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tf64 Spitfire Build Options
#581 Posted : 07 July 2016 12:09:37

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Hello Trev,

Love your work on this build, so neat and tidy and your panel work is exceptional. I'm impressed with the way that you've achieved the complex curves on the wing 'fillets', that certainly can't have been easy, but you've managed to get them to fit perfectly!!

Very well done my friend, looking forward to your next update already.

#582 Posted : 08 July 2016 18:39:36

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Hi Alan,

Thank you for your views and comments, at last it is starting to look as I think it should. Just looking at the line of the top plates hope there not to high we will see.


Work in progress: Tombstone (Scratch) - San Francisco 2. -The Mayflower ( scratch by plan).

OcCre- Santa-Maria (Kit).

#583 Posted : 08 July 2016 19:10:11

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Hi Walter,

Thank you for posting and good to hear from you, to answer your Question regarding the pin heads, the pin's supplied with the kit are quite adequate in combination with glue and hold very well, on the real Spit, or at least the one I've have been in were flush with the air frame and wings, now decided not to use the pins supplied but to use small screw's I bought as a job lot, this also means I can remove any metal plate should I damage or deep scratch it,looking ahead I may well remove some of the material on the screw heads before painting.



Work in progress: Tombstone (Scratch) - San Francisco 2. -The Mayflower ( scratch by plan).

OcCre- Santa-Maria (Kit).

#584 Posted : 08 July 2016 19:20:02

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Hi Alec,

Thanks for posting, yes it was my choice to screw all the panels down with out glue,(all though I did glue the tailfin)as said in Walter's post the pins are fine in combination with glue, I have tested myself so no worries.


Work in progress: Tombstone (Scratch) - San Francisco 2. -The Mayflower ( scratch by plan).

OcCre- Santa-Maria (Kit).

#585 Posted : 08 July 2016 19:27:03

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Hi Kev,

Nice comments again and very welcome to, that fillet curve on the port side has a small gap which is so annoying, Kev I have just got to unscrew it and make a new one then I will be happy with it.


Work in progress: Tombstone (Scratch) - San Francisco 2. -The Mayflower ( scratch by plan).

OcCre- Santa-Maria (Kit).

#586 Posted : 25 September 2016 10:22:53

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Spitfire Seat.

Just a small update as to were I am, I have moved on to the assembly of the pilot' seat, this all fitted together very well but had to make some small adjustments.The seat fits in to the fuselage as I have made it, my question is were will the parachute go as the seat has a flat base so I may have to adjust it to look right.

Work in progress: Tombstone (Scratch) - San Francisco 2. -The Mayflower ( scratch by plan).

OcCre- Santa-Maria (Kit).

#587 Posted : 25 September 2016 10:30:51

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This picture shows were it will not line up.

That looks better.

Moving on this is as far as I have built with the seat.

That's about it more soon.


Work in progress: Tombstone (Scratch) - San Francisco 2. -The Mayflower ( scratch by plan).

OcCre- Santa-Maria (Kit).

#588 Posted : 25 September 2016 10:40:18

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Some nice scratch building going on there Trev Cool
#589 Posted : 25 September 2016 10:52:28

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Hi Trev,

Great to see that you are moving on with your build. Like the mods to the seat frame. I too wondered about the parachute, was it not in a recess and the pilot sat on it? I'm not sure.

Built: Bluenose, Arab Dhow, HMS Bounty, Hummer H1, D51, Spitfire,E type Jaguar.
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Adapt, improvise, overcome.
#590 Posted : 25 September 2016 10:53:11

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Another great piece of work Trev, she's looking fab.....Drool Drool


#591 Posted : 25 September 2016 11:16:23

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Very nice work Trev and some excellent scratchbuilding there - well done my friend, I'm really glad you're back on this build!! Cool ThumpUp

In reference to the seat/parachute position, the seat was bucket shaped and the pilot sat on his parachute? Here is a good photo of the Mk V seat (albeit a bit small):


I reckon yours looks pretty close and I wouldn't worry too much about modifying it unless it really bothers you?

