 Rank: Beginner Level 1  Groups: Registered
Joined: 27/12/2020 Posts: 7 Points: 33 Location: Brixworth
You must have a very steady hand to work with all of those really small parts and your workmanship is incredible. This looks like a fun, very technical build.
 Rank: Pro     Groups: Official Builds, Registered Joined: 27/03/2021 Posts: 405 Points: 1,218 Location: US
SimonWilliams wrote:You must have a very steady hand to work with all of those really small parts and your workmanship is incredible. This looks like a fun, very technical build. Thank you SimonWilliams for the kind words and support. Yes, this has been a very fun build especially since it is quite different from the typical ship build and since many parts that would typically be hidden from the viewer such as the ribs and deck joists are now visible it adds even more fun to the build. And welcome to the forum! Hope to see you here and around other topics in the near future. COMPLETED:• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby. • HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN PROGRESS:• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN NEED OF MY LOVE AND ATTENTION:• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.
 Rank: Pro     Groups: Official Builds, Registered Joined: 27/03/2021 Posts: 405 Points: 1,218 Location: US
Important: For a post and some images on the holes for the windlass ropes please refer to Post #321.The belaying cleats are next, or at the very least, four of them are next. These are tiny little things and don't need much to shape per the instructions. Be careful, because they are so small it is very easy to remove too much material. I only shaped the four needed for this stage since my fingers started cramping from trying to hold onto such tiny bits. I used a 220 sanding stick to get the rough shape and then followed up with a 320 sanding stick to smooth things out. Once I had all four completed I attached them to the points indicated in the instructions and shown in the images below. tenderfoot attached the following image(s): COMPLETED:• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby. • HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN PROGRESS:• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN NEED OF MY LOVE AND ATTENTION:• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.
 Rank: Pro     Groups: Official Builds, Registered Joined: 27/03/2021 Posts: 405 Points: 1,218 Location: US
The elm pumps were assembled quite a while ago. I have an extensive post on these earlier in this build diary which also includes some historic details on elm pumps if you are interested (I find researching this stuff as I go along very fascinating). All that is needed at this point is to blue the pumps into place. I didn't mention this while doing the decking for the lower and weather decks, but as I went along and planked each I would use a dowel to ensure the holes from deck to deck lined up as needed. Granted, once you start cutting holes into decks there isn't much you can do if you have a hole out of place. However, if you catch it during the planking stages you can at least redo the necessary planking and try again...not the ideal solutions but better than trying to fill in a hole in a deck. Thankfully, both pumps slid nicely into place and there was only the slightest gap between the base of the port pump and the decking. A wee bit of glue and sawdust filled this in and it is no longer noticeable unless you know to look for it. tenderfoot attached the following image(s): COMPLETED:• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby. • HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN PROGRESS:• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN NEED OF MY LOVE AND ATTENTION:• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.
 Rank: Pro     Groups: Official Builds, Registered Joined: 27/03/2021 Posts: 405 Points: 1,218 Location: US
The hinges for the railing are about the easiest part of this build to date. I did soak these and anneal them just for the sake of getting any oils off the surface so paint would adhere better. These things don't require any working other than to clean up the edges with a file. I applied a bit of paint to each and once they were dry I carefully glued them into place. tenderfoot attached the following image(s): COMPLETED:• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby. • HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN PROGRESS:• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN NEED OF MY LOVE AND ATTENTION:• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.
