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Cheers paul. I feel it has been coming on well enough. Its a very daunting model to take on for your first build but I am giving it a lash anyway. I am really worried they are going to tell me to rip it apart that I have made a hash of it in reference to the gap but I live in hope.
Hi Neon and welcome aboard... Great start you have made and I don't see any reason for you to rip anything apart, think it is coming along very nicely.... Wouldn't worry too much about the gap as it won't be seen when everything is planked over... Only thing I can see you need to ensure is that the dummy gun supports are securely fixed so there is no chance of them coming away when you drill the holes for the dummy guns...  .. Look forward to following your progress... Regards Alan
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cheers Alan that means alot as you are up there with the best of them. I will look into those dummy gun supports right away. regards bren
 Welcome to the forum Neon and good luck with the build Current builds:-C57,Zero, Lamborghini Countach, Caldercraft HMS Agamemnon,Robi,R2-D2, MFH Cobra .
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hi alan Just looking at that alan. They seem fairly well stuck but I am worried now as I dident realise you have to cut into them. Do you have to cut into the lower ones aswell. I have already planked that part so cant check.
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neon wrote:hi alan Just looking at that alan. They seem fairly well stuck but I am worried now as I dident realise you have to cut into them. Do you have to cut into the lower ones aswell. I have already planked that part so cant check. Hi Bren, no you don't have to cut into them but you will have to drill a small hole in them (I think it's 2mm) in order to fit the dummy guns..... Drill very easily without too much pressure and you should be fine... I intend to start with a 1mm drill then move up to 2mm, this way pressure being applied would be minimal.... Regards Alan
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cheers alan I will keep that in mind.
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everything looks fine,just continue taking the pills,and you will be fine,the boats looking ok too.just keep an eye on the official build and others,you'll soon get into the swing. Current builds: SotS, USS Consitution, San Felipe, D51 loco, HMS Surprise, RB7, Arab Dhow, Jotika HMS Victory Completed builds: HMS Pickel, Thermopylae, Mississipi river boat, Mary Rose, Cutty Sark, San Francisco II, HMS Victory x5, Titanic Lifeboat, Panart HMS Victory Launch, Hachette Titanic, Virginia Schooner, Endeavour Longboat. http://www.model-space.com/gb/
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Another great looking SOTS, seems like you have got the hang of the pic attachments as well, keep it up. Steve
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Cheers steve thanks alot.
 Nice work neon looking good rgd Martyn Building ? Completed. Soliei Royal . Sovereign of the Seas . Virginia . Scotland . San Felipe . Corel vasa , Santisima Trinadad X section , Vasa Next Build ? When sailors have good wine, They think themselves in heaven for the time. John Baltharpe
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Cheers Martyn. Onwards and upwards I hope.
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Nice work Neon Regards claret Also working on: SOTS. Moebius 1/32 Flying Sub with PE & lights.
Waiting in the wings: Polarlights Spindrift from Land of the Giants.
finished: 007 Iconic DB5.
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Your build is simply stunning. I can only hope mine ends up half as good. I love your tree nailing. I hope when I get to that stage to give it a go the way you did it.
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Today I built up a few rows on the upper hull....jesus cant wait to have this end if it completed. neon attached the following image(s):
neon wrote:Today I built up a few rows on the upper hull....jesus cant wait to have this end if it completed. Hi Bren, just take your time with it, remember this hobby is never about how quickly a build can be constructed but more about how well it can be done.... Me, I take it in small bites and it works for me even if some of it can be a little tedious at times.... Good luck with her... Regards Alan
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Cheers mate I cant help but take my time. Two young kids and a job to contend with. If I get thirty mins a day thats about it. I was supposed to paint the hall today but I done this instead. Looks like I will be in the hall tomorrow.
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Lads I think I have made a major mistake here. Any help would be appeciated . I was typicaly delighted to have almost finished the planking on one side of the hull when you can imagine my dismay when I discovered that I had not got enough room to lay the last 50mm plank which should run up level with the gallery frame. IS there anyway out of this before I send this boat sailing down the river. Any help would be greatly apreciated. neon attached the following image(s):
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Joined: 05/09/2012 Posts: 184 Points: 525 Location: ireland
it appears that the other side of the hull will work out perfectly