Well done again Trev!! ThumpUp

Kev Smile
#592 Posted : 25 September 2016 12:48:27

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Hi all,

@ Tomick appreciate your comments.

@ Alec thanks for looking in I have been working on the spit of late reducing the screw head size / building the seat still not happy with the result it could look better we will see, there is still a lot of mods in this build.

@ Hello Alan thanks for looking and your reply to my post.

@ Kev thanks for looking at the build and for the link and advise,have you a link to show a unused parachute with in a bucket seat!

Reg Trev.
Work in progress: Tombstone (Scratch) - San Francisco 2. -The Mayflower ( scratch by plan).

OcCre- Santa-Maria (Kit).

#593 Posted : 25 September 2016 13:38:05

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tf64 wrote:
..... @ Kev thanks for looking at the build and for the link and advise,have you a link to show a unused parachute with in a bucket seat!

Hello Trev,

I'm assuming you mean a parachute harness sitting in the seat waiting for the pilot to jump in? I can't find any photos of the real thing, though if I do I'll post it up.

What I do have is a link to a resin 1:32 RAF WWII Parachute (the same as the one I'm using in my own Tamiya Spitfire Mk IXc build). Mine is moulded flat as if lying on the ground or a wing root but they also do a different version as if it is moulded into a seat, which I think is what you are looking for? It gives a general view of how it would all look when placed within a seat, so it may or may not help? You can see it in the second photo in the link below:


Hope that helps mate?

Kev Smile

#594 Posted : 25 September 2016 23:01:37

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#595 Posted : 26 September 2016 12:16:37

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Kev, thanks for the link regarding the seat and parachute I will be re-adjusting the seat as your link.

Thanks once more for your help.


Work in progress: Tombstone (Scratch) - San Francisco 2. -The Mayflower ( scratch by plan).

OcCre- Santa-Maria (Kit).

#596 Posted : 26 September 2016 12:21:54

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Hi Steve, thanks for having a look at my build, Kev's got me going again on the seat as I feel it is not as good as it could be so, I will be working on that next, more updates soon.


Work in progress: Tombstone (Scratch) - San Francisco 2. -The Mayflower ( scratch by plan).

OcCre- Santa-Maria (Kit).

#597 Posted : 26 September 2016 17:44:44

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Hi Trev

Hope all is well with you

If you look to the very bottom of the below link there are some goid all angle spitfire seat pictures


I think the pilot carried his parachute low slung so this became the seats cushion (would have thought it quite uncomfortable)

The last picture in the following link shows the low slung parachute/cushion tacked to his bottom


Hope they might help with your build.
Happy Modelling

BUILDING: Hachette Spitfire Mk 1A, Constructo Mayflower
SUBSCRIPTION COMPLETE (Awaiting building): USS Constitution, Sovereign of the Seas, 1:200 Bismarck (Hachette)
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#598 Posted : 27 September 2016 07:43:46

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Hi Tony,
Thank you for posting the link regarding the spitfire seat, now with your info and Kevs I think I will have a go and build a new seat and see what it looks like.

The DeAgostini is fine and looks good but you know me.

Thanks and regards

Work in progress: Tombstone (Scratch) - San Francisco 2. -The Mayflower ( scratch by plan).

OcCre- Santa-Maria (Kit).

#599 Posted : 27 September 2016 11:36:47

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Hope it goes well and turns out as you hope.
Happy Modelling

BUILDING: Hachette Spitfire Mk 1A, Constructo Mayflower
SUBSCRIPTION COMPLETE (Awaiting building): USS Constitution, Sovereign of the Seas, 1:200 Bismarck (Hachette)
COMPLETED: Porsche 911, E-Type Jaguar, Lam Countach
#600 Posted : 27 September 2016 11:57:30

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I love your effort and the results!

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