Many thanks for the compliments and advice. It's great to get some tips on the extra details that "personalise" the build. Even if a lot is covered by bodywork at the end. I've been looking for a source of gold leaf, gilding foil I think it's called. Thanks for the tip on the rotational damper. The whole suspension arrangement has been puzzling me. What is the role of the inertial damper? when there is already a damper within the coil spring. If there's a web site that explains this I'd appreciate the link. Cheers Malc.
 Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
Hello Malc,
I'm not 100% sure but I believe the 'Inertia Damper', when used in a suspension system, is employed as a means of controlling 'SUDDEN' acceleration or deceleration in the movement of the suspension, which if excessive can eventually cause structural failure of the parts - A good analogy is if you slowly bend a twig it will likely bend initially then break, but if you bend it quickly and suddenly it is more likely to snap straight away? The damper within the coil spring is there for absorbing the slower more general type of inertia involved in movement of the suspension? Basically the inertia damper is a back up for the normal damper when things suddenly get violent!! So, a damper within a damper, if you like?
If anyone knows better and I am wrong then please feel free to correct me, as I'd like to know!?
A couple of good F1 Technical sites for you Malc:
Hope that helps?
Thanks for the information Kev. The Hi-rate, Low-rate damper mechanism seems plausible. Lots to read on those websites  .
I've been taking some inspiration from the great work on show in some of those uk build diaries. Kev's (SennaMentalMe)detailing got me thinking about adding a little hose detail around the airbox. I used an electrical wire and some shrink wrap sleeving. haven't decided how much to show of the hose since it should be behind the heat shield but I feel a little extra visual interest can't be too bad RM1 attached the following image(s):
 Rank: Vice-Master     Groups: Registered
Joined: 31/08/2011 Posts: 629 Points: 1,963 Location: Plymouth
 Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
Some great detailing there Malc and I'm really pleased that I was able to be a source of inspiration for you - thanks for the acknowledgement my friend!! I love your cabling, very nice and great to see it done in an alternative way, the bit I thought was especially clever, was the use of the nut on the wire as a connector - genius and a great end result!! I've made a note of that one, thanks!! 
As you rightly say, a simple bit of detailing, but it adds a lot of interest in what is quite a barren area, so well done you for trying it!!  
Keep the updates coming Malc.
Many thanks (Kev and Chris) for the kind words. It is a bit of fun adding these little extras. I'll keep watching your posts, learning and posting my attempts. Malc.
More or less done up to issue 46. with the addition of the underbody panel it really starts to look like a car. At last the actual overall length is established. the display case is not too short..phew RM1 attached the following image(s):
 Rank: Vice-Master     Groups: Registered
Joined: 31/08/2011 Posts: 629 Points: 1,963 Location: Plymouth
 Making real progress now Malc!  Keep up the good work! Chris
 Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
Very nice work Malc, looking good and definitely looking more like a car now!! 
I remember when I got to that stage and how amazing it felt to finally see it all put together and get a true idea of the overall size of the model. Just wait until you get all the main body and the cockpit fitted, it will be another major jump forward and start to get even more exciting for you!!
Well done Malc and keep up the good work. Looking forward to the next update. 
 Rank: Pro   Groups: Registered
Joined: 11/09/2011 Posts: 227 Points: 677 Location: Heidelberg South Africa
Looking good Malcom :-) Current Buid: HMS Victory Next Build: Captain Cook's Endeavour Collecting issues Wish List: Santa Ana Bounty Santisima-Trinidad
Finally doing some more  No parts delivery for 2 months  but seems to be sorted now. Had a bit of fun fitting the seat support. Not quite as easy as the instructions suggest. RM1 attached the following image(s):
Latest delivery but missing out the issues with the seat and steering wheel parts...  just have to wait. RM1 attached the following image(s):
Added the brake calipers and doing some finishing on the airbox. RM1 attached the following image(s):
At last managed to obtain MicroSol & Microset. Amazing products  . I've struggled with a Tamiya decal softner until now but this stuff really works. I did the water bottle and battery in a carbon decal just to see what it's like. Very pleased with the result. These liquids are very rare in South Africa. RM1 attached the following image(s):
 Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
Very nice work Malc, I'm impressed with what you are doing in your build and I particularly like the blue cap on the water bottle - a simple but very cool enhancement - it looks great!!  
Keep those updates coming Malc and I'm glad that you have finally been able to experience the joys of Micro-Sol and Micro-Set. You won't go wrong with any of the products from Micro-Scale Industries, I've never had a problem with ANY of their products, they always do exactly what they say on the label (not like Tamiya and others) and I use quite a few of them as my preferred choice!! 
Thanks Kev. really appreciate the kind words. I've finished off the parts and also added the radiator effect decals in the side pod which gives that area a much better appearance. I'd recommend that decal set to anyone doing this model.RM1 attached the following image(s):
Not too much progress  managed to add a little coper effect aroung the water pipes. RM1 attached the following image(s):
New delivery of parts.  But Big problem with condition of seat  Hoping supplier can replace it. Looks like it was bent before being packed. That didn't happen in the post. RM1 attached the following image(s):
 Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
Making great progress Malc and all those extra little touches make all the difference - "The Devil is in the detail" as they say?
How are you getting on with your 1:12 Yardley McLaren M23 and the Texaco Marlboro McLaren M23 kits, any decisions on which airbox shape/decal combinations to use and bought any more upgrade parts for them at all?
Keep up the good work and thanks for keeping the updates coming!  