 Rank: Pro     Groups: Official Builds, Registered Joined: 27/03/2021 Posts: 405 Points: 1,218 Location: US
Next up...the pulleys. The instructions actually call these winches and I am guessing it is a simple translation error. As of this posting the pulleys are actually missing from the kit. Admin has a post about this here. Please be patient as DeAgostini is suffering from the same logistics problems as the rest of us. In my experience, they have always done right by their customers and will do so here as well. In the meantime, and because I wanted to work towards finishing this build diary, I went ahead and ordered some brass pulleys from a supplier in the US. If anyone is interested in where I got these go ahead and PM me and I will send you the info. Admin's post mentions 4 pulleys, but there are actually 12 that are needed (and missing). Once I received the 12 pulleys I went ahead and cleaned them with some white vinegar and annealed them as well to prepare them for painting. As with all brass on this build I have made the decision to paint it black. Before painting I did the following: The instructions call for cutting a specific length of brass wire for the shaft. However, if you have been reading this log from the beginning you will know that I have a serious problem with measuring and cutting things...I tend to do the cutting first all too often. Because of my inability to measure things first I decided to cut a length of wire that was plenty long to go from pulley, through a post, and into the next pulley. I glue a single pulley to one end of each cut wire (6 in total). Once the glue dried I painted the pulleys black. I then painted the other 6 pulleys black and let everything dry nicely. Once dry, I inserted the pulley with the wire through the post hole and glued the adjoining pulley onto the other side. I let the glue dry thoroughly and then went in with some cutters and snipped the wire flush with the pulley. I also used a needle file to ensure a nice smooth finish on the newly snipped end. Finally, I went back with a bit more black paint and touched up those areas where I had removed any paint from the pulleys. The images below show where each set of pulleys gets installed. tenderfoot attached the following image(s): COMPLETED:• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby. • HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN PROGRESS:• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN NEED OF MY LOVE AND ATTENTION:• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.
 Rank: Pro     Groups: Official Builds, Registered Joined: 27/03/2021 Posts: 405 Points: 1,218 Location: US
The inboard planking for each side of the ship went fairly smoothly. I was a bit baffled as to why these planks are added now. My natural inclination would have been to add these planks prior to glueing the top rail in place. This way it would have helped ensure the exact positioning of the top rail. Instead, because the top rail was installed stages ago I found that there were a few spots where the planking was wider than the overhang of the top rail...so what to do? I decided to attach the planks. Instead of trying to cut specific lengths of planking I glued one long plank into place. I used yellow cedar for these planks which are long enough for me to do this. If you are using the planks provided with the kit you may need to use two pieces to achieve the proper length. Once the glue had dried I then carefully sanded the face of the plank in those areas where is protruded beyond the edge of the top rail. This did result in the paint on the top rail being sanded off in those areas, so once I was done sanding I went back and touched up the top rail paint in those areas. Finally, I took a sharp blade and carefully cut the port openings, leaving them just slightly extended into the port window. I then used a fine sanding stick and sanded all the edges until the port frames were nice and even all around. tenderfoot attached the following image(s): COMPLETED:• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby. • HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN PROGRESS:• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN NEED OF MY LOVE AND ATTENTION:• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.
 Rank: Pro     Groups: Official Builds, Registered Joined: 27/03/2021 Posts: 405 Points: 1,218 Location: US
To install the eye hooks for the canons I first used a small bit to pre-drill the hole. I then followed up with a larger bit to finish the holes off. Be very careful to not drill all the way through the bulwarks. I then glued the four eye hooks into position as shown below and repeated this process on the opposite side. tenderfoot attached the following image(s): COMPLETED:• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby. • HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN PROGRESS:• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN NEED OF MY LOVE AND ATTENTION:• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.
 Rank: Pro     Groups: Official Builds, Registered Joined: 27/03/2021 Posts: 405 Points: 1,218 Location: US
Adding the cross beam to the pin rail was a simple matter of releasing the pieces from the template and cleaning them up with some sand paper. They fit into place nice a snug. I did somehow manage to get a bit of glue dripping from one, so I needed to clean that up with the back side of a blade. tenderfoot attached the following image(s): COMPLETED:• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby. • HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN PROGRESS:• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN NEED OF MY LOVE AND ATTENTION:• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.
 Rank: Pro     Groups: Official Builds, Registered Joined: 27/03/2021 Posts: 405 Points: 1,218 Location: US
The binnacle is next. This is where the ships navigation tools (compass, etc.) were contained. Below is an image of the binnacle built per the instructions. I didn't originally intend to modify the binnacle in any way, but once seeing it completed I was very unimpressed. I just seemed like it should stand out more on a deck with many, many other details. After placing it on the deck as it was I was even more determined to spruce it up a bit. My next post will show the modifications. Also, I am not sure what the hole on the top is for. In reality, there wouldn't be a hole there unless something was to be mounted over it. Otherwise, it would simply let water into the billet which would destroy the delicate instrumentation inside. I perused ahead in the instructions thinking that later on it would have us put something on the hole, but I did not find anything. And looking at the imagery in the instructions, that binnacle does not have a hole in it...so I am a bit perplexed. tenderfoot attached the following image(s): COMPLETED:• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby. • HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN PROGRESS:• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN NEED OF MY LOVE AND ATTENTION:• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.
 Rank: Pro     Groups: Official Builds, Registered Joined: 27/03/2021 Posts: 405 Points: 1,218 Location: US
NOTE: This is a mod...Since I wasn't sure what the hole in the top of the binnacle was for and since the instructions didn't even show a hole in the top of the binnacle I decided it was time to refer to the book, Anatomy of a Ship: The Armed Transport Bounty by Jon McKay once again. If you do not have it and are interested in knowing more about the Bounty as well as getting insight to the actual historically correct drawings and detail then I encourage you to get a copy. It is widely available on the internet. Within the book it has a few illustrations of the binnacle and clearly shows a chimney or sorts coming out of the top. This chimney is long and slender and capped by a cone - something that can be easily replicated, so I will. I did a bit of research but have yet to learn the purpose of this chimney like thingy, but I expect it is related to ensuring air can flow through the binnacle without allowing water in. This would then help prevent condensation within the binnacle - something that would happen if it was completely sealed from outside air. Back in those days I don't think they had the tech to suck the air out of the inner part of the binnacle so condensation was likely a constant issue. Again, just my thoughts and I will continue searching for the answer. I carefully removed the top from my previously completed binnacle. I wanted to do this so I could get some modelers tape on the inside and then apply some fake glass. I followed the same procedure as I have with other applications of glass on my build. While the glass dried I went ahead and found a couple scrap pieces of round stock of 3mm and 6mm. The 3mm dowel will serve as my chimney pipe and the 6mm dowel will be the top cap. I had to file the hole in the top of the billet ever so slightly so the 3mm dowel will slide easily into place, but still be tight. I then painted the top of the billet black. I took the 6mm dowel and sanded it down to a point just like you would a pencil. I then cut the end off and sanded the base of that until it was the size I needed. tenderfoot attached the following image(s): COMPLETED:• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby. • HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN PROGRESS:• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN NEED OF MY LOVE AND ATTENTION:• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.
 Rank: Pro     Groups: Official Builds, Registered Joined: 27/03/2021 Posts: 405 Points: 1,218 Location: US
NOTE: This is a mod...I then painted the conical cap piece black and glued it to the pipe. Once that assemble was dry I glued it to the top piece. After letting the glass dry completely and removing the tape I attached the top assemble to the base. The end result is much more to my liking. The book also showed that each side of the billet was roped to the deck through an eye hook towards the top of the billet on each outboard side. However, the scale of the rope is so fine that I don't see much value is adding it to this mod. If I change my mind I will be sure to post that here. In total, this modification only took about an hour of effort. The longest portion was waiting several hours for the glass to dry, so in total it was a 6-hour modification. But drying time doesn't take any effort so I don't typically consider that. tenderfoot attached the following image(s): COMPLETED:• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby. • HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN PROGRESS:• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN NEED OF MY LOVE AND ATTENTION:• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.
 Rank: Pro     Groups: Official Builds, Registered Joined: 27/03/2021 Posts: 405 Points: 1,218 Location: US
NOTE: This is a mod...I glued the modified binnacle in place and wiped on some poly. When I was reviewing the photo I took for this post I felt that the chimney I created was a bit too large. Now that I see it in place I wish I had made it half the height that it is. However, I am not totally unsatisfied with it as it is an improvement over the original. This is one of those things that I will let sit for a few days and then revisit. If I still feel the urge to revise it I will do so and post the results. tenderfoot attached the following image(s): COMPLETED:• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby. • HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN PROGRESS:• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN NEED OF MY LOVE AND ATTENTION:• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.
