inside that curve either side of the winch) as you can see the winch is the full width of that space. I did consider moving them to the straight bit on the outside but then they would foul the cabins which go there, in the end I decided I'm not going for accuracy anyway (just as well since when you really study it there are loads of errors in the kit) I'm just going for a nice wooden kit that resembles the actual ship. I still think she will look good. Ken's the name modeling's the game.
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Hi all let me start this update by saying (in the politest possible way) F$%# b%$$/%% hell. Let me explain.* I do my modeling in the spare bedroom, I lay a piece of vinyl down on the floor immediately round my work bench and on top of the bench I put the container with all the brass pieces on the bed behind me after removing some parts needed for my next bit of work I set to adding some of the stanchions on the bow and heard this noise as if a plastic container of billions of bits had fallen on the floor, imagine my surprise when turning round to find that is exactly what had happened and of course as it was BEHIND me and not around the vinyl protection area it had fallen on a shag pile carpet, of course the lid came off. So after moving the bed (carpet was under it) shaking the carpet out I got this.  And after several hours This  So on with the update.       I'm really chuffed with how it's going (I should point out check ALL the stanchinons BEFORE gluing them in place as some of the holes are not clear and removing and drilling them after they are glued in place is no easy task. Ken's the name modeling's the game.
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Shaping up nicely Ken after all the effort you have put in well done Regards Trev Work in progress: Tombstone (Scratch) - San Francisco 2. -The Mayflower ( scratch by plan).
OcCre- Santa-Maria (Kit).
Nice work Ken,, taking shape very nicely. Mark
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