Issue 45 - Contains deck beam strips and deck planking strips, plus components to make Victory's wheel; and has instruction for the fitting of the upper deck support beams and commences the planking of the upper deck, (you will also need to retrieve the five 1.5x6mm deck beam strips from 44).
Fitting the deck support beams - Take the test dowel from issue 41 and try it into the central mast hole (you may need to taper its end, if so taper the end with the flats), it needs to be a smooth sliding fit all the way to the bottom of the slot in the keel; repeat with forward mast hole to confirm that it fits well, then set the dowel aside, you will need it later when you come to plank the deck.
Use a pair of dividers, measure the span across the lowest deck support brackets on frame 13, where the first deck support beam will be fitted; transfer the measurement onto a 1.5x6mm strip and cut to length, then trial fit it in place across the lowest brackets on frame 13; it should be a snug fit and without a bow to it, then glue the strip in place so that it sits centrally on both brackets.
Repeat the process for all frames except frames 14 and 26, where you should locate 10mm lengths of 1.5x6mm strip upon the support brackets, (so as not to obscure the forward and aft mast holes with a full length deck beam).
If you opted for the gun deck cutaway, do not glue the starboard ends of the beams to frames 18/19 over the cutaway section.
Planking the deck - The deck is planked with 1.5x5mm strips, most of which will be visible on the finished model, so aim for a neat finish, with real or simulated joints between the hull planking in the visible area.
Using a rule, mark the centre line on the deck support beams (use the previously drawn bulkhead centre line as a guide), then set your compass to 18mm, and use it to mark a line on each deck beam on the left (port) side of the centre line.
Simulate decking caulking lines on the planking by running a black marker pen down one side of the planks (the same side each time) in the same way as you did with the bow deck planking.
Note - you only need to simulate plank joins and nail heads forward of the main mast, as the planks of the aft of the main mast will not be visible on the finished model. You can add joins where they would fall over the beam at frame 14.
When you lay the planks, only apply glue where each plank contacts with each deck support beam, do not glue the edges and be careful not to get glue on the deck, as any attempt to sand it off will destroy the simulated joins/nail heads and the resulting dust will impair the deck surface.
Lay a plank (with one end against frame 12) along the 18mm line you marked earlier, then draw a line across the plank at the centre line of the deck support beam at frame 20, and cut the strip to length.
You can simulate shorter planks by drawing a line at the centre of every third beam, and adding nail heads with a pencil, then glue the strip in position outboard of the line.
Lay another plank from the end of the first one at frame 20 to frame 27, then lay another from frame 15 to frame 22, on the side furthest from the centre line and simulate extra joins, offset by one frame from the previous plank.
Cut a short section of plank to fit from frame 12 to frame 15, then lay another section of plank from frame 22 to frame 27. Add another two runs of planks in a similar way, offsetting the joins in each.
To create the first grating hole, cut two strips 140mm long and fit them to the forward bulkhead on the mast side, simulate joins and nails to maintain the decking pattern, then cut another 140mm strip, put the dowel in the forward mast hole and carefully cut an arc in this plank so it fits neatly around the dowel, you can leave a small gap of up to 1mm, as this will not be visible on the finished model. Then cut a short length of plank to fit in front of the mast with a concave curve at one end to go around the mast. Then cut another strip to fit astern of the mast with a curve at the forward end and its opposite end in alignment with the neighbouring decking.
Add another three planks, each 140mm long, cutting an arc in the first one to complete the mast hole.
Cut one strip of planking 224mm long, plus seven more strips at 22mm long, add caulking to the latter which will form the deck separation between the two grating holes.
Glue a small strip of wood onto the end of a 300mm plank to make a length gauge which is 303mm long.
Hold the 224mm strip against frame 12, and use the other end as a positioning guide to glue the 22mm strips in place, draw the decking pattern as appropriate.
Note - The text at step 19 on page 13 contains a typo error, which should read: With the 303mm gauge held against frame 12, lay a plank from one end of the gauge to the centre of
frame 25 (not 24).
Repeat this with a further six planks, making a hole for the main mast in the same way as you did with the fore mast.
Then lay four rows of planks from the bow to frame 26 in the same way as you did on the portside.
Then lay two rows of planks from the bow all the way back onto frame 30 and the upper false deck at the rear of the gallery.
Repeat this on both sides of the deck.
The upper deck planking is completed in 46.
Issue 46 - Contains wood strips, grating strips, round shot, and has instruction to continue the upper deck planking and the fitting of dummy gun support beams.
Issue 47 - Contains bulwark lining strips, wood pieces to make the 'bitts', grating strips, and contains instruction for lining of the upper deck bulwarks and making the 'bitts'.
Issue 48 - Contains two 12-pounder guns, plus tackle parts for making up the gun tackle of the upper deck; and has instruction for the assembly of the deck gratings supplied at issues 43, 46 and 47.
Issue 49 - Contains two 12-pounder guns, plus a set of parts for making up the gun tackle of the upper deck; and has instruction for the fitting of the deck gratings constructed in 48.
At this point you will need to have the first 10 gun kits assembled/painted in readiness for issue 50.
Tomick attached the following image(s):