 Rank: Pro     Groups: Official Builds, Registered Joined: 27/03/2021 Posts: 405 Points: 1,218 Location: US
The capstan is quite intricate and has several tiny parts. Carefully release each from the template and clean the char off the edges. I used a very fine sand paper (320 grit) to clean the char to ensure I did not accidentally remove too much material which is easy to do on tiny bits. The assembly isn't very complicated but it is important that you clean/sand each piece appropriately and dry fit things into place. This is definitely one of those jobbers that need to look really top notch when complete. For some reason folks viewing a model ship are drawn to the capstan...I know I am as well. The instruction call this a winch, which it is. However, it is a specialized winch designed for assisting in hauling in rope, chain, and the like aboard a sailing vessel. The capstan is essentially the same thing as the windlass (the horizontal winch at the bow for the anchors), but is instead vertical and used for a variety of tasks that require hauling heavy lines. They are still in use today and operate essentially the same although they don't look quite the same. But if you look close enough you do see the similarities to the capstans of old which is a testament to the basic design - it has endured for centuries. The engineering in days gone by is amazing and it is one of the wonders that keeps me interested in these ships. Once I had the capstan assembled I added some wipe on poly. I didn't actually wipe it on as this thing has many deep crevices. Instead I dipped it in the poly and then wiped off the excess before letting it dry. Once dry I glued in in position on the deck. tenderfoot attached the following image(s): COMPLETED:• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby. • HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN PROGRESS:• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN NEED OF MY LOVE AND ATTENTION:• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.
 Rank: Pro     Groups: Official Builds, Registered Joined: 27/03/2021 Posts: 405 Points: 1,218 Location: US
NOTE: This is a modTime for another quick and easy modification to this build. When reviewing the drawings from the book Anatomy of a Ship, The Armed Transport Bounty, I noticed there was a hatch just aft of the base of the bowsprit and just forward of the fore mast. I perused several pages and found the hatch is several of them that illustrated that section of the deck. So I decided to add the hatch. Based on the drawing this hatch is the same size as the other two small hatches at the very bow area. For this reason I simply replicated what I had done for those two hatches. Once it was assembled I glued it into place. A simple modification that made this ship for true to the actual Bounty. Plus, it just adds a bit more beauty to the deck so a double win! Those same drawings also showed a couple cleats in the deck just forward of the bowsprit base. I point these out in the image below as best I can. That top cleat is in the deck, not on the bowsprit base...I just didn't have an appropriate photo to illustrate that better. I think I am going to add those two cleats as it just brings some more authenticity to the build. I have several cleats from a previous build filed away, but they are too small for this scale so I need to order some. Once they arrive I will add them to the deck and post the results. tenderfoot attached the following image(s): COMPLETED:• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby. • HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN PROGRESS:• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN NEED OF MY LOVE AND ATTENTION:• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.
 Rank: Pro     Groups: Official Builds, Registered Joined: 27/03/2021 Posts: 405 Points: 1,218 Location: US
The pinrails are next up. The instructions tend to call many parts "bulwarks" in a very generic sense. These do attach to the bulwarks and I guess could be considered part of the bulwarks, but they are rails for belaying pins and thus, pinrails. There isn't much work to these other than cleaning up the char and smoothing the surfaces. The greatest challenge is positioning along the bulwarks. Pay careful attention to the instructions and position the pinrails along one side of the ship. On the next side be very certain that the alignment is exactly the same as the opposing side. It is okay if your pinrails are a hair fore or aft of where they should be (1mm or so), as long as they err the same on both sides. Once I had all the pinrails in place I went ahead and applied some wipe on poly. tenderfoot attached the following image(s): COMPLETED:• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby. • HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN PROGRESS:• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN NEED OF MY LOVE AND ATTENTION:• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.
 Rank: Pro     Groups: Official Builds, Registered Joined: 27/03/2021 Posts: 405 Points: 1,218 Location: US
The channels (or chain-wales) are the wooden ledges that go on the outboard side of the hull. These are simple to assemble if you follow the instructions. As always, be sure to clean off any laser char. As with the pinrails, it is important to position these as accurately as possible. It is even more important that they align with each other port and starboard. I look at mine from many different positions before the glue dries and adjust things as necessary until I am happy with the results. Once the glue dried I went ahead and applied some wipe on poly. tenderfoot attached the following image(s): COMPLETED:• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby. • HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN PROGRESS:• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN NEED OF MY LOVE AND ATTENTION:• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.
 Rank: Pro     Groups: Official Builds, Registered Joined: 27/03/2021 Posts: 405 Points: 1,218 Location: US
The deadeyes and chains are next. First, I must apologize. I took several photos while assembling these but have somehow managed to loose them. I don't know if I deleted them or what, but in the end I just simply don't have them, so my poor description will have to suffice. Following the instructions will get you through this step quite well. Note that you will need to trim the brass pieces that wrap the smaller deadeyes. The kit hints that there are two different sizes but alas all mine were the same size. I did however have two different sized deadeyes, so I will call that a win. You will need to assemble 10 of the larger deadeyes and 5 of the smaller ones. In my case, as with all things brass, I went ahead and painted them once assembled. I also chose to paint the deadeyes as well. I did need to open the holes in the channels just a tad so the deadeyes could settle easily into place. You do not want to force them into place as this will simply result in breaking the wood on the channel. I used a sharp knife to remove a slight bit of wood from each hole and things worked out beautifully. Once the deadeyes were in place I went ahead and attached a chainlink and chainplate to each one. I got all 15 assembled before I started attaching these to the hull. When attaching to the hull pay close attention to the angle of the chain and chainplate. Refer to the illustration in the instructions as it is pretty accurate. As you move aft of a mast the chains will start to angle more and more. Note...the chains should not go straight up and done. Imagine a rope running from the chain, up through the deadeye, and continuing onto the top of the lower mast. That is the angle your chains should be at. I predrilled holes for each nail. I would place the top nail first and then align the bottom nail so the chain rain in a straight line up through the deadeye. Once everything was complete I did a bit of touch up with some black paint. tenderfoot attached the following image(s): COMPLETED:• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby. • HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN PROGRESS:• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN NEED OF MY LOVE AND ATTENTION:• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.
 Rank: Pro     Groups: Official Builds, Registered Joined: 27/03/2021 Posts: 405 Points: 1,218 Location: US
The steps on the outboard side of the hull are next. There is a set that goes on either side. For the starboard side you will need 8 steps. There will be 2 on the port side. Aside from these being tiny there isn't much to preparing them other than a bit of sanding. They real key here is the placement of the steps. The first step from the main deck should be 5mm from the top of the deck rail to the top of the step. Thereafter you should have 4mm between each step. Turns out the kit provides a couple extra steps and wouldn't you know...they are 4mm wide. So I cleaned up one of the extra steps and used it as a spacer when gluing things into place. This worked out great and resulted in nice and easy placement for each step after the first (top-most) was in place. Once all the steps had dried in place I did my normal thing...applied some poly. tenderfoot attached the following image(s): COMPLETED:• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby. • HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN PROGRESS:• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN NEED OF MY LOVE AND ATTENTION:• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.
 Rank: Pro     Groups: Official Builds, Registered Joined: 27/03/2021 Posts: 405 Points: 1,218 Location: US
It appears I missed a post. This should have been posted after Post #301 and prior to Post #304. We need to add some holes in the main deck for the anchor ropes to go through from the windlass to the lower deck. Using a 6mm piece of planking you need to first drill a hole dead center. Then you need to carve/file/sand around that until you get a nice round ring. For small work like this it is easier to leave the small piece attached to the larger piece of wood and work it as much as you possibly can prior to detaching it from the main piece of wood. In this instance I ended up making four of these. One of them broke and another just wasn't to my liking. Out of the remaining three I picked the two I was happiest with. Sometimes it takes me several more tries for items this small. They key is to try again and again until you are satisfied with the results. I predrilled the location of the holes with a very small bit. As I mentioned in previous posts, this helps ensure a nice accurate placement. Larger bits tend to wander as they spin until they bite into the wood. Predrilling provides a guide for the larger bit. After I pre drilled I came back at it with a 3.5mm drill bit. I did not use a drill and my pin vise is too small for a 3.5mm bit so I needed to just take my time and spin the bit between my fingers. It took several minutes for each hole, but it was well worth it to ensure a clean and precise hole. Then it was a simple matter of gluing the wood rings into place and applying some wipe on poly. tenderfoot attached the following image(s): COMPLETED:• HMS Victory (DeAgostini Subscription) - if you haven't got it, get it...what a beautiful build. This was my first attempt at this stuff and what a great experience. The instructions were spot on for those new to the hobby. • HMS Bounty Admiralty (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN PROGRESS:• USS Constitution (DeAgostini Subscription) - View the build diary.IN NEED OF MY LOVE AND ATTENTION:• HMS Sovereign of the Seas (DeAgostini Subscription) - promise myself I will get to this after I finish the USS Constitution and the HMS Bounty. Need to maintain balance in my marriage.