 Rank: Elite        Groups: registriert, Registered Joined: 20/03/2011 Posts: 2,356 Points: 7,122 Location: UK
This is not much of an update but rather some shots of the Light Reactive paint i will be using.. The pictures just show the blue but I also have Red and Violet.. A small area was masked off then a few light coats applied after thing with Tamiya thinners. The following pictures show the paint in different light angles so to see the effect it has.. I will be incorparating this into the JJPrise kit but with the use of Stencils. I have the full decal set for this and will be applying the colours underneath in random areas to give a greater effect.. Warthog attached the following image(s):
 Rank: Pro Groups: Joined: 24/08/2009 Posts: 48,827 Points: -13,348
Now that's looking sexy..
Now that looks the business do you have a link to the product?
J“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” -Mark Twain
 Rank: Elite        Groups: registriert, Registered Joined: 20/03/2011 Posts: 2,356 Points: 7,122 Location: UK
Hi Jase I will be putting up links as I progress through the build Here are some more shots this time using a cut out stencil.. Printed the Aztec onto card first then cut out the Aztec pattern which for those wanting to try it this way will need a very sharp knife and plenty of time on there hands.. Although this is not the best option to go for due to getting the stencil to sit flat on the saucer section it is one that shows that it can be done with relative ease and stencils are available to download from starshipmodeler.com I have also tested using frisket but as it is so tacky it is not a good option.. The only real option is to use Orbital Drydocks masks as these are designed for this purpose... I spent a fortune on Decals (Shown Below)so I will not be getting them for this build. I have also uploaded a short video so you can see the effect.. Light Reactive VideoWarthog attached the following image(s):
 Rank: Super-Elite        Groups: Registered
Joined: 30/01/2013 Posts: 4,604 Points: 13,607 Location: Monmouthshire UK
Looks amazing, never seen that effect before Steve
 Rank: Elite        Groups: registriert, Registered Joined: 20/03/2011 Posts: 2,356 Points: 7,122 Location: UK
It really is fun stuff to have and can be had in many colours.. perfect for SciFi and even Taxidermi for fish and birds like the KingFisher
Love the effect you have achieved on the saucer section, look forward to seeing more.... Regards